
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs


Just as I ended the broadcast to the entire world I turned towards the people in the meeting room. 

looking at them I said," I think most probably the four great nations will combine together to face us in battle so our main battle strength will be indulged in that front. Hela I want you and Minato To start defeating the Other villages who have decided to pick up weapons against us. You will take the army of Asgard to the land of Hot water and land of Snow. Meanwhile the other commanders will take on the combined army of the four great Shinobi villages if my predictions are correct then the village of rain will also join forces with the four great villages. So I will need my army to concentrate our firepower there. I will not be actively participating in this war because if I do it will not be much of a war. So the chain of command will be handed over to Kaguya and after that Harshirama. If both of them are unavailable then Odin will be the one who will lead the army. You will have access to the entirety of the Uchiha Clan the Uzumaki clan and the shadow forces. Our main targets will be the Kages and And other important people of the villages. If we can strike down the most powerful one of them then the army will scatter. I do not need a complete massacre but I need to make sure that this war is remembered by everyone. I need you to make sure that people will not forget what happens when they choose violence over peace. The details of your posting will be given shortly and I will also mention who each of you will concentrate on. Tobirama You will be the one who will handle your students. They will try to convince both you and your brother that I have somehow brainwashed you, I am sure they will but at the end of the day I want them dead. I will join you after I deal with the Land of Sky. That is all for now" 

After the meeting ended and the people went on with their daily work, I called the team of 20 High Ranked Otsutsukis from my Shadow." You guys will be responsible for the protection of the civilians who will travel from all over the world to the country of Earth. If anyone tries to intercept them or Kill them you have a permission to kill. do not show mercy. I do not want a single civilian dead in this war. am I understood?"

" Yes sir" 

After that They scattered from the room to attend to their duties. I got up from my seat and went towards my house. There is a lot to plan.....

In the land of Iron a summit was being Held. All the countries who had decided to go to war were called to the summit to decide their future course of action. There were only nine days left and the situation had already started to go down the drain.

The participants were the Hokage (Hiruzen Sarutobi) of Konohagakure (Land of Fire), Raikage (A) of Kumogakure (Land of Lightning), Mizukage (Yagura) of Kirigakure (Land of Water), Kazekage (Third) of Sunagakure (Land of Wind), Otokage of Otogakure (Land of Sound), Leader of Amegakure (Hanzo the Salamander), Kusakage (Shibuki) of Kusagakure (Land of Grass), Takikage of Takigakure (Land of Waterfall), Yugakage of Yugakure (Land of Hot Water), Mifune Leader of the Samurai (Land of Iron), Daimyo of the Land of Snow, Leader of the Land of Sky

Mifune: [Striking his staff on the floor] "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. We face a threat unlike any other. Lucifer's Army of Shadow Soldiers, along with legends from our history, now threaten the world."

Hiruzen Sarutobi: "We have all fought many battles, but this is unprecedented. The combined might of Hashirama, Tobirama, Kaguya, Mito, and Odin is too great for any one village or country to handle alone."

A: "Agreed. The Land of Lightning and Kumogakure are prepared to deploy our forces, but we must coordinate our efforts. Fighting separately will only lead to our downfall."

Yagura: "Kirigakure stands with you. The Mizukage will not allow the Mist to be consumed by shadows. We need a united front."

Third Kazekage: "Sunagakure's resources are at your disposal. We must develop strategies that utilize each village's strengths. The desert sands of Suna are ready to aid our allies."

Otokage: "The Land of Sound will contribute our experimental jutsu and unique techniques. I have knowledge that could prove invaluable against these enemies."

Hanzo: "Amegakure will join this alliance. We have fought in the shadows for long enough. It is time to bring the fight to them."

Shibuki: "Kusagakure's warriors are ready. We must share intelligence and plan our attacks carefully to avoid unnecessary losses."

Takikage: "The Land of Waterfall will offer our elite shinobi. We have techniques that can disrupt even the most formidable foes."

Yugakage: "Yugakure's hot springs have always been a place of peace. We will fight to preserve that peace by any means necessary."

Mifune: "The samurai of the Land of Iron will serve as the backbone of this alliance. Our blades are sharp and our resolve sharper."

Daimyo of the Land of Snow: "The Land of Snow brings advanced technology and specialized troops. Our cold steel will aid in this fight."

Leader of the Land of Sky: "The Land of Sky will provide aerial support and reconnaissance. Our forces will ensure that the enemy finds no safe haven."

Hiruzen Sarutobi: "To defeat Lucifer and his Army of Shadow Soldiers, we must act as one. Each village, each land, will contribute what they can. Our enemy is powerful, but united, we are stronger."

A: "We should establish a joint command center to oversee our operations and ensure seamless communication between all forces."

Yagura: "Agreed. And we must be ready to adapt our strategies as the battle evolves. Information sharing will be critical."

Kazekage: "We should also consider forming special task forces composed of members from different villages, combining our unique skills and abilities."

Otokage: "I suggest we conduct joint training exercises immediately. Time is short, and we need to be synchronized in our efforts."

Hanzo: "And we must have contingencies in place. If one village falls, the others must be ready to respond without hesitation."

Shibuki: "Agreed. We cannot afford to lose any ground. Every village, every shinobi, must be prepared to give their all."

Takikage: "Then it's settled. We unite our forces, our resources, and our will. Together, we will face this darkness and emerge victorious."

Yugakage: "For the sake of our future, we must stand united. The bonds we forge here will determine the fate of our world."

Mifune: "May our blades be sharp, our jutsu powerful, and our hearts resolute. We fight not just for our lands, but for the future of all shinobi."

Hiruzen Sarutobi: "For the world. For peace. For the future. We stand united."

A: I Know the Jinchurikis will play a crucial Role in this war. Kumo has The two and Eight tails. What about the rest of you?"

Yagura: I am the three tails Jinchuriki. The six tails is also there in Kiri.

Takikage: We have the seven tails.

Kazekage : We will bring the one tails.

A : Iwa who has backed out of this has hold of the Five and Six tails. Hokage Do you have the nine tails?"

Hiruzen: No. When Lady Mito was taken by lucifer the nine tails was still sealed within her.

A: So we only have Six tailed beasts while they have one. If iwa joins them in this war then they will have three. Well the odds are in our favour for now, I suppose.

Hiruzen: yes For now lets focus on what we have rather than what we want. We have to win this war. For the future of the world.

All: For the World. 

Just as everybody expected thousands of civilians who did not wanted to be casualty in the war started to move towards Iwa. It seemed that the tsuchikage had predicted this beforehand and had started to make preparations. As Lucifer promised there was not a single civilian harmed when moving from all over the world. Although there were bandits but somehow a miracle happened when every bandit camp in the vicinities were destroyed.

Day by day the tension grew in the air. The nations had gathered together and were preparing to defend their own country with all their worth.

10 days have passed. The villages have prepared the best they could. 60,000 Shinobis and 10 thousand samurai are going to participate in this battle. The Shinobis have been divided into 6 groups. The first group from konoha was being led by Danzo. The second group led by the Raikage himself. The third group was led by Yagura ,The mizukage. The fourth group was being lead by Hanzo of the salamander. Fifth group was headed by The third Kazekage. The last group was headed by the third Hokage , Hiruzen Sarutobi.

The samurai were leaded by Mifune.

Standing on a platform from where everyone can see them, the commanders were standing in front of the entire army.

Hiruzen stepped forwards and said, " Today we face a difficult opponent. The people we are about to face today are formidable but we will find a way to persevere. We will not be defeated by the likes of a man who thinks that the world will bend to his will just because he said so. Many of us will die today, but we will not be Shinobi who died in a war. We will be heroes who gave their lives for the future generations to come."

A huge roar came from the crowd standing below. The commanders were well aware of the bullshit that Hiruzen spoke but seeing the crowd motivated they did not intervene.

" Let's go to war!!!!" The crowd shouted.

Meanwhile The Asguardian Army with Hela and Minato had begun their move. They had started their march from the Land of Hot water. It took them around One Hour to bring down the entire village there. The only thing they found was some cult of a guy named Jashin but no sign of the guy himself. Well after the first hour of being attacked the Daimyo gave up resisting and joined the Alliance. I was in the meantime flying over the Land of Sky. 

The Land of Sky is a hidden and mysterious nation known for its advanced aerial technology and floating fortresses. Unlike other lands, it thrives in secrecy, often using air-based tactics and stealth to evade detection. Its architecture is a blend of traditional and futuristic elements, with structures suspended in the air, connected by bridges and platforms. The inhabitants are skilled in unique chakra techniques and aviation, making them formidable opponents.

" Should I introduce myself or should I just wipe them out?" I thought to myself " Okay I will give them 5 minutes to see if they are worth the trouble?"

Unleashing My aura I waited for five minutes to see the shinobis running like headless chicken to figure out the source of the chakra aura. Seeing no progress I was disappointed.

" You guys are not worth the trouble." I thought in a sad voice. 

Creating a miniature arrow made of nuclear chakra I shooted it at the landmass and watched the fireworks. ' BOOM BOOM BOOM ' it took around six to seven minutes for the jutsu to die down and the entire landmass to disappear. " Well that's all done with." I said, planning to return to the moon.

on the other side of the map the battle of the armies had begun. 70 thousand shinobi and samurai vs the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan along with my Shadow army. 

Tobirama had decided to take on Danzo first before moving on to Hiruzen. Hashirama was fighting with Hanzo in a 1V1 duel. Tsunade and Jiraiya took on Orochimaru. Odin took on the Third Kazekage and Sasori who had yet to defect from Suna. Kushina and Mikoto took on Yagura. The shadow of the Third Raikage faced his son in battle. And for the moment Hiruzen was kept busy by Mito and Fugaku. Sakumo faced off against Mifune.


The dense forest was shrouded in an eerie silence as Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, stood facing Danzo Shimura. The air crackled with tension, both men understanding the gravity of this confrontation. Tobirama's white hair glinted in the fading sunlight, his eyes sharp and focused, while Danzo's single visible eye burned with determination and cunning.

"Danzo," Tobirama began, his voice calm but authoritative. "Your ambition has led you astray. This ends now."

Danzo sneered, his bandaged arm shifting slightly. "You underestimate me, Tobirama. The Will of Fire demands sacrifices, and I will do whatever it takes to protect the Leaf, even from you."

Without another word, Danzo's hand flashed, and a swarm of wind blades shot toward Tobirama. But the Hokage was faster, his hands weaving through a series of seals.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

A massive dragon made of water surged from the ground, crashing into the wind blades and neutralizing them. Danzo leaped to the side, avoiding the remnants of the attack, and activated his Sharingan, seeking an opening.

Tobirama pressed his advantage, vanishing and reappearing behind Danzo with a Body Flicker Technique. His kunai sliced through the air, aimed at Danzo's back. But Danzo was prepared, his Sharingan predicting the move. He twisted, using a substitution jutsu at the last moment, leaving a log in his place.

Reappearing a few meters away, Danzo quickly activated Izanagi, the forbidden technique that allowed him to manipulate reality at the cost of his Sharingan eyes. He charged at Tobirama, who had anticipated this and was already forming another set of hand seals.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Multiple clones of Tobirama sprang into existence, surrounding Danzo. Each clone engaged him, forcing Danzo to expend precious seconds and chakra to fend them off. The real Tobirama stood back, observing, waiting for the moment when Izanagi's effect would wear off.

As Danzo destroyed the last clone, a shuriken embedded itself in his arm. He grimaced, looking up to see Tobirama forming another jutsu.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

In an instant, Tobirama was upon him, his blade infused with chakra, slicing through Danzo's defenses. Blood sprayed as Danzo staggered back, his Sharingan eye widening in shock.

"How...?" Danzo gasped, clutching his chest where Tobirama's blade had struck deep.

"I anticipated your use of Izanagi," Tobirama said coldly. "It was just a matter of time."

Danzo's eye fluttered, his vision blurring as he fell to his knees. He tried to speak, but blood filled his mouth. Tobirama watched as the life drained from Danzo's eyes, the last vestiges of the forbidden jutsu fading away.

With Danzo's death, the forest seemed to exhale, the tension dissipating. Tobirama stood over the fallen shinobi, a mixture of regret and resolve in his expression. "May your soul find peace, Danzo. Your ambition will no longer threaten the village."

With this the battle of the Student and teacher ended with the teacher emerging victorious.Setting his sight on the battlefield he said, " Now then, Where are you Hiruzen?"


The sky above darkened as Odin, the Norse god of war and wisdom, descended upon the battlefield, his presence casting a long shadow over the desert landscape. His one remaining eye, sharp and all-seeing, scanned the area, settling on his opponents: the Third Kazekage and Sasori of the Red Sand.

The Third Kazekage, renowned for his control over Iron Sand, stood ready, his iron sand swirling ominously around him. Beside him, Sasori, the master puppeteer, summoned his most fearsome creations, preparing for the battle ahead.

Odin's voice boomed across the battlefield. "You face Odin, Allfather of Asgard. Prepare yourselves."

Without warning, the Kazekage sent a torrent of iron sand hurtling toward Odin, forming deadly spikes in mid-air. Odin raised his spear, Gungnir, and with a swift motion, unleashed a wave of divine energy that shattered the iron sand attack, scattering it harmlessly.

Sasori's fingers twitched, and his puppet army sprang to life, swarming toward Odin from all directions. With a flick of his wrist, Odin summoned a gust of wind, sending the puppets flying. His eye then locked onto Sasori.

"You hide behind puppets, mortal. Face me yourself!"

Sasori smirked, his body unraveling to reveal his true puppet form, Hiruko. Poison-tipped needles shot out from his mouth, aiming straight at Odin. The god of war raised his spear again, deflecting the needles with ease. In a blur of motion, Odin closed the distance, smashing through Hiruko's shell and forcing Sasori to retreat, revealing his human-puppet form.

Meanwhile, the Third Kazekage manipulated his iron sand into massive constructs, attempting to crush Odin. But the Allfather's strength was unmatched. He summoned a thunderstorm, lightning bolts crashing down and vaporizing the iron constructs.

"Enough!" Odin's voice thundered as he channeled his divine power. "You will fall before me!"

With a powerful leap, Odin closed in on the Kazekage. The Iron Sand formed a shield, but Gungnir, imbued with Odin's godly might, pierced through it effortlessly. The Kazekage's eyes widened in shock as the spear impaled him, lifting him off the ground. With a final surge of power, Odin unleashed a devastating lightning strike through Gungnir, incinerating the Kazekage and leaving nothing but ash.

Sasori watched in horror, realizing the battle was lost. His eyes flickered with determination as he activated his final ace. Summoning the IRON SAND puppet, he launched an all-out assault, iron sand clashing with Odin's defenses. But the god's power was overwhelming.

Odin moved with lightning speed, dismantling the puppet with precise strikes. He closed in on Sasori, knocking him to the ground. As Odin prepared to deliver the final blow, Sasori's survival instincts kicked in. He released a cloud of poison gas and detonated a series of explosive tags, creating a smokescreen.

When the smoke cleared, Sasori was gone, having fled into the desert, his pride shattered but his life intact.

Odin stood amidst the wreckage, victorious. He looked toward the horizon where Sasori had fled, a warning in his voice. "Run while you can. Should you cross my path again, you will not escape."

With the battle over, Odin turned and walked away, leaving behind the ruins of his foes, a testament to his might and the unchallenged power of the Allfather.


Tsunade and Jiraiya, two of the legendary Sannin, stood ready, their expressions hardened with determination. Across from them, Orochimaru, their former comrade turned traitor, sneered, his serpentine eyes glinting with malice.

"Tsunade, Jiraiya," Orochimaru hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "It's been too long. Are you here to stop me? You should know by now that it's futile."

"Orochimaru," Tsunade replied, her fists clenched. "You've caused enough harm. This ends now."

Jiraiya nodded, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness. "We've let you run rampant for too long, Orochimaru. Time to pay the price."

Orochimaru's smirk widened. "Very well, then. Let's see if you two still have what it takes."

With a swift motion, Orochimaru summoned a massive snake, its scales glinting menacingly. The serpent lunged at Tsunade, its fangs bared. Tsunade met the attack head-on, her monstrous strength sending the snake crashing to the ground with a single punch.

"Jiraiya!" she shouted, "Let's go!"

Jiraiya formed a series of hand seals, summoning a toad from Mount Myoboku. The toad, Gamabunta, towered over the battlefield, brandishing a massive blade. Jiraiya leapt onto Gamabunta's head, channeling his chakra.

"Toad Oil Flame Bullet!" Jiraiya shouted, combining his fire release with Gamabunta's oil. A massive torrent of fire surged toward Orochimaru, forcing him to leap back, barely avoiding the searing flames.

"Is that all?" Orochimaru taunted, but his grin faltered when he saw Tsunade charging at him. She moved with incredible speed, her fists glowing with chakra. Orochimaru tried to counter with his Kusanagi sword, but Tsunade's strength was overwhelming. Each of her punches sent shockwaves through the air, and Orochimaru found himself on the defensive.

"You're strong, Tsunade," Orochimaru admitted, blocking another punch with his sword. "But strength alone won't defeat me!"

He summoned a swarm of snakes, each one armed with a deadly venom. The snakes lunged at Tsunade, but she deftly evaded them, smashing through their ranks with ease. Jiraiya, still atop Gamabunta, launched another attack.

"Water Release: Toad Water Pistol!" A high-pressure stream of water shot from Gamabunta's mouth, striking Orochimaru and sending him tumbling backward.

Orochimaru snarled, realizing he was being overwhelmed. He attempted to summon more serpents, but Tsunade was relentless. She closed the distance between them, her fist crashing into his chest with a thunderous impact. Orochimaru coughed up blood, his vision blurring.

"This is the end, Orochimaru," Tsunade said, her voice filled with resolve.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed. "Not yet."

With a swift motion, he formed a hand seal and began to sink into the ground. "Reverse Summoning Jutsu!"

"No, you don't!" Jiraiya shouted, launching himself from Gamabunta and attempting to grab Orochimaru. But it was too late. Orochimaru's form dissolved, and in an instant, he was gone, leaving only a lingering sense of his malevolent presence.

The battlefield fell silent, the echoes of the battle slowly fading away. Tsunade and Jiraiya stood together, breathing heavily but victorious.

"He escaped," Tsunade muttered, frustration evident in her voice.

Jiraiya nodded. "But he's wounded. He won't be a threat for a while."

Tsunade sighed, looking at the spot where Orochimaru had vanished. "Next time, he won't be so lucky."

" It was good to see him after such a long time" Jiraiya said, all seriousness gone.

" Yeah. Too bad the next time we meet we would have to kill him." Tsunade replied.

The remaining sanins returned to the Battlefield, their eyes gleaming to see their wayward friend again.

Kushina and Mikoto Vs Yagura

 Kushina Uzumaki and Mikoto Uchiha, two formidable kunoichi, faced their opponent, Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage. The air crackled with tension as the three warriors stood ready, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of determination and resolve.

Kushina's fiery red hair billowed in the wind as she unleashed the power of her Kurama Chakra Mode, her aura pulsating with raw energy. Mikoto, her Sharingan ablaze with the eternal Mangekyou, stood by her side, her black hair swirling around her like a tempest.

Yagura, his gaze cold and calculating, surveyed his opponents with an air of superiority. As the Jinchuriki of the Three-Tails, he possessed immense power and control over water-based techniques, making him a formidable adversary.

"Yagura," Kushina called out, her voice steely with determination. "Give up this madness and Join us in the pursuit of peace. It's not too late. "

Yagura chuckled darkly, his eyes narrowing. "Foolish shinobi. You underestimate the power of the Mizukage. Prepare to meet your demise."

With a swift motion, Yagura surged forward, his movements fluid like water. He unleashed a torrent of water dragons, each one crashing toward Kushina and Mikoto with deadly precision. But the two kunoichi were ready.

Kushina leaped into the air, her Kurama Chakra Mode enhancing her speed and agility. She spun gracefully, her chakra-infused fists colliding with the water dragons, dispersing them with bursts of energy. Meanwhile, Mikoto activated her Sharingan, predicting the trajectory of the attacks with uncanny accuracy. With a series of swift hand seals, she summoned a barrier of lightning, deflecting the remaining water dragons away from them.

Yagura's eyes widened in surprise at their coordinated counterattack. But he wasted no time, forming a series of hand seals and summoning a colossal wave that surged toward them with unstoppable force. Kushina and Mikoto exchanged a determined glance before springing into action.

Mikoto unleashed a barrage of Amaterasu flames, engulfing the wave in dark, unquenchable fire. The flames roared and hissed, but Yagura's water manipulation was relentless. He twisted the currents, redirecting the fiery onslaught away from him and toward the surrounding landscape.

Meanwhile, Kushina tapped into the full power of her Kurama Chakra Mode, her aura blazing with intensity. With a mighty roar, she unleashed a devastating barrage of chakra-infused punches, each strike carrying the force of a raging beast. The ground trembled beneath her onslaught as she advanced toward Yagura with unwavering determination.

Yagura, realizing he was being pushed back, gritted his teeth and unleashed a powerful water vortex, aiming to engulf both Kushina and Mikoto in its watery embrace. But the two kunoichi refused to yield.

Mikoto activated her Susanoo, summoning the ethereal guardian of the Uchiha clan. The massive skeletal warrior materialized behind her, its armor glowing with crackling lightning. With a swing of its sword, Susanoo cleaved through the water vortex, dispersing it with ease.

Seizing the opportunity, Kushina closed the distance between them in a blur of motion. With a fierce battle cry, she unleashed a barrage of devastating blows upon Yagura, each strike fueled by the untamed fury of the Nine-Tails.

Yagura fought back with all his might, his water-based techniques weaving a complex web of defense around him. But Kushina's relentless assault was relentless, her chakra-infused punches breaking through his defenses with sheer brute force.

Mikoto, her Sharingan ablaze with determination, joined the fray, her Susanoo launching a barrage of lightning-infused arrows at Yagura from afar. The Fourth Mizukage found himself overwhelmed by their combined onslaught, his defenses crumbling under the relentless assault.

With a final, earth-shattering punch, Kushina unleashed the full fury of her Kurama Chakra Mode, sending Yagura hurtling backward with incredible force. The Fourth Mizukage crashed to the ground, his body battered and broken.

As Yagura struggled to rise, Kushina and Mikoto stood before him, their eyes blazing with triumph. With a swift motion, Kushina summoned her chakra chains, binding Yagura in place, ensuring he could not escape.

"It's over, Yagura," Kushina said, her voice firm. "Your reign ends here."

Yagura glared up at them, his gaze filled with defiance. "You may have defeated me, but the power of the Mizukage will live on. You cannot stop the tide of chaos that I have unleashed."

With a final surge of strength, Yagura attempted to break free from the chakra chains, but it was futile. His body slumped to the ground, his eyes growing dim as the light of life faded from them.

Kushina and Mikoto exchanged a solemn glance before turning away from their fallen foe. The battle may have been won, but the scars of war would linger on, a reminder of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of peace.

Third RAIKAGE VS Fouth Raikage

 The air crackled with tension as the Shadow of the Third Raikage faced off against the real Fourth Raikage, A, the Lightning Release Armor coursing with power around his muscular frame.

The Shadow of the Third Raikage, a spectral manifestation of the late legendary shinobi, stood before A, its eyes gleaming with malice and its form wreathed in darkness. It mirrored the strength and prowess of its living counterpart, a formidable opponent indeed.

A, his resolve unwavering, stared down his spectral doppelganger. "You may bear the likeness of my predecessor, but you are not him. I will not hold back."

The Shadow of the Third Raikage chuckled darkly, its voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance. "Foolish boy. You think you can best me? even though I am your father I will not hold back. Prepare to be vanquished."

With lightning speed, A charged forward, his movements a blur as he closed the distance between them in an instant. His Lightning Release Armor crackled with energy, enhancing his already formidable speed and strength.

The Shadow of the Third Raikage met his charge head-on, its movements fluid and precise. It countered A's strikes with equal ferocity, its dark claws slashing through the air with deadly accuracy.

A's fists collided with the shadowy form, each blow delivering a powerful shockwave that reverberated through the battlefield. But the Shadow of the Third Raikage seemed unfazed, its dark aura pulsating with malevolent energy.

As the battle raged on, A's Lightning Release Armor began to flicker, the strain of the intense combat taking its toll on his chakra reserves. But he refused to back down, his determination unyielding.

With a roar of defiance, A unleashed his most powerful technique: the Lightning Release: Thunderbolt. Bolts of lightning crackled around him, converging into a devastating sphere of pure electrical energy.

The Shadow of the Third Raikage sensed the impending danger and attempted to evade, but it was too slow. The Thunderbolt struck true, engulfing the shadowy form in a blinding explosion of light and sound.

When the dust settled, A stood victorious, his Lightning Release Armor dissipating as he panted heavily, the toll of the battle evident on his exhausted form. The Shadow of the Third Raikage lay defeated at his feet, its dark aura fading into nothingness.

As A caught his breath, he looked down at the vanquished shadow, a sense of closure washing over him. "Rest in peace, Father" he murmured, paying homage to the memory of the legendary Third Raikage.

A turned around and left for the main battlefield never seeing the shadow being reconstructed and reformed where it exploded a few minutes ago.

" Foolish boy. You truly have surpassed me. I am proud of you My son" A tear drop fell from the purple eyes of the man, a testament to the love and affection of a father. He did not follow his son, rather focused on the battlefield. His son can wait for his turn the next time.


The clash between Mito Uzumaki, Fugaku Uchiha, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sent shockwaves through the battlefield. The air crackled with tension as the three legendary shinobi faced off in a battle of skill, strategy, and sheer determination.

Mito, her red hair billowing in the wind, stood poised and ready, her chakra pulsating with a fierce intensity. Though not a Jinchuriki, her mastery of Uzumaki sealing techniques and her formidable taijutsu skills made her a force to be reckoned with. Beside her, Fugaku Uchiha, his Sharingan blazing with the eternal Mangekyou, exuded an aura of overwhelming power.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the revered Third Hokage, faced his former comrades with a calm determination, his wrinkled face betraying none of the exhaustion he felt. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the battle ahead.

Mito and Fugaku exchanged a brief nod before launching their coordinated assault. Fugaku's Sharingan whirled as he unleashed a barrage of genjutsu, attempting to ensnare Hiruzen in a web of illusion. But the Third Hokage was not so easily deceived. With a series of hand seals, he dispelled the genjutsu with a burst of chakra, his focus unwavering.

Meanwhile, Mito closed the distance with blinding speed, her fists crackling with chakra. She unleashed a flurry of taijutsu strikes, each blow aimed with deadly precision. Hiruzen dodged and weaved through her attacks, his years of experience serving him well as he countered with his own formidable taijutsu.

Fugaku, seeing an opening, launched a barrage of Amaterasu flames at Hiruzen, the black flames engulfing the battlefield in an inferno of darkness. But the Third Hokage's reflexes were lightning-fast. With a swift motion, he summoned a wall of earth, deflecting the flames away from him and Mito.

The battle raged on, each shinobi pushing themselves to their limits. Mito and Fugaku's coordinated attacks tested Hiruzen's defenses, while the Third Hokage's strategic prowess kept them on their toes.

As the battle reached its climax, Hiruzen knew he had to act fast. With a burst of speed, he closed the distance between himself and Fugaku, his staff crackling with wind chakra. Fugaku attempted to counter with his Susanoo, but it was too late.

With a powerful swing of his staff, Hiruzen unleashed the Wind Release: Divine Swirling Wind, a devastating tornado of chakra that tore through Fugaku's defenses with unstoppable force. The Susanoo shattered like glass, dissipating into thin air as Fugaku was sent hurtling backward.

Meanwhile, Mito launched herself at Hiruzen with renewed ferocity, her chakra-infused fists a blur of motion. But the Third Hokage was prepared. With a series of swift hand seals, he summoned a barrier of earth, blocking Mito's attacks and giving himself a momentary respite.

As the dust settled, all three shinobi stood panting, their bodies battered and bruised from the intense battle. Despite their exhaustion, none of them showed any signs of giving up.

In the end, it was Hiruzen Sarutobi who emerged victorious, his strategic brilliance and unwavering determination carrying him through to the end. But the battle had taken its toll, and as Hiruzen looked at his former comrades, he couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for their strength and resilience.

With a weary smile, Hiruzen extended a hand to Mito and Fugaku. "Well fought," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "Let us put aside our differences and work together to protect the village we all hold dear."

But before he could say anything else someone appeared beside Mito in a white Flash. It was none other than Tobirama Senju. Seeing his teacher Hiruzen knew that the situation got more difficult. He thought he could entice Fugaku with the position of Hokage but mito was a wild card. And now Tobirama is here. No use of enticing Fugaku anymore, the battle of his life is about to start.

" I take it you would not listen to anything I have to say?" Hiruzen said to tobirama

" No. I might have listened if you upheld the values I taught you, but not anymore." Tobirama replied with his stoic face.

Turning towards the other two present he said, " Don't interfere. I will do this alone."

The two legendary shinobi faced off in a battle that would echo through the annals of history. Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, stood poised and ready, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of determination.

Tobirama, with his trademark white hair and stern expression, exuded an air of unwavering resolve. Beside him, Hiruzen, his weathered face betraying none of the years he carried, emanated a quiet strength born from decades of experience.

The clash of their chakra reverberated through the air as they launched into action. Tobirama moved first, his hands weaving through a series of hand seals with practiced precision.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" Tobirama's voice echoed as a massive dragon made of water surged forth, hurtling toward Hiruzen with unstoppable force.

Hiruzen reacted swiftly, his own hands dancing through the air in a blur of motion. "Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!" With a surge of chakra, a wall of earth erupted from the ground, intercepting the Water Dragon and halting its advance.

But Tobirama was relentless. With another series of hand seals, he summoned a swirling vortex of water, the Water Release: Water Formation Pillar. The pillar rose up from the ground, trapping Hiruzen within its watery embrace.

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed as he focused his chakra, his mind racing for a way out of Tobirama's relentless assault. With a burst of wind chakra, he summoned a swirling vortex of his own, the Wind Release: Great Breakthrough. The winds clashed against the water pillar, creating a tumultuous storm of elemental energy.

But Tobirama was not finished yet. With a decisive motion, he unleashed his most powerful technique: the Water Release: Water Dragon Missile. A barrage of razor-sharp water needles shot forth from the water pillar, homing in on Hiruzen with deadly accuracy.

Hiruzen's heart pounded as he faced the onslaught, his mind racing for a way to turn the tide. With a surge of willpower, he summoned the strength to counterattack. "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!" he shouted, unleashing a massive wave of fire that clashed against the water needles, creating a steamy haze that obscured the battlefield.

As the steam cleared, Tobirama's eyes widened in surprise. Hiruzen stood before him, his hands wreathed in flames, his determination burning brighter than ever.

But Tobirama was not one to be caught off guard. With a swift motion, he summoned a surge of water from beneath Hiruzen's feet, trapping him in a watery prison.

Hiruzen struggled against his confines, his chakra flickering as he fought to break free. But Tobirama's water prison was unyielding, its grip tightening with each passing moment.

With a final surge of determination, Tobirama unleashed a torrent of water, engulfing Hiruzen in a wave of crushing force. The water churned and roared, swallowing him whole.

And as the waters settled, Tobirama stood victorious, his breath heavy but his resolve unwavering. The battle may have been won, but the cost weighed heavy on his heart.

With a heavy sigh, Tobirama turned and made his way back to Mito and Fugaku." Let's go back to the battlefield." With a nod they made their way into the battlefield.

Sakumo vs Mifune

In the heart of a desolate battlefield, two legendary warriors faced off under the watchful gaze of the moon. Sakumo Hatake, the White Fang, and Mifune, the esteemed samurai lord, stood poised and ready, their weapons gleaming in the moonlight.

Sakumo, with his silver hair and fierce demeanor, exuded an air of quiet confidence. Beside him, Mifune, clad in his traditional samurai armor, emanated an aura of stoic determination.

"Are you prepared, Sakumo Hatake?" Mifune's voice echoed across the battlefield, his eyes locked on his opponent.

Sakumo nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I am ready, Mifune. Let us settle this with honor."

With a silent understanding, the two warriors launched into action. Sakumo blurred into motion, his movements fluid and precise as he closed the distance between them with lightning speed.

Mifune met his charge head-on, his katana flashing in the moonlight as he countered Sakumo's strikes with skillful precision. The clash of their blades echoed through the night, each strike a testament to their unparalleled mastery of the sword.

Sakumo's eyes narrowed as he pressed his attack, his movements a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of strikes upon Mifune. But the samurai lord was unfazed, his defenses holding strong against the onslaught.

With a swift motion, Mifune countered Sakumo's assault, his katana slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. Sakumo dodged and weaved through the strikes, his instincts honed by years of combat experience.

The battle raged on, each warrior pushing themselves to their limits in a relentless dance of blades. Sakumo's strikes were swift and precise, while Mifune's defenses were unyielding, his resolve unwavering.

As the battle reached its climax, Sakumo launched into a series of intricate hand seals, channeling his chakra into his blade. With a surge of power, he unleashed his signature technique: the White Light Chakra Sabre.

The air crackled with energy as Sakumo's blade sliced through the night, hurtling toward Mifune with blinding speed. Mifune's eyes widened in surprise, but he reacted swiftly, his katana intercepting the attack with a resounding clash.

The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, the ground trembling beneath their feet. For a moment, the two warriors stood locked in a fierce struggle, their blades locked in a deadlock of sheer power.

But Sakumo refused to yield. With a surge of determination, he poured more chakra into his blade, pushing against Mifune with all his might. Slowly but surely, he began to gain the upper hand, his blade inching closer and closer to Mifune's throat.

Mifune gritted his teeth, his muscles straining against the force of Sakumo's assault. With a surge of willpower, he summoned his remaining strength, pushing back against Sakumo with all his might.

With a mighty roar, Mifune unleashed his own technique: the Thousand Strikes of the Samurai. His katana blurred into motion, a whirlwind of slashes that tore through the air with incredible speed and precision.

Sakumo's eyes widened in surprise as he found himself on the defensive, forced to dodge and weave through Mifune's relentless assault. Each strike came with blinding speed, leaving no room for error.

But Sakumo was not one to be defeated so easily. With a burst of speed, he launched into a counterattack, his blade flashing with blinding intensity as he unleashed a barrage of strikes upon Mifune.

The two warriors clashed with unmatched ferocity, their blades singing through the air as they fought with all their might. Each strike echoed through the night, a testament to their unparalleled skill and determination.

As the battle raged on, the Sun hung high in the sky, casting a radient glow over the battlefield. And amidst the chaos and carnage, Sakumo and Mifune fought on, their blades clashing in a symphony of steel and chakra.

" I see now why you did not join the Allience. Your pride as a samurai Lord will never let you do it." Sakumo said.

" You are correct. and for it to stay that way I need to kill you." Mifune said

" We will see about that." Sakumo replied enjoying the battle.

Sakumo moved first, his movements fluid and precise as he closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye. With a swift motion, he unsheathed his tanto, the blade humming with latent chakra as he struck with lightning speed.

Mifune, his reflexes honed through years of training, met Sakumo's attack head-on. With a graceful motion, he drew his katana, the blade singing through the air as it intercepted Sakumo's strike with a resounding clash.

The two warriors locked blades, their strength and skill evenly matched as they danced across the battlefield in a deadly duel of steel and willpower.

Sakumo's eyes narrowed as he pressed his assault, his movements a blur of speed and precision. With each strike, he tested Mifune's defenses, probing for weaknesses in his opponent's guard.

But Mifune was no ordinary adversary. With a masterful display of swordsmanship, he countered Sakumo's attacks with effortless grace, his blade weaving through the air with deadly accuracy.

The battle raged on, neither warrior willing to yield an inch in their relentless pursuit of victory. With each clash of steel, the ground trembled beneath their feet, the echoes of their duel reverberating through the night air.

As the battle reached its climax, Sakumo's resolve hardened. With a surge of chakra, he unleashed his signature technique: the White Light Chakra Sabre. A blade of pure chakra materialized in his hand, its radiant glow illuminating the darkness with blinding intensity.

Mifune's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Sakumo's formidable technique. With a swift motion, he braced himself for the incoming attack, his katana held at the ready.

With a fierce battle cry, Sakumo surged forward, his chakra sabre cutting through the air with unstoppable force. Mifune met his charge head-on, his katana blazing with an ethereal light as he prepared to counter.

But in the heat of the moment, disaster struck.

A sudden tremor rippled through the ground, catching both warriors off guard. Before they could react, a massive fissure erupted beneath their feet, swallowing them whole in a maelstrom of chaos and destruction.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded away, only one figure emerged from the wreckage: Sakumo Hatake, battered and bruised but victorious.

With a heavy heart, he surveyed the battlefield, his gaze falling upon the fallen form of Mifune, his worthy adversary. Despite their fierce clash, Sakumo felt a pang of regret at the loss of such a skilled warrior.

But in war, there could be no mercy.

With a final, solemn bow to his fallen foe, Sakumo turned and disappeared into the battlefield, leaving behind the remnants of their battle as a testament to the strength and sacrifice of those who dared to face him in combat.


The air was heavy with tension as two legends stood poised for battle. Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, and Hanzo of the Salamander, the former leader of the Village of Rain, faced each other on a desolate battlefield, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of determination.

Hashirama, with his distinctive spiky hair and calm demeanor, exuded an aura of indomitable strength. His eyes, like pools of deep water, betrayed a wisdom that came from years of experience and countless battles.

Hanzo, the Salamander, clad in his traditional samurai armor adorned with the symbol of the Rain Village, radiated an air of deadly confidence. His eyes, sharp and calculating, spoke of a cunning intellect honed through years of political intrigue and martial prowess.

With a flicker of movement, the battle began.

Hashirama moved first, his movements fluid and graceful as he closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye. With a surge of chakra, he summoned a towering forest of trees, their branches reaching toward the sky like grasping claws.

Hanzo met his assault with a fierce determination, his katana gleaming in the sunlight as he charged forward to meet Hashirama's attack head-on. With a series of precise slashes, he cleaved through the branches of the forest, carving a path toward his opponent.

The two warriors clashed in a whirlwind of steel and fury, their blades ringing out like thunder amidst the chaos of battle. Hashirama's Wood Release techniques clashed against Hanzo's masterful swordsmanship, each blow testing the other's resolve.

But Hanzo was no ordinary adversary. With a cunning intellect and lightning-fast reflexes, he anticipated Hashirama's every move, countering with a deadly precision that left no room for error.

As the battle raged on, Hashirama's eyes narrowed in determination. With a surge of chakra, he summoned forth the true power of his Wood Release: the Thousand Hands technique. Giant wooden hands erupted from the ground, their fingers curling into fists as they closed in on Hanzo with overwhelming force.

Hanzo, undeterred by the onslaught, met Hashirama's attack with a fierce resolve. With a series of swift strikes, he carved through the wooden hands with unparalleled speed and precision, his katana flashing like a bolt of lightning in the darkness.

But Hashirama was not finished yet. With a surge of chakra, he unleashed his most powerful technique: the Wood Release: Deep Forest Emergence. The ground beneath Hanzo's feet erupted in a torrent of roots and vines, ensnaring him in a web of living wood.

Hanzo struggled against his confines, his muscles straining against the relentless grip of Hashirama's technique. But try as he might, he could not break free.

With a heavy heart, Hashirama approached his fallen foe, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and determination. "It didn't have to end like this, Hanzo," he said, his voice echoing with the weight of their shared history.

Hanzo, his breathing labored and his strength waning, looked up at Hashirama with a mixture of defiance and resignation. "In the end, the Salamander's flame was extinguished," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "But know this, Hashirama Senju. The legacy of Hanzo of the Salamander will live on in the hearts of those who dare to defy tyranny."

With those final words, Hanzo closed his eyes, his body going limp as the last vestiges of life slipped away. Hashirama bowed his head in solemn respect, honoring the fallen warrior who had fought with courage and conviction until the very end.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the wind, Hashirama stood alone on the battlefield, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dared to stand against the tide of history. And though Hanzo of the Salamander had fallen, his legacy would live on in the annals of shinobi history as a symbol of resistance and defiance. 

Within a few hours of the battle being started Danzo, Hiruzen, Hanzo, Third Kazekage, Mifune and Yagura had fallen. The Jinchurikis were also fighting but were being actively subdued by the combined might of the Uchiha clans Sharingan and the Uzumaki clan's seals. After three hours of Battle only 20,000 shinobi and 6 thousand samurai remained.

I and Kaguya appeared on the battlefield and instructed our troops to retreat. With the commanders of my army in front of them , Their kages dead and Jinchurikis captured the opposition lost their will to Fight.

" Do not throw away your lives anymore. Enough blood has been spilled and enough death has been caused. Surrender and join the Alliance so that you do not have to feel this feeling again." I said stepping forward.

Murmurs began to spread within the Army and My emotion sensing sensed relief and happiness but all of this was interrupted by a voice.

" OH! So a few years I was gone and you Insects have given out chakra to the other insects like candies." 

Looking up I saw a few faces that I did not expect to see noe.

" Momoshiki, Urashiki and Kinshiki." Kaguya said

" Ah yes I know of them." Turning my head to the Last one I said," And then there is the bitch that ran away. Are you here to get your ass kicked again , Isshiki ?" 


" We will see." I replied

Spreading My hands and activating the Communication System, I said, " People of the elemental Nations, witness this battle and etch it in your heart the reason why I want humanity to be united. I want all of humanity to fight against these fuckers, the Otsutsuki clan." 

Looking at the Four of them," Let me show you why you should not have arrived on this planet." I said with a smirk.



Aritra_99creators' thoughts