
Reborn in HunterxHunter with a Perk

Alex is confronted with a strange questionnaire that will change his life for ever. Disclaimer: I do not own the franchise or any character in it except my own.

Rank1Cloud · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Dimensional Enlightenment

While tenebrous actions were being taken in the shadows, in an underground space a boy was running around. Alex was running around the space trying to get an estimate of his stamina. Since getting the perk [Limitless Learning Capacity] brought in unmatched brain prowess, his body would be weaker compared to a normal adult human.

After running 2,4km he looked at an old clock. Since he began running till he finished 1 hour more or less had passed.

'Sh*t! It really is like the questionnaire said. A normal adult human with a relatively fit body would do 2,4km in about 15 to 16min. So taking that in account to my age, a normal 10-year-old would be able to do it in less than 45 minutes.'

He sat on the ground gasping for his breath while his leg muscles were trembling from the pain. He knew that it wasn't impossible to achieve better than 1 hour since in the present his body was still in a growing phase and it was still damaged from the low food intake he had experience this month.

He moved his body while grunting from the pain. He crossed his legs and began to meditate. Although he had a lot of knowledge about Nen and its applications, he found out somethings that weren't as perceptible as in experiencing it in real life. For once, he noticed that after strenuous exercise the circulation and growth of Nen was significantly better than when on a normal state. He attributed since Nen was basically like Qi in Earth, is life force would be stimulated by either life threatening events or constant workout.

The other thing that he found out was that although he was a Specialist, he could still enhance his body. Although it was a lot more difficult to enhance his body than to use his Nen ability, he could only enhance for a short period of time and in only 20%. He knew that it wasn't much but in an event were he couldn't overpower his opponent and it all came down to physical confrontation, he still wanted to have a chance of escaping.

Alex began to manipulated the Nen inside of him. Pushing through his body with more intensity like thundering rapids than soft like rain descending from leaf to leaf. After a while, he pushed his Nen to his eyes.

He opened them and he didn't notice anything different from his normal vision. Looking all around his room, he only noticed something different when he gazed at the gash in wall made by his ability. He noticed that the gash had some traces of some dark purple fumes in it.

'So it's really like what he knew.'

Gyo{1} was an advanced application of Ren where basically one would focus his Nen in his eyes, enhancing them. Taking out the obvious improvements in eyesight, Gyo had the ability to see through In{2} and Nen constructs.

He had tried the other advanced Nen applications and after trying them all he only chose two to improve. The first one is obviously Gyo since it would enable him to see other Nen users and possible traps. The other was Ken{3} which was a Ren and Ten{4} advanced application where the only objective it was to improve his defense. Since his body was weak, he decided that Ken would provide him enough time so that he could death and escape.

He lightly gasped while deactivating Gyo. He didn't like the idea that if he couldn't defeat his enemy with [Infinite Dimensions] and it came down to a close combat confrontation, that his only choice was to endure and flee.

In a world like this were although those overpowered Nen users could somewhat evade lasting physical confrontations, they would still have physical confrontations. But Alex do to his weaker body than most, close combat was his fatal weakness.

Even if he tried some of those martial arts that he remembered from his past life, it still wouldn't do much because he didn't really know much about it.

He sat on a wooden chair close to his mattress and began to think. All the ways to turn his weakness into somewhat a not weakness were either unachievable at the moment or were too dangerous to the current him. He began to think on the future events and the possible situations that would obligate him intervene, he sighed and muttered, "Sigh... I guess I don't have much of a choice. I still wanted a bit more time to understand it better, but it seems that it's the best way to overcome this weakness of mine."

He stood up and went once again to the lotus position. Nen began to surround his body. He closed his eyes and muttered, "Infinite Dimensions: Dimensional Enlightenment".

Immediately, he felt like his body had become lighter by the second. He tried to open his eyes to see what was happening but even when he opened them all he could see was darkness. At some point he almost felt like his body stopped existing and after that strange feeling disappeared his vision returned to him.

He looked around him and found himself in what it seemed to be a library filled with infinite bookshelves. He looked at his body only to see that it looked exactly like his real body but it seemed to be made mist. While looking at his body he also noticed that he was seated in one of those school chair that had an arm's rest which was used to put the school book. He tried to get up but his body didn't respond to him, which made him understand a little about where he was.

'So this is, [Dimensional Enlightenment]. Well, it looks like that this is the part of the Nen ability that came solely from my memories.'

He began to recall what he knew about this ability. His Nen ability was a bit special in contrast with other Specialists' abilities. Mainly Specialists' abilities came from their inner wished and desires, but his was different since it came from him and the [Limitless Learning Capacity]. When he managed to manifest his Nen ability, his perk released some basic knowledge about its main functions.

Infinite Dimensions had 3 Main categories: Combat Category, Enlightenment Category and Last-Resort Category. In the Combat Category, there were 3 main abilities of which 2 were still locked since it was completely dependent on the users understanding. Dáinsleif Edge was on this category.

The Last-Resort Category it was like the name. It was to be used when he was in fatal danger and didn't have any other choice other than this. Alex didn't have any further information about this category but he liked that it remained like that.

The last one was the Enlightenment Category. It only had the ability, Dimensional Enlightenment. Before Alex used it, the information that he had about it was this, "Dimensional Enlightenment: Cooldown - 1 week to the maximum of 6 months. The cooldown time may change. The user may use the ability to create a mind doppelganger to go to the desired Dimension. The user can only choose a period in time of that said dimension and when the time frame needs the user will be ejected from the dimension. Beware that the User will not be able to interact with the Dimension in itself."

At the beginning he had an inkling on what it was really the purpose of this ability. But after using it and looking at his surroundings, he was 96,7% sure that it was what he was thinking.

Alex wanted to confirm his hypothesis, so he said, "Dimension: HunterxHunter".

The moment he spoke, the library began to tremble, but quickly stopped. He waited for a few moments but nothing happened. He smirked and said, "Dimension: Hunger Games".

This time the library began to tremble with more intensity than it was when he spoke earlier. A ray of light began to shine in one of corners of the library and only in a few microseconds, a book appeared in front of Alex. He gazed at the book in his hands. In the cover it spelled, "Hunger Games".

He opened the book and inside of it instead of words it had a single blank page. Testing, he began to think about the scene where the MC volunteered herself in the place of her sister. The page morphed and on it appeared the image of that said scene, beneath it a sentence and 2 boxes appeared.

"Do you wished to proceed: Yes/No"

He pressed no and the book disappeared. He once again called for another book this time, he said Avatar: The Last Airbender. Once again after the light show a book appeared in front of him with the exact same title. This time he didn't even opened the book proceeding to throw it in the library's directions and the book disappeared.

He laughed, 'Just like I though. This ability enables me to choose one of the many books, movies, manga, novels or any other so called fictions work and pick a period on it to delve in it.'

He was thrilled about the infinite possibilities of this power. Who wouldn't want to have the godly powers of let's say DBZ?

Thinking about those overpowered powers, something began to bother him.

'Although I can enter one of those fiction books, will I be able to learn those powers? All most all of those happen in a different dimension, so different laws. The possibility of me unlocking the godly powers of DBZ while in HxH is probably zero since the laws of those 2 dimensions are completely different.'

He grasped his chin while he began to thinking about this. He was almost completely certain that his thinking couldn't be wrong. In some way he had to think about another possibility to power-up himself.

'Thinking clearly, what I need right now is a way to overcome my weak body. Since I have Nen let's forget about all of those dimensions which rely completely on superpowers and let's focus on those that focus on martial arts.'

He began to recall all of the books, movies, manga, animes and some realistic novels that pertained some kind of martial arts with some degree of completeness. After a while he called for another book and in a single motion he pressed yes.


[1,2,3,4,] - Most of this are Nen applications and the descriptions are on the wiki of HunterxHunter

Hello, to you lads! Sorry for the late one, the hell churning exams called for me and like an obedient soldier I had to face them. I'm glad that many people are reading this and most of them are liking.

Please point any mistake I do.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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