
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

TranslatorKun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

The Legend of White Fang :EPILOGUE

[Raikage's location]

An immense pile of boulders lay scattered on the ground, remnants of the jutsu employed by Sakumo. Suddenly, a surge of crackling black lightning began to seep through the rocky terrain, causing the stones to tremble and quake. The intense energy caused some of the rocks to melt, while others were blasted apart with explosive force.

"Ahhh, my head's hurting." Said Raikage.


B's body was engulfed in a fiery red chakra cloak that resembled that of a fearsome beast. Gradually, tails began to emerge from the cloak, one …. Two …. Three…. Four…Five….Six

After the sixth tail, a remarkable transformation took place as B's body underwent a metamorphosis into that of a tailed beast. Tentacles, similar to those of an octopus, sprouted from his form until he had become the awe-inspiring eight-tailed beast.

Dodai's voice was urgent as he exclaimed, " SHIT!!! this is bad. Contact the tailed beast sealing unit immediately. Move quickly!" His words were laced with a sense of urgency, conveying the severity of the situation at hand.

Sakumo and the others recognized the moment as their chance to make a break for it, and they quickly decided to take advantage of it. However, as they began to flee, A appeared, determined not to let them slip away. "You're not getting away that easily!" he roared, moving swiftly towards Sakumo with fierce determination.

"Earth Release: toujinbou"

Sakumo swiftly executed the Earth Release jutsu, causing a towering rock pillar to shoot up from the ground and forcefully push A several meters back. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Sakumo created a rock pillar dome, effectively trapping the Kumo shinobi with the tailed beast


A grueling day had come to an end, and the night seemed endless for the Kumo shinobi. They had engaged in a difficult battle against the tailed beast, fighting tirelessly for several hours until the Raikage finally arrived on the scene. Tragically, the search squad had suffered heavy losses in their fight against the fearsome beast, leaving the Kumo shinobi to grieve and recover from their losses.

The Raikage valiantly battled against the tailed beast throughout the entire night, ultimately managing to subdue it completely. Despite sustaining only a lightning-shaped scar on his chest and a few minor bruises, he emerged from the encounter otherwise unharmed. Meanwhile, the skilled Fuinjutsu Kumo squad had successfully reworked the jinchuriki seal, ensuring that the beast would be kept under control.

As the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, the landscape was bathed in a warm, golden glow. The air was crisp and invigorating, with a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves of nearby trees. Standing at the edge of a cliff, two figures took in the stunning view that stretched out before them

One of them was the Raikage and the other was Dodai.

The Raikage and Dodai stood side by side, their gazes fixed on the breathtaking vista spread out before them.

As they watched, Dodai spoke up, breaking the silence. "I don't believe those were rogue ninjas," he said, his tone pensive.

"The Uchiha and the Aburame clansman from Konoha - they couldn't have just happened to be together like that."

The Raikage's expression hardened. "I know. I suspect it was White Fang who attacked me," he said. Dodai's eyes widened in shock at the revelation.

The Raikage nodded grimly. "That sword was unmistakable," he said.

"It was undoubtedly White Fang's." Dodai's expression hardened with anger.

"Why would Konoha send one of their highest-ranking shinobi to assassinate you?" he demanded. "Are they trying to start a war?"

"We'll show them their place if they want a war," said Dodai, his voice low and angry. "They're just cowards who rely on assassinations. They probably don't want to face us head to head."

The Raikage nodded in agreement before continuing, "But right now, if we start a war, we'll only win a piece of land from the Land of Fire. I want to remove the cancer known as Konoha from this world. We need a plan to strike at their core and cripple them for good."

Raikage continued, "Moreover, we must first prioritize the matter of the Eight Tails Jinchuriki. Even this one fails to handle the power of Eight Tails, we need a proper vessel for Eight Tails."

Dodai could sense the unwavering determination in Raikage's eyes, so he remained silent. Together, they gazed out at the horizon, lost in thought.


[Sakumo location]

The four ninjas remained in the Land of Lightning, devising a plan to escape via naval routes. Under false identities, they rented a ship to travel to the Land of Fire, where they finally felt a sense of relief and safety upon realizing they were out of danger.

Kanami finally inquired from Sakumo, "What happened to the mission?" to which he responded, "I made the decision to abandon it."

Kanami's mind was reeling as he struggled to comprehend the absurdity he had just heard, but when he turned to Sakumo for clarification, he was met with silence.

It was an unbelievable decision that left him stunned. Shinku and Shibai shared the same sentiments and refused to support Sakumo's choice. When asked why, Sakumo replied firmly, "I cannot abandon a comrade to die."

Kanami's voice was filled with disbelief as he asked, "Do you even realize the gravity of your actions?"

Sakumo remained silent, understanding the severity of his decision and the potential consequences that may arise.

Kanami continued, "As a shinobi, your duty is to prioritize the mission above all else. You have violated the fundamental rule of our profession."

Kanami's voice was filled with anger and disappointment as he spoke to Sakumo, "You have broken the very code that makes us shinobi. You may be a legendary warrior, known as the 'White Fang' to many, but you have shown that you lack the discipline and loyalty required to be a true shinobi."

Sakumo could not argue with anything Kanami said so he just listened.

Kanami's voice shook with concern as he spoke, "They must have realized by now that it was Konoha who attacked them. This could trigger another devastating shinobi war. The peace we fought so hard to achieve will be shattered because of your actions, Sakumo."

Kanami's bitterness towards Sakumo was palpable, evident in the way he spoke about him and avoided him during their journey. The rest of the team also fell into a solemn silence, as if weighed down by the heavy tension between their two comrades. The atmosphere was gloomy, with no one daring to break the silence.

After enduring the difficult mission, the team members were visibly drained and fatigued. It took them a week to finally reach the Land of Fire and make their way to Konoha. As they arrived at the entrance of Konohagakure, the gate guards immediately informed the Hokage of their arrival.

The team walked through the peaceful village towards the Hokage's office. As they arrived, they were greeted by the sight of an old man smoking his pipe and Danzo, another elder statesman, standing beside him.

The team members wore somber expressions as they entered the Hokage's office. Despite not being asked, they knew they had to deliver the mission report. Sakumo handed the scroll to the Hokage, who began to read it with great interest. However, as he read on, his expression slowly changed from curiosity to concern. His brow furrowed, and a look of worry appeared on his face. The scroll seemed to contain unsettling news that troubled him deeply. Even Danzo, who stood beside him, looked over at the scroll and had a similarly grave expression.


"It was my decision to abandon the mission, I take full responsibility for it." Said Sakumo.

"Sakumo…" Hokage wanted to say something but was interrupted by Danzo.

"You chose to abandon the mission and save a comrade knowing the consequences of mission failure?" Danzo asked.

Sakumo looked down and simply nodded slightly.

Danzo's tone was calm, but there was an underlying hint of disapproval in his words. "There are times when we must choose between the lesser of two evils, and saving a friend at the cost of betraying our nation is one of those times," he said, addressing Sakumo. "And you made the wrong choice."

"The second great shinobi war ended less than a year ago. Konoha is still rebuilding and doesn't have half the power it once had. We cannot afford to engage in another war," said the Third Hokage, his gaze fixed on Sakumo.

"Betrayal of a nation is never justified, even if it is to save the life of a comrade," Danzo said sternly. "You risked the lives of countless citizens of Konoha, including women and children, just to save one person. Your actions were selfish and irresponsible."

Sakumo looked at the Hokage with a heavy heart, knowing that this was the consequence of his actions. He handed over his Konoha protector without saying a word and then bowed to the Hokage before leaving the room. It was a somber moment for everyone present.

When Danzo saw Sakumo exiting the Hokage's room with fallen shoulders he knew exactly what he had to do.

As Danzo pondered the situation, he came to the conclusion that defending the Land of Fire from a potential attack by Kumo was an impossible feat, even with the help of White Fang. Although losing some territory was inevitable, it could be regained eventually.

However, Danzo's ambitions to become the Hokage meant that he had to do everything in his power to discredit Sakumo and diminish his influence, thereby eliminating him as a potential candidate for the position. Danzo began spreading rumors throughout the village about the mission failure and the possibility of a third great shinobi war, all due to Sakumo's mistake.

In just a matter of days, the news of Sakumo's mission failure had spread like wildfire throughout the village of Konoha. Whenever he walked down the street, the once lively atmosphere would become eerily quiet. People would move away from him, casting fearful and hateful glares in his direction. The whispers and mutters of the community grew louder, making it clear that he was not welcome among them. It was as if the entire village had turned their backs on him, leaving him to bear the burden of his actions alone.

The unrelenting rejection and animosity that Sakumo faced from the people of Konoha took a heavy toll on him. He began to retreat into the safety of his own home, seeking solace from the constant stares and whispers. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Sakumo became more and more isolated, avoiding contact with the outside world. The vibrant shinobi was now just a mere shadow of his former self, consumed by loneliness and despair.

Due to the fear and anxiety that had consumed him for so long, Sakumo finally summoned the courage to write his final note. With shaking hands, he poured his heart onto the page, expressing his pain and seeking understanding from his son.


Sometimes the decisions we make in life make us sad, but that doesn't mean we regret them. Sometimes they are the right decisions, even if they are the hardest ones we ever have to make.

When faced with a difficult decision, always remember that the right choice is not always the easiest one. It may make you sad, but if it aligns with your values and beliefs, you won't regret it.

Shinobi is the one who endures, no matter what gets thrown at them but Kakashi, I want you to carve your own path and follow your own Ninja Way, no matter what obstacles you encounter.

Ah, I forgot to give you your birthday present. I'm sorry, Kakashi. But don't worry, I've left it behind for you,

I hope that one day you can forgive me Kakashi.


With a sigh of relief, the person finally put their pen down, the letter filled with raw emotions and vulnerability. He folded the note and placed it beside him.

After carefully placing his final note aside, he turned his attention to the items on the shelf, which were a gift for his son Kakashi. He picked up a scroll that contained the Inuzuka clan's ninja dog summoning contract, tracing his fingers over the intricate design. Memories flooded back, reminding him of his late wife and their time together as a couple.

Next to the scroll, gleamed a white light chakra saber. It was a weapon that had been passed down through generations of the Hatake clan, a symbol of their dedication and strength as shinobi.

As he picked up the saber, he felt its weight in his hand, a comforting presence that had accompanied him on many missions. It had saved his life on countless occasions and had become an extension of himself.

Placing the saber back on the shelf, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Take care, Kakashi," he thought, remembering those were the same words he had said to his son before leaving the house.

With a deep breath, he unsheathed a seppuku knife.