
Reborn in So I'm a spider so what Z

Hy my name is huh I can't remember my name but I know how I dead this is not fair oh well whatever I get to have a second chance in a new world this is going to be so much fun or not Ps pics are not mine and so I am a spider so what is owned by Yen Press please support the official release

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Wolf pup LV2 Skill Points: 50



MP :455/400

SP :460/400

Offense : 178

Defense : 166

Magic : 198

Resistance : 155

Speed : 180


Predator Lv1- adaption Lv1-night vision Lv2-Appraisal Lv1-Poison Claw LV1-Cooperation Lv1-Poison Resistance lv2- Bite Lv1- focus Lv1- intimidation Lv1-- dodging Lv1

'wait what the fuck are these' I say as I looked at these new skills

'when did I get this?' I asked confused as I had no idea when or where I got this, then I remembered that while I was fighting the bastards the world voice gave me a notification but I disregard it

'well to be fair I was fighting for my life so... Hmm anyway what do these skills do, I can guess but let's be sure' as I said as I noticed my tail started wagging

'I see this is going to be a problem oh well its cute and I love it' and with that I spend a good half hour playing with it and when I finally stop I realized that my tail is super sensitive 'note to self do not allow anyone to touch my tail it may as well be my only weakness' I said as I got back to what I was doing before I got distracted 'anyway what are this skills'

*focus Lv1- it's a skill that allows the user to get into a state of absolute focus user is able to use the full extent of the uses ability with absolutely control

Effects lasts for 1min

body function is halved for 3min


*Bite Lv1- the ability to bite your a enemy


* intimidation Lv1- make uesr enemy fearful or frighten enemy will get a debuff of 25% for enemies weaker then user, but it will decreased for enemies with higher stats and levels

Enemies who are 5 levels higher or enemies with an extremely high Resistance will not be affected


*Poison Claw LV1- wrap you claws in a poisonous substance that will slowly kill your enemy

Damage depends on enemy resistance


Well we could go on but those are the only skills I care about anyway let's start with goal setting hmm

'first things first I need to get strong my Stat should all at least be higher than 20000 before going outside and I should also find Kumoko and help her out so I can, you know not die in the future and besides I hate that elf bastard Potimas if I ever meet him I am going curb stomping, it's going to be amazing but that bastard has a the ability to fuck with magic so yeah, I am going to have to figure out a way to get passed that hmmm, oh well that's a problem for future me besides I have the adapt skill so I guess I be good anyways time to get moving'

I start to move forward, but I was also trying to upgrade my vision because black and white vision sucks and I miss color

I was moving forward I look around for prey, so I could start the grinning and you know... not die

'hm this is going to take my a long time oh well I've got time because I think it took kumoko year to get out of the Labyrinth so I've got a year become as powerful as possible, let's go! '

[time skip]

' ah this is so irritating it's been like 2 days and all I've seen are these Randanel bastard i and at this point I'm one hit killing them hmmn stats' I thought as I jumped forward as I ripped the head of a Randanel before slashed one in half, before I walked away

Wolf pup LV2 Skill Points: 50



MP :555/555

SP :560/354

Offense : 300

Defense : 243

Magic : 267

Resistance : 285

Speed : 340


Predator Lv2- adaption Lv2-night vision Lv6-Appraisal Lv4-Poison Claw LV3-Cooperation Lv1-Poison Resistance lv6- Bite Lv5- focus Lv3- intimidation Lv4-Poison Fang LV3- dodging Lv4

'hn and if it wasn't for the fact that I can still get something from them, I would not even bother with these bastards, huh I am actually willing to say the cursed words that must not be said or in my case think but if I see anymore of this bastard all bets are off oh and I found out that if I use my skills a lot they upgrade or increase in power and the more I am exposed to something my Resistance goes up neat right '


I stopped moving as the hair on my body stood up

' that sound that fucking sound' I thought as I growled as the ground cracked

That fuck sound, the sound has been the ban of my life in this place, but still sometimes you would find that it was something else, so I slowly turned around and immediately I felt my anger hit the breaking

'FUCK YOU ALL DON'T YOU HAVE LIVES, RATHER THAN FUCKING WITH ME' I shouted as I actived the [intimidation skill] making them stop a few feet away from me as my eyes glowed

'I don't feel like dealing with you all right now so take the bone and leave me alone' I said as we had a staring contest for a good 2 minutes and they looked at each other as if agreeing to something

'fuck you' I said as they begin to move forward slowly and then into a full sprint and what happened after that I could only describe as a blood bath as I held nothing back as I released all my anger at once and when I was done there was nothing worth eating as I rolled my shoulders as I sighed

'fuck it..... what could possibly go wrong' I said with my eyes closed and wait and wait

'huh anime and cartoons lied to me' and as I said that I heard a hissing sound but this one was different, deeper trust me I know the difference between the bastards hiss and this hiss

'finally!' I shouted as I ran to the source only to find a hole in the floor, so being the curious little pup I am I took a look and saw a giant green snake

'hm it's look strong maybe it can give me a run for my money but the question is should I hmmm' so I used Appraisal on it

Elroe Baladorado LV5 Skill Points: 0


HP 350/350

MP 100/100

SP 350/350


Offense : 320

Defense : 320

Magic : 100

Resistance : 280

Speed : 300


Poison Fang LV5 • Dragon Scales LV1 • Night Vision LV7 • Heat Perception LV4 • Poison Resistance LV5 • Cooperation Lv3

'hm it's strong enough to give me a proper fight and weak enough for me to beat with no problem' I thought as I studied it

'hmm what did you think I am some sort of battle maniac, no fuck that I'm just tired of bullying the weak' I said as my hair stood up and my eyes began to glow

'Okay time to kill... weird that it has Cooperation hm oh well ' as I said that I jumped through the hole and landed on its back and used Poison Fang I know what you think

'doesn't that giant snake have Poison Resistance LV5' well yes but it's Resistance not nullification so it still should work.. I think?

I jumped off as I stared it down, as it opened its mouth


It hissed and looked at me with those red

'hm I'm really sorry... no I'm not'

The snake opened its mouth and lunged at me in an attempt to bite me but I was able to dodge at the last second

'damn this thing is fast'

Elroe Baladorado LV5 Skill Points: 0


HP 350/340

MP 100/100

SP 350/345

'I took 10 hp and 5 sp from it, fuck this thing is going to be a problem isn't it, huh oh well let's do this-' *hissss* with that it charged at me with speed that should not be possible for a creature with no legs but anime and as such I activated Poison Claw and got ready, since we were a good distance away from each other as it got closer I ran straight for it as it opened its mouth to attack I jumped to the side and used poison claw on its eyes because going for the body would have been a waste as this thing has Dragon Scales and my bite did not do as much damage as I thought it would so create a blind spot was my best option


It hissed in pain as I looked at its stats

Elroe Baladorado LV5 Skill Points: 0

HP 350/309

MP 100/92

SP 350/300

'oh shit that must have hurt oh well this fight is not over' I said as I rush towards it from the back as it was to bust with its eye and the pain, I went for its other eye but as I got closer, I felt something moving fast towards me as I turned to see a tail and I had no time to dodge as I was hit by it and sent into a wall

'shit this thing hit like a truck' I said as I got up

Wolf pup LV2 Skill Points: 50



MP :555/540

SP :560/280

'Did this thing just do 50 hp worth of damage the fuck and I am only doing like 10 on its body and the 31 was because I want for the eyes and it does have higher Defense and those Dragon Scales just to add to the list' I thought as I looked at it as it charged forward trying to attack me but I was able to dodge its attacks

'also I must make sure this thing does not surround me or I'm a dead pup haha dead pup' I laughed as I got so space, this thing stated charging at me with that stupid speed so I also rushed it with my own speed and like last time I used poison Claw and aimed for its eye so it pull its head up high which force me to jump to get to its eye but, this was a trap because as I was mid air, it use its tail to try smack me away

But as it's tail was about to hit I used [focus] and every thing became more clear and time slowed down as I twisted my body dodging its tail and rapid fired poison claw on its under belly as I slashed at it

'hm just as planned' I said as I jumped away and looked at the number of slashes on it under belly

'you see the first few attacks told me that attacking this thing scales is useless, and the under belly of snakes is soft, so I made a plan to get it to raise its body, so I pretend to go for it's other eye knowing it would take to defend it, but it was a idiot that forgot that it's true weakness was its fucking under belly' I thought as I began to walk close to it, as it raised it head and opened its mouth

Elroe Baladorado LV5 Skill Points: 0

HP 350/55

MP 100/80

SP 350/100


'ah the fuck is it doin-' I could not finish as something bite my tail again

'FUCK' I shouted as I tried to voice out my pain but what come out was a very high pitch "Bark" come out as this thing throw me to the side like it did not just violent me with its mouth as I calmly looked at the thing that just violented me and calmly said


Elroe Baladorado Lv5 Skill Points: 0


HP 350/300

MP 100/67

SP 350/300


Offense : 320

Defense : 320

Magic : 100

Resistance : 280

Speed : 300


Poison Fang LV5 • Dragon Scales LV1 • Night Vision LV7 • Heat Perception LV4 • Poison Resistance LV5 • Cooperation Lv3

'why did I not think of this before these fucking things have Cooperation stupid, huh oh well I did say I wanted a challenge and the forbidden words did there job so I can't complain, huh well time to play this right' I thought as it started to attack and I kept dodge it but activating focus when I'm dodging and deactivating focus when Im not saves a lot of MP and SPL

StatWolf pup LV2 Skill Points: 50



MP :555/400

SP :560/250

*warning user has been poisoned -1hp per sec for 1 min *

'good thing I did not use focus and intimidation with the first one and poison is not as effecting like it was when I was first dropped here and the other one should be dead in the next few seconds so, you've got to love poison' I said at the same time I was dodging him like a souls player and as it was about to bite me I jumped onto its nose to looked it dead in the eye

'got your eyes' I said as I used poison claw and shaved it into its eye, but I was not done as I activated [focus] which allowed me to add more poison claw to its body and increase the amount of poison in its body and I also activated intimidation to add a debuff but for some reason these things refuse to die

Elroe Baladorado LV5 Skill Points: 0


HP 350/10

MP 100/5

SP 350/13

Elroe Baladorado LV5 Skill Points: 0


HP 350/60

MP 100/10

SP 350/42

'fine then' I said as I rush them while they did everything to attack me, there where to injured and tired so they were slow, so I easily dodging and each time I got closer I add more poison claw increasing the amount of poison in them and also add more claw marks, which caused bleeding

This went on for a few minutes before the first one dead and the other one dead not long after 'oh God I think I over did it hm'

*Experience has reached the required level. Individual small pup has increased from LV2 to LV4*

*All basic attributes have increased.*

*Skill proficiency level-up bonus acquired.*

*Skill points acquired.*

*new skill - rage Lv1*

Wolf pup LV4 Skill Points: 150



MP :755/555

SP :760/244

Offense : 510

Defense : 400

Magic : 389

Resistance : 454

Speed : 500


Predator Lv2- adaption Lv2- night vision Lv7- Appraisal Lv5- Poison Claw LV5- Cooperation Lv1- Poison Resistance lv7- Bite Lv5- focus Lv4- intimidation Lv6- Poison Fang LV5- dodging Lv6- rage Lv1

'we time to eat, I wish that at least these one taste better than the bastards' I said as I looked at the two dead snakes as I started eating

'I can't believe this its its.... So much worse' I said as I vomit, but continued eating

'how is that even possible, ahhh at least I don't have to eat everything anymore to get the rewards'

*pick physical Stat or random skill*× 2

'Okay physical Stat is what I need so yeah physical Stat if u would'

Offense : 61,5

Defense : 45

Magic : 43,4

Resistance : 53,1

Speed : 60

'hm I will take speed for both'

*new stat*

Wolf pup LV4 Skill Points: 150



MP :755/555

SP :760/244

Offense : 510

Defense : 400

Magic : 389

Resistance : 454

Speed : 500+120=620


Predator Lv2- adaption Lv2-night vision Lv7-Appraisal Lv5-Poison Claw LV5-Cooperation Lv1-Poison Resistance lv7- Bite Lv5- focus Lv4- intimidation Lv6-Poison Fang LV5- dodging Lv6- rage Lv1

'well that almost not worth it, but hy my speed just took a huge leap so its worth it bro' I smiled as I bit down on a piece of meat

'now to look for more monsters and a place to rest since I haven't slept' I said as I looked for a place to sleep because my SP has gone down and I need to get skill that would remove the need to sleep but for now I am house hunting

[time skip 2 hours later]

' it took me a while but I found a place I can sleep in until my SP is full again, huh time to knock out' and thats what happned I passed out


Now this may seem odd but I'm only reposting these chapters, yes I'm continuing the story