
Reborn in Solo levelling {CANCELED}

This is the story of Shaka Augustin . A man who died in his world and got reincarnated without meeting god or asking for any kind of cheat. His goal? To live peacefully but I guess fate had another in mind for him. This is a slow pace story , so if it’s not your thing don’t read it . *The cover picture isn’t mine if the owner wants me to take it off I will.

Hades09 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

New world

I have been in this world for 2 years and here's what I found out ,


Normally I'd be happy about this but I'm not since I have no cheat abilities and gates keep popping out of nowhere!

Anyway let's back up little shall we.




??:' wow I can't believe I got reincarnated, it's all cool but did I really have to become a baby'

I open my eyes again and I see a women holding me at first I thought it was my new mom but no it wasn't, the women holdin me was wearing a nurse outfit .

??:' That's weird! Isn't this supposed to be the part where they give the baby to the mother.'

So I tried to listen to the voices which was useless because for some reason they were speaking in French. I only knew a little French so it wasn't easy to understand what they were sayin.

Doctor:"Sigh , Heure du déces 13:30 ( Time of death 1:30 PM)"

Nurse : " Doctor, what should I do with the baby he doesn't have a father and his mother just died"asked the nurse she looked quite sad.

Doctor" i know it's sad but there's nothing we can do for him , take him to the nursery they'll know what to do "

The nurse looked at the doctor first then proceeded to do as he said.

Before the nurse took me away i turned a little to look at what was going on and saw the body of a woman on the bed the woman was beautiful , she had blond hair , blue eyes, but she was dead . I saw the doctor covering the body before the nurse took me away.

??:' damn , I can't believe it, first day and I'm already orphan . I don't even know her name ,sigh all I can do is thank you for birthing me and promise to live my life to the fullest.' Without even knowing it i started crying.

Nurse :" shhh, I'm sorry for your loss little guy , but don't worry I've decided to take care of you and give you the name your mother gave you before she passed away . Your name is Shaka."


There were 3 people playing inside a house in Paris . 2 women and one baby .

Shaka:' Here I am , playing with the woman who adopted me and her girlfriend ,(yes they're lesbians ). I learned that the nurse name isRaina and her girlfriend is Hailey'. Hailey is fun be with she always plays with me( btw I accepted the fact that I was a baby and acted like one ) but what I found weird was the fact she said she was a hunter , what exactly does she hunt? Anyway I put that thought in back of my head .

We were now watching a movie on tv when suddenly the movie was cut off and I saw the big {BREAKING NEWS } on tv.

Journalist:" This is Emily la Fontaine from France 24 , this is an emergency news, the hunter association just confirmed that a B level Gate has changed into a Red gate trapping 25 hunters from the Legions guild who's one of the 10 most powerful guilds in this country. The gate is in Marseille , for those who don't know a red gate is a gate that seals itself after a raiding party goes in ,and the only way to get out of a red gate is if the entire raid party is dead, the boss monster is killed , or the dungeon breaks which means the monsters come out of the gates. Our prayers are with the hunters and we hope for their victory"

Shaka:' Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!??

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