

After 2 days of walking Yasahiro reached the village. The reason it took so much longer then expected to get here was because Yasahiro got the information from a ninja. The ninja probably told Yasahiro how much time it would take him to get to the village and Yasahiro misunderstood that.

The village was very lively. People were talking to each other, kids were playing around. But Yasahiro wasn't interested in that. What did caught his attention was a 12 year old kid crying under the tree while staring at the kids playing.

Yasahiro went and talked to the kid.

"What's wrong?"

The kid looked at him and then looked away.

Yasahiro noticed the kid eyeing another kid who was much taller and heavier then him. That kid must be around 15~16 years old.

"Did he humiliate you? Was he the one that gave you the black eye?"

The kid got up and looked at Yasahiro but sat back down again.

"I have a offer for you. If you work for me I will help you get your revenge on the guy."

The kid look at Yasahiro again but this time for a little longer.

"You are smaller then me how could you possibly help?"

Yasahiro's responded to that by grabbing the kid's hand and tightening the grip. His incredibly strength made the kid jump in pain.

"Why did you do that? How did you do that?"

"You can also gain strength like this if you work for me."

The kid thought for a while and then said.

"How long will it take for me to get my revenge?"

"It depends on your performance. If you don't complain and keep working then maybe 5 days."

"Did you say 5 days?"


"What do I have to do?"

Yasahiro smiled. He then extended his hand as if he was going for a handshake and said.

"Grab my hand if you except my offer."

The kid grabbed the hand without asking anything about the work. The next moment both of them disappeared.

When Yasahiro returned to Firelink Shrine with the kid he was surprised with multiple system notifications.

[+80,000 souls]

[Drake Sword,

Gargoyle Tail Axe,

Key to Depths,

Soul of the Moonlight Butterfly,

Rite of kindling,


Looks like the two Jonin who were trapped here have been busy killing bosses. From the looks of it they are probably in Tomb of the Giants right now. Considering they have been fighting for more then 2 days now without food or water, they should be very weak by now. But regardless, the fact that they killed so many bosses proves how strong Jonin level ninjas are.

"What is this place?"

Said the kid while looking at the giant bird.

"It can be considered my personal world but I don't control it. Think of it as just another nation you haven't visited before."

The kid looked confused but not afraid. Yasahiro handed him a crossbow and said.

"Try pulling the string."

The kid tried but failed to do so. Yasahiro then takes the crossbow back and says.

"Now I will be giving you the power I promised, all you have to do is say yes."


"What's your name?"


"Itaru, do you want to turn into an undead?"


Itaru was confused even farther by the question but after he said 'yes' a burning sensation came from his chest. He dropped on the ground from the pain but that pain was short lived. As he stood back up his body felt different.

"The 1st step is complete. Now sit near the bonfire. Don't worry, this shouldn't hurt."

Itaru followed Yasahiro's instructions and didn't questioned anything.

"That should be enough. Now Itaru, try pulling the string again."

Itaru took the crossbow and tried to load it once again. This time he managed to load it easily and that surprised him.

"Its the same crossbow right?"

"Why would I lie?"

"No, I just can't believe it."

"Its good that you are excited but we haven't discussed the term of our contract yet."

"Oh, yes, what do I have to do?"

"I want you to first learn to use that crossbow properly. Then you will have to hunt."


"First things first."

Yasahiro walked up to the tree and nailed a shield on it.

"When you can successfully hit that shield 10 times in a row from 30 meters we will move to the next step. But until then practice."