
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

azzari · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 9 Persuasion

 Due to Ryan's intelligence and precocity, Nicole has rarely directly intervened in his affairs unless necessary. This is the first time in history that Nicole has directly refused for him.

  Harvey Weinstein did not stalk him. This is Hollywood after all, and anyone can get away with it without him. Of course, he did not give up. Before leaving, he left a message, "If you change your mind, you can contact me at any time." .

  No matter what, Nicole is his guardian, and Ryan knows very well that as long as she continues to object, there will be almost no room for maneuver in this matter, and he also knows that Nicole just wants better when she does this. Protect him so that he can have a complete childhood and grow up happily.

  However, I have been planning for more than three years and have devoted almost all my time and energy to this. Now the opportunity has come to me. If I miss it, I really should go to Southampton and ride the Titanic.

  "Ryan, what do you think?" The agent asked. Unlike Nicole, who was blind, she could guess some of Ryan's thoughts.

  Instead of answering, Ryan went back to his room, took out the envelope containing the manuscript, and handed it to Kingsley, "Pat, this is my latest work, and..."

  He glanced at the seat where he was sitting. Nicole, who was silent on the other side, leaned into her ear and said, "Can you go back first? I want to talk to Nicole alone."

  "Okay." Although she couldn't help but want to say a few words , but after thinking about it for a moment, Kingsley left.

  Silence returned to the living room. Neither the boy nor the girl sitting across from each other had any intention of speaking. Just like this, you looked at me and I looked at you, but the two pairs of blue eyes were staring at each other's pupils. They seemed to be communicating in a way that only they themselves understood.

  "Ryan, do you really want to be an actor?" Perhaps after a few minutes or perhaps a long time, Nicole Kidman spoke first, "Don't deny it, I can feel your heartbeat."

  After all, they had been together for several years, so it was no surprise that Nicole could see his inner thoughts in a short period of time. Ryan smiled at first, and then nodded slowly but firmly.

  There's no need to deny it, is there? This script was carefully selected by him, not only for himself, but also for Nicole. Since in his previous life, another Australian woman could get a lot of praise for this role at the age of twenty-six, it didn't matter to him at all. Why can't Nicole Kidman do this?

  Yes, Nicole is younger than that woman and has a standard vase appearance, but through makeup and post-production, she can completely make her appearance less attractive, and cross the age to play a single mother with strong reading ability. , once successful, the praise received can be imagined.

  As for failure, of course there is a possibility, but Ryan firmly believes that as long as he stands in front of Nicole, will the feelings that this character wants to express still be a problem?

  In some ways, Ryan is a person with a conscience. Since Nicole took him in during his most difficult and darkest time and doted on him, then he will naturally repay him, perhaps in other ways. He couldn't help her much and could only add to the chaos, but it was still possible to push her to a higher position in a faster way than in her previous life.

  "Ryan, you know, when I saw the stories you wrote, I thought you would become an excellent writer in the future. When you can speak Chinese and French fluently, I thought you would It's not bad to be a diplomat. When you composed your first piece of music last year, I said to myself, Ryan might be able to become a musician." Nicole

  sighed and began to analyze Ryan, "You are precocious. You are smart and far more sensible than ordinary children. Although you are a bit withdrawn and rarely interact with your peers, and you will get into trouble from time to time, in my heart, you have always been the best one." "

  Yes, As you write more and more works, you will be exposed to the spotlight sooner or later, but that should definitely not be now. You have to know that actors and writers are two completely different professions, even if you just become an ordinary Actor, with your achievements in writing, those reporters and paparazzi will definitely dig out every incident in your past and look at it under a magnifying glass. Public figures have no private life." "

  Although I can't give it to you. A complete family cannot give you enough care, but at least it can give you a complete childhood life. Hollywood is not as simple as you think, and becoming famous at a young age is not a good thing." "I understand what you mean

  , Nicole." Since it is an equal dialogue, Ryan certainly has the right to express his opinion, "In Hollywood, adulthood often means the beginning of adultery, but here is not only the adult Drew Barrymore, but also Zhu Not everyone who is a role model like Dee Foster will lose themselves in this fame fair."

  "Okay, let me ask you, Ryan." Nicole thought for a while and asked, "Can you adapt to the big world? Are you able to cope with the pursuit of tabloid reporters and paparazzi without getting angry in the face of their bottomless harassment and questions? Can you adapt to a life without sex and a lack of security? Can you handle complex interpersonal relationships and be versatile in this circle? ? Can you remain calm in the face of overwhelming criticism and scolding?"

  "Maybe I can't do it now, but after a period of adaptation, these are not problems for me." Ryan looked extremely confident, "You You should know that I have enough ability and wisdom to face all this."

  Although such conversations have happened many times, Nicole Kidman had an extremely strong illusion this time. She felt that she was not in Rather than having a conversation with a child, or a child with a reading mind, you are having a debate with a peer.

  God, what the hell, maybe I should get Ryan's IQ tested. Nicole thought subconsciously, but still said, "Yes, Ryan, I have never doubted your intelligence. I even doubted that I was talking to a thirty-year-old person, but this does not make me The reason why I let you go to that Vanity Fair."

  Ryan curled his lips without any trace. Of course he wouldn't think that Nicole was doubting him. Anyway, his out-of-the-box thinking was perfectly normal in Nicole's eyes, but what Nicole said There was a hint of looseness in the middle, so he naturally wanted to pursue the victory.

  "Nicole, don't you think you should constantly try new things in life, constantly break through yourself, and pursue your own world and ideals?" "

  Ideals? There is often an Atlantic Ocean distance between ideals and reality." "

  But people don't. If you have an ideal, what's the difference between it and salted fish?" Ryan said this sentence without thinking, and Nicole couldn't help but be stunned, "What does ideal have to do with salted fish?"

  "Don't say this, Nicole. I know what you are most worried about, so if I encounter setbacks and failures, will you still provide me with a warm embrace like you do now?" "

  Of course." "

  You Do you think that setbacks or blows will make a person like me unable to recover?"


  "Then you think that after I make achievements, I will become careless, act recklessly, party all night long, and not take you seriously. Or am I going to become an alcoholic, drug-taking **boy?"

  "No! I never thought of it that way." Nicole's face darkened unconsciously, "God. Ryan, Where did you learn all these messy things? Don't tell me it was school."

  "Come on, Nicole." Ryan waved his hand, knowing that he was a little too showy just now, "What kind of era are we in now? These things are everywhere on TV, newspapers, and magazines. Don't forget that the Sun newspaper you subscribed to in London was almost all gossip and scandal."

  I have to say that Ryan's ability to rake things up is really good, and Nicole was attracted by him. The last sentence was so blocked that I couldn't ask any more questions.

  "Okay, Nicole, these things are no big deal." Seeing Nicole's face getting darker and darker, Ryan quickly comforted her.

  "Ryan, why do I feel like I'm not your sister, but you are more like my brother?" Nicole Kidman raised her head in confusion.

  Isn't it? In all my past and present lives, I am more than enough to be your brother. Ryan muttered in his heart and quickly changed the subject, "So, Nicole, do you agree with me playing this role? The mother and child in the script have extraordinary meaning to me."

  In order to strengthen his persuasion, Rui En had to talk nonsense again, but it was Nicole who liked it the most. Whenever she thought of the content of the script, the strong reading mother and the lonely and helpless boy, she couldn't help but sigh.

  Maybe the situation won't be as bad as I thought. Using such a movie to commemorate the deep friendship between myself and Ryan should be a wise choice.

  "Okay, Ryan, I agree, but..." Before she could finish her words, the excited guy jumped directly into Nicole's arms from the opposite side, and kissed her hard on that fair and cold face. With one mouthful, "I knew it, I knew it, Nicole, you are the best to me."

  Nicole Kidman reluctantly took Ryan into her arms, and still said the unfinished warning. Come out, "Ryan, remember what you just said. If one day you become a bad guy, I will never forgive you." "

  Of course, of course." Ryan nodded hurriedly, patted his chest and sighed. Guaranteed, "Ryan Jenkins will definitely be a good young man in the future!"

  The matter of the two of them co-starring in "The Sixth Sense" has been decided, and the specific matters will naturally be decided? Ms. Kingsley and the lawyer Go talk to Miramax, all they have to do is wait.