

Life sucks, and then you die. That common expression left out one thing. When you die, you get tossed into a random fiction with a strange power. And, worst of all, it makes you part of the main cast. And, now a cool person. No! The fucking girl whose first mission puts her against Zabusa and Haku, two jonin level ninja. I haven't watched the anime in ages, but those people scared the living shit out of me. People often say Sakura's useless, and while one could make that case, she is one of the few healers the Leaf has. And, to drill that point home, she's a part of team seven, with Naruto and Sasuke. There are many times where she could have healed someone like Naruto or Shikamaru. If one of the rookie nine died, it could lead to some real bad things. If I was reborn as Ino, I could ignore this ninja crap. But, no if I don't do anything I'll die once Pain kills everyone or when Marada goes ham. I mentally screamed as I was forced to become a ninja or die in a few years.

Suddenly, a book appeared in my hands. I opened the book and exhaled.

Name: Haruno Sakura

Class: Gamer

Level: 1

Hp: 100

Mp: 50

Strength: 1

Perception: 10

Endurance: 7(-5)

Charisma: 1

Intelligence: 10(-3)

Agility: 10(-6)

Luck: 1

Debuffs- Poor diet. Fangirlism.

I moaned and made an interval vow to never diet. Oh, and there's the fact Sakura is riding Sasuke's dick so hard it's affecting her brain. I started flipping pages and looking for anything interesting. But, other than two perks I could select, there was nothing interesting. 'Glass Cannon' would give me a brittle body, but in exchange would grant me tons of chakra and flawless control. Photographic Memory is awesome, it's equal to third stage Sharingan but no chakra drawbacks and no changes to my eye, best of all it's in constant use. I could get the Sharingan, but Danzo, Itachi and so many other factions would be on my ass.

I left Sakura's house and headed toward the ninja academy. How or why I knew the route or why to go there, I have no idea. But, I knew I had to walk to Ino's flower shop and make a left. From there, I walked forward until I reached the school. It's a huge building, so it stands out.

I met with Ino in the hallway. The first thing she did was yap about Sasuke. I exhaled and rubbed my giant forehead. I have no plans on pretending to be Sakura, she's a young girl and they change by the minute even if it's suspect, I don't care. I will not live my second life pretending to be a little girl. Besides, I'm around ninja all the damn time, they will notice. So fuck that. I'm me in a different body. Simple as that.

"Ino it's not a contest. Sasuke is free to like whoever he likes. Stop being selfish. Sasuke is a talented kid, but he is still human, he is not an idol. He may have some talent, but I bet he works his ass off. He earned his place because he worked hard. If we worked harder, we might catch up. If he slacks off, we can even pass him. But, I don't see that happening."

Sasuke approached me. "Thanks, but what's up with your face?" I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?"

Sasuke tilted his head and rubbed his chin. "Are you trying to be mean?"

And, that's when it hit me. My bad Charisma is affecting my facial expressions. It's something I did not consider. I exhaled and said, "I got hit during a spar and it messed with my expressions. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude."

Sasuke did the famous Uchiha grunt and kept walking. I obtained a quest. One I would have done anyways as it's just getting in shape. Even if I hate the idea, if I don't become a ninja, there's a strong chance I could be dead in a few years. In short, there's a giant gun to my head. It has the name of Pain, Marada, Zetsu and Danzo.

Iruka started yapping about the history of the village. I rubbed my head. The worst part of all this was that I'd memorize each and every word he said. I looked around the classroom and gazed at Shikamaru. I smiled. He is a fucking genius! I closed my eyes and went to sleep as I made a mental note to look over all the books I have.

A few moments later, the bell woke me up. I grunted and looked toward Shikamaru who was not affected. I gazed at the boy for a moment, took out a paper and wrote a message. 'Expressions messed up. Sorry, it looks rude. How are you fine after being woken up by the bell?'

Shikamaru gazed at the paper and laughed. "Mental alarm."

I bowed my head. "Thanks."

"You're right about the expression thing. Wear a mask, your lips go into a creepy smile often."

"Thanks!" I pouted. "Sorry."

"It's ok. I sorta get it."

Now my first change to cannon. I mentally smiled "Hey Shikamaru. I hear you complain about your mother being hard to deal with. I have an idea that can help you with that."

Shikamaru gazed at me. "You sure it's only your expressions?"

"I did not think it was that bad."

"So, what's your idea?"

"If it works you do me a favor?" Shikamaru entered a pose for a moment and nodded. "Awesome, invite Naruto over for a meal at your house. Be honest with him, he might be troublesome, but he is a cool kid. Though a little too persistent. Step two, is the final and most important part. Tell her how people treat Naruto. I'd recommend walking around in a henge for a few hours, if you can handle it."

Shikamaru gazed at me. "Your goal is to make him my brother?"

"Yep. Given Naruto's love for pranks, your mom will be a little more open to your love for sleeping and cloud watching. And it would really help Naruto out. Anyway, I'd try to be nice to Naruto if possible. He is a hero that rivals the 1st in my eyes."

Shikamaru trembled. "You mean."

"If that was the case, it would be S rank no?"

Shikamaru sighed. "Well played. Very well played, Sakura."

I hugged him and said, "Did that feel odd?"

Shikamaru laughed and said, "Very."

"Just remember the fourth was blonde."

Shikamaru grabbed me and said, "You serious?"

"Don't pity Naruto. Never pity him. Just give him a chance to be your friend." Shikamaru nodded. But, suddenly Naruto entered the room.

"What are you two planning," he said.

I trembled as I looked at Naruto and took a deep breath. "I I don't know how to explain."

Naruto said, "You make rude faces, but call me a hero."

I took another breath and looked at the floor. "I wanted to help you. I wanted you to be accepted. In a way that I can't do for you."

"What do you mean," Naruto asked.

"Let's go to your place. I'll explain everything there."

Naruto said, "Let's go now." I nodded as we headed to his house. Shikamaru rubbed my shoulder as we entered Naruto's single room apartment. I grit my teeth and sat on the bed.

"Naruto first of all. The expressions I make are all messed up. To me, you're a hero or the greatest caliber. I know it's hard given the expressions I'm likely making right now. But, it's the truth. In my eyes, Naruto Uzumaki is greater than our Hokage."

I told Naruto about his father Minato, his Mother, Kushina, the story of the Juubi and the sage of six paths. Shikamaru questioned me about how I knew this. I answered, "Naruto's hair and his birthday. Kushina was the only Uzumaki in the village, and it's said she was pregnant at the time of her death."

Shikamaru said, "Troublesome. Sakura, next time you encounter S rank secrets. Please leave me out of it."

I gazed at Naruto and said, "Naruto honestly, other than my mother and father, I don't care for this village. The way everyone treats you disgust me. You're a hero. Not vermin. The leadership of the village is twisted. If it's the third, or other elements of the village, I don't know. But whatever you wanna do, I'll support you. If you say kill all the elders and the Hokage, I'll help you. If you want to forgive. I'll forgive."

Naruto gazed at me and said, "Why follow me?"

I exhaled. "You're the greatest victim and hero in this story. I'm a broken mess, but you may decide. I'm just a girl who hurt you out of ignorance."

Shikamaru looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, the Sakura we knew is gone. I believe her story is true as it explains many things, but on some level, it broke her mind."

"Shikamaru, I'm sorry."

Shikamaru exhaled and said, "Don't worry about it. I knew you were manipulating me to an extent, and I guess I know why now.

"What happens now?"

Shikamaru said, "No idea."

"Naruto, we are training tomorrow. And, Shikamaru is joining us. Bring Choji if you have plans."

Naruto beamed at the idea of training. And, I exhaled. I'd forgotten Naruto is a bundle of joy and endless optimism.

"See ya guys later."

I left Naruto and walked with Shikamaru. "Shika, I know you're smart, but it's best if you don't share this information with other kids." Shikamaru agreed and headed home. I opened my status book and smiled as I got two level's from my little stunt. It's not much, but it's not like I made a major change to anything. Sure, Naruto and Shikamaru know the truth, but it's not like Naruto would do anything different. Knowing him, he will add it as motive to be the Hokage and follow in his father's footsteps or something. I headed home and started messing with chakra.

I have little chakra, but holy shit is it awesome. It can fucking do anything. Make plants grow faster, check. Use shadow clones? Check. Ahh, I might not be a genius. But the fucking jutsu has one seal I figured it out quickly. Hell, even Naruto at academy level figured it out in an hour without instruction. More importantly, this jutsu copies items with chakra. Sure, they vanish once the clones dispel. But, it's still super busted. I made a note to rip off anyone who scams Naruto. Because well, I want money, and who fucks with the protag?

Anyways, a week later, I showed Naruto the shadow clone Jutsu. It was faster than cannon. All, I said was, "Put your fingers in a T shape and pour tons of chakra." Then the little bastard makes more clones than I care to count. Fucking asshole, I can only make like fifty of them. Then again, I'm only level five and that glass cannon perk does not really go off until level ten where the percent effect turns into a giant snowball. If I can do math right, which I can't I'll be able to do around one hundred fifty by then. It likely won't scale as hard percentage wise later on because the leveling reward won't be as vital, but Jesus in the early levels the scaling is inane.

More importantly, Naruto has embraced the fact that he is a Jinchuriki. In fact, we even brought a few shirts and had a tailor draw the nine tails on the back of it. The Hokage paid us a visit. But, once he brought up the topic I said, "What if they treat my friend like a demon, then we rock the image of the nine tails."

The Hokage replied. "It's not a good idea."

"Naruto has anything changed since we started wearing the symbol?" Naruto rubbed his chin.

"Nope, I like it. And I'm not a ninja yet, so you can't order me to take it down."

I rubbed my chin and said, "In fact, Hokage-sama, who are Naruto's mother and father?" The Hokage made the typical fanfiction excuse. I sighed. The third is a horrid person. I gazed at the Hokage and said, "You do as you must, but remember so will we."

The next week Naruto and I leaked all of the village secrets. From Itachi's role in everything, to the fact that he is really a spy, to Danzo's little arm. The fact that the Hokage spared Orochimaru. I leaked every single thing. Naruto's heritage leaked. I even tossed in some fanfictions ideas like how they did not defend the Uzumaki clan. The next day, we wrote a message on the Hokage mountain. 'Price to be paid.'

We left the village and trained for the next few years. Now it was the start of ship. We had no idea about the state of the world. If our little stunt did nothing or we had changed the world. I gazed at Naruto and said, "What now?" Naruto smiled.

"Let's destroy the world."