
6. Guilt and Kindness.

Taking her back to the shelter, I returned the rented bike to the shop, paying the damage fee for denting the handle bars, before I began Himiko's conquest.

Not the ideal time to do so though, given that my legs were practically jelly, I had likely broken a rib and cracked my tibia, and the only reason I hadn't keeled over, an hour ago, was because I was writing in my own book to boost my will power and healing.

But the fucking pain was no consolation.

It reigned supreme in my body, making my every breath a labor.

At this point I might as well lock Himiko up in the bathroom and collapse on the couch.

As I unlocked the shelter, and entered, the first thing I heard was the soft whining of my little baby, echoing lightly throughout the shelter.

A jolt of fear ran through me.

If Himiko dared to so much as hurt a hair on my pup's body, I'd skin her alive and stew her to death!

I picked up my pace as I ran into the living room, spotting Kuribo tied to table with all limbs bound tight with a thick rope.

I ran over to him, untying his bonds, before checking him front to back.

Thankfully, he wasn't injured bad, the only harm done to him were the minor rope marks on his tuft.

Behind me, I heard the carpet squish.

"HIMIKO! YOU DARE HARM MY BABY!" I shouted as I turned, to find a knife at my throat, Himiko looking on in shock, hand shaking.

I glared at her with such rage that she nearly pissed herself.

No, actually, she did piss herself, as a wet spot appeared on the blanket she'd fashioned into a skirt.

I pushed forward into the knife, undaunted, as a drop of blood leaked from the cut, trailing down the length of her knife.

"You wanna kill me? Then go ahead! We'll see who lives and who dies!" I growled, taking another step, grabbing her hand, and pushing the knife deeper into my throat as the cut grew from millimeters to a whole two centimeters.

"Hah!? Do you dare?" I pushed, as she trembled like a chihuahua.

"Thought so!" I said, letting go of her hands, before bringing both of mine swinging down on her ears, concussing her.

Himiko stumbled, falling back onto the floor.

I raised another hand, curled into a fist, and slammed it into her gut.

"Ghaaa!" She cried, doubling over.

I stood up and walked over to her head, grabbing her by the hair, before dragging her to the curb.

"Nhoooo, I didn't mean to...pleheayeaase!" She begged and pleaded to no avail.

On the curb, I parted her jaw, and laid her by it on the cement bricking, pressing her body beneath me with one leg.

I raised the other, aiming at her head, and brought it down heel first.

"Kyaaaaaah!" She shrieked, as I rammed the leg onto the brick beside her head.

"Tch!" I spat, releasing her.

"Consider this a warning. Next time, I won't miss." I warned.

She looked up, as I walked back to the warehouse, leaving her to stew in her thoughts.

My pup came first. Himiko, at this point, was a mere afterthought.

I'll kill the HPSC myself if I have to, and she could very well run off for all I care.

I bandaged my throat, and then washed Kuribo, before gently cradling him, till he calmed down and fell alseep.

As I was scratching his little head, Himiko walked back in, quietly taking a stand opposite me.

Tears streaming down her face, she took a deep bow, before falling into a dogeza.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry!" She cried, slamming her head onto the floor, repeatedly.

As she raised her head to look me in the eyes, her own eyes betrayed a clarity previously unseen, as if a cloud had been lifted.

I pulled out her book and found out the reason.

The hold of her quirk on her mind, and the blood tinted glasses she had on, were no longer there, as the realization dawned on her as to what she had been up to the past few weeks.

With that came the enormous burden of guilt, and a desire for forgiveness.

Nothing like a near death experience to wake you up, huh?

I looked back at her, still on the ground, still staring at me, eyes pleading for forgiveness.

Only, I wouldn't be giving her any.

Not only because it wasn't mine to give but rather hers to earn, from the relatives of those she murdered, but also because then I wouldn't be able to guilt trip her into being my work slave and where would that get me, huh?

I needed her to shatter completely, so that I could rebuild her into an ideal killing machine that loved me more than life itself.

And to that end, I returned her gesture and gave a stern, firm reply.

"No." I said, nonchalantly, as her face fell.

She looked as if something had cracked within her, as instantly, the light dimmed from her eyes, tears trailing down them like a broken tap.

Her hands fell to her side as she stared off into the distance, the burden of guilt crushing her very soul, as she spiraled into a cycle of loathing and self-hatred, blaming herself, rightfully so, for her actions.

I looked on, and waited, as minutes turned into hours, her book filling page after page with maddening gibberish and muted cries for help until she reached a tipping point, at the cusp of madness.

"Yup. That's far enough." I said, slamming the book shut, and knelt down beside her, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her into a hug.

As if awoken by the warmth of another, she shook something fierce, as she broke down into loud sobs, wetting my freshly cleaned shirt with her snot.

The next few hours were crucial.

Not for her, but rather for me, as I comforted her, despite the swelling on my leg expanding into a welt so red and big, I'd never seen it before, except on online forums of disturbing content.

I needed medical treatment, fast.

And so, I pulled Himiko up, wiping her tears with a gentle hand, caressing her face.

"Himiko." I said, calling her attention as her beautiful golden eyes focused on me.

"The reason I said that I don't forgive you is because I have nothing to forgive you for. And for the forgiveness you now seek is not mine to give. It is a forgiveness you must seek from the families of those you've slain so unjustly. It is forgiveness you must earn, through penance and redemption.

You can't undo what has already been done, just as an arrow shot may never be un-shot, and words said to hurt can never be taken back.

Now, you can only atone. Atone for what you've done, and try your best to set right, what you've done wrong.

Not that it'd bring the dead men back to their loved ones, so don't mistake it for a zero sum game.

This isn't an undoing of your crimes, but rather the relieving of suffering, both yours and that of those you've hurt.

Do.you understand that, Himiko?" I asked, holding her head in my hands, as she nodded, tearfully.

"Good. Now, I'm going to leave you here, with Kuribo. And when I return, I better not see my baby in pain, or I'll separate your head from your torso, got it?" I said, smiling, even as I threatened her calmly, in a gentle tone.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a frantic desperation, grabbing at the hem of my shirt.

"The hospital. I broke my leg and rib in that wild goose chase you led me on." I said, lifting my pant leg, revealing the caked blood and swelling to her.

She gasped, sucking in a breath of air, as her eyes pooled again with tears.

"I'm sorry, I-i-i....for me...." she stuttered.

I leaned over to her, pressing a finger onto her lips.

"Shhh...it's not your fault. Don't kill yourself over it. Just do better from now on and forth.

And for the time being, keep an eye on the shelter for me, will you?" I smiled brightly, as she nodded guiltily, biting her lip in frustration and sorrow.

"I'll see you next when I see you, then!" I said, picking up my bag, and walked out.

a bit corny eh?

butl then again, he's in a hero world so...

anyways, Like it ? Add to library!

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Creation is hard, so gimme them powa stones.

thanks for reading.

GoldFingercreators' thoughts