
Reborn in Game of thrones with LOHP as Arya Stark (DROPPED)

This is my Third life but it is the first time being a girl. I woke up in this cold place surrounded by loving parents and kind people but i know the future of this family and it is a TRAGEDY. My name is Arya Stark

Schooldean · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Arya POV

The next morning mother opens the door with a furry akin to the Baratheons as she looks at my sleeping form and the sweater I had sewn for myself on the side table. She picks it up and looks at it and realizes I am very good at transforming materials into beautiful and warm clothing. Not to mention the large baby wolf on the front of the sweater.

"It seems you realy were pretending to be slow in class all along. Wake up Arya, you are having breakfast with the rest of the family today. I heard about your bath water yesterday, it seems you are not sick because if you were, you wouldn't go through the medicinal bath again." She wakes me up very rough.

"What is your problem?" I wake up in annoyance and looks at her and she takes a deep breath with wide eyes.

"What? mother its realy early in the morning my face is obviously not washed." I roll my large eyes. She smiles at me seemingly in a good mood all of a sudden.

"Arya you have turned into a pretty young lady. Look at yourself." She trys to look for a mirror but does not find one.

"Where is your mirror?"

I look at her bored "Did you give me one?"

"No but.."

"Then I'll get ready while mother goes to get her other daughter a mirror." I say and she goes out ignoring my comment since she is in a good mood. I finish up and when she gets back she finds me wearing a short dress that shows a quarter of my legs she frowns at the sight I just shrug my shoulder. "I grew." She nods.

"I'll go get you some of Sansa's old clothes and I'll be right back don't go out showing your legs." I nod and sit down to wait. She doesn't take long soon I find something in the pile then we make our way to the dining hall. When we get there everyone is looking at me with surprise but I ignore them and go eat with John and Theon they are both wearing the sweaters I made for them since today there is no training.

We are seated in our own little table looking colorful in our warm looking sweaters with our house segues. Theon seems to like his very much as it proudly portrays his house segues in bright colors. After breakfast Sansa tries to trip me so she can laugh at me with her friends but I stomp on her bruising her small ankle earning myself a scream of pain from her.

"Why would you do your own dirty work? look what happened now, If only you had been smarter and sent your little group fans to trip me instead, unless it's not you who is a leader of this group. Are you the follower instead? Such a shame, it's means you don't have the ability to make them submit to you. A lords daughter following behind maids and trying to make friends?" I smile in mockery while running away from the approaching pair of parents.

"Arya I have a job for you." Father shouts which surprises everyone including mother who was about to scold me for stepping on my older sister. I stand, waiting for his instructions.

"You are required in the work shop of the Smith, the other empty room next to the smithy they require your assistance." I nod and run away from mother leaving an angry Sansa I know she won't say a word since she is terrified of father.

The place is a mess apparently the smart Measter Luwen went ahead and focused on the medicine recipes which is why this part is left to the mediocre, Now it turned to be my problem. The process of making glass is not so easy when one doesn't have the boost of elemental magic. Doing it with limited resources for heating and shaping of the glass using medieval version of machine is depressing but I pushed through I'm sure father was expecting me to fail seeing as how I am a child.

Imagine his surprise when the Smith in charge came to him telling him we are done with making the first sample. The colour is quite bad but the sturdiness and weight it is the best out there. As the days go by we get used to working with the materials the glasses because more and more colorless while the sturdiness increased. Soon Winterfell built it's first glass house and then more were made as soon as they are done being built cropes are put in place.

I had to help with the installation and everything else while father sits on his desk to sign papers. Months later the North started a massive crops buying and planting increasing the food supply by thousands of pounds two years later. Fathers hair finaly seemed darker and he would smile more around us in the table.

The medicine department was not so popular in the South as it is in the North, but that is to be expected since colds are popular in the cold North. The skin care product is another story altogether being popular in the South and Luke warm in the North. The bar soaps and washing powder became a home brand.

The yearly sales vastly increased our yearly earnings improving fathers family situation. Father finally built a place where orphans can go to get clothes and food making him less guilty about taking the Northmen to war all those years ago. That is all that he can do with the increase in earnings because a large chunk went to the nights watch to help them mend the rest of the Castles which was a great help. They sent letters with good news a year later.

The letters explained the use of the money from buying better building materials to better furnishings for the Castles. Not to mention they are very satisfied with the 22 glass houses they were given by the Lord of the North throughout the two years. There is plenty of food now, some of them are even gaining muscle mass.

The Gifts have been planted with many trees so they can get wood and large patches of land was dug up to make lakes for growing fishes. There are numerous animals reared in the gift by local citizens who earn money for their services. The new animals are most of those that can survive the cold but have lots of meat. These were all my idea all I had to do was research where such animals are found on the map and then father will send out an expedition.

Ever since I helped with the manufacturing of glass that time father trusted my ideas more and called me to help him when he is stuck with a problem. Right now I am facing my father who is trying to get me to agree with his suggestion.

"This is a third letter this week Arya can't we just send them the things they want to buy?" He asks with an almost pleading tone. I look at him with sympathy.

"Tell me the truth she wants the recipes and she said something like your queen demands?" He drops his head.

"Its pretty easy to handle, just say we will send the items but as a form of payment for tax." I smirk at his expression.

"The king loves his whores and wine, let's see if he'll agree not to get the money but skin products and bathing soap in exchange."

"While you are at it contact Dorn and tell them the queen will like to buy their skin care oils, they must make sure to save some for her majesty."

"I do not work for you, do it yourself." Father says in annoyance.

"Pretend all you want it's not like you want to give Kingslanding the secrets of the North, Have you seen how beautiful the northern women are now? They will come over and skin you even though they love you now that you keep them fed." He chocked on the water he was drinking with his beautiful glass sitting next to a glass jar. He looks at me with anger "Leave." He says.

I run out of there in a hurry because today is a big day for me not only am I turning 10 years old or as the locals say 10 name days old, I am waiting for my team to complete a new material I had made from an imported type of sheep called  Peppin, Boroola, Saxon and Delaine they are all delivered from all over the known world.

My personal farm which I made happen with the income from my 20% share of the profit. I asked for land from father who hesitated but once I told him it doesn't have to be fertile he immediately gave me a land inside the castle. I then started my farm but ofcourse I have plenty of help hired from the folks.

The farm is more of the source for what I realy wanted to do once father finaly let me use the broken tower I fixed it up and made a fabric factory inside I have many workers separated by stages of material, the lower floors has those dealing with the fresh wool from the sheeps.

Once the sheep is shaved it accommodation is changed to the warm place. I don't just have sheep here I have the many more animals who give me cloth material and this have revolutionized clothing for the North. I went ahead and made leggings for both males and females. Everyone loves them especially the hard working people who are almost always outside.

I made the polo neck too and designed it with beautiful materials on the outside for the noble ladies. The bright coats were a big hit I made the tight fitting warm clothing for everyone from children to adults and the easy to wash new materials are famous among the folks. My factory had to increase in size if I wanted to make summer clothes for other places but I just couldn't be bothered for now.

I moved in to making the warm bedding, my favorite product to make personally are the duvet Some polyester material stuff it with lots of wool and put more softer material on top and make matching pillow cases and you are in business. I moved on to curtains and floor mats all these products are not too expensive so the people can afford them. I just wanted to keep them warm.

However the truth is most of the high quality warm products are stored in a warehouse I have designed specifically for this but I'll soon be able to make large magical space pouches using my true essence. These will be used during the up coming long night. Father is in the process of developing the North I told him I'll make him an expensive wine once I'm 10 and a half, everyone will want to drink it forever.

The idea we both like to build large buildings and use them to house all the small folks who reside in the scattered villages without protection and properly maintained home structures. Some of them live in poorly built small huts which results in them dying from the cold or killed by bandits.

Therefore he should plan ahead since these things will take long time to make into reality. He just goes with most of what I say when it makes sense. Tonight I am going to finally attempt my cultivation which will also include soul power in the very first stage. The first stage is supposed to alter muscles, form Jade bones and empower the mortal soul.

I leave the table having gobbled down my food, over the two full years I grew taller and my hair got ridiculously longer while my face became more doll like. I still play with boys using swords except I am too powerful for those my age so I hurt my brothers, who have taken to practice seriously now that I am providing them to be weak in power but they don't get that my technique is realy bad I just overpower them with stamina and strength tiring them out.

They think they are not doing enough in learning but Theo told them it's because of my disgusting bath water so they made me make one for each. I told them It was hell kind of painful and they won't stand a chance. Father helped them without mothers knowledge and they got better in strength and stamina even father wanted all the children to go through the medicinal bath and to everyone's surprise Sansa agreed.

She has realized how pretty I am turning ever since I started the medicinal baths, she is especially jealous of my skin and hair. She looks like a boy compared to me and she couldn't stand it. She made it through her fist bath, she had bagged mother to let her go but remembering what I had said about not leaving halfway through the bath, mother told her to hold on with tears in her eyes.

She was so angry at me she made me clean the horse shit for a week turning me into a laughing stock to all my siblings. Theon refused to take the bath, just as well I still don't trust him to not turn against us in the future. Now the only family members who haven't gone through the medical baths are the two infants. Bran and Ricko. Mother's resolve got crushed when she saw father return to look like a youth with strong muscles and even darker hair.

Now mother had high length long hair and she loves it, she makes us all keep our hair that long. The colour of her hair is bright red unlike Sansa's that is light red leaning on orange but darker almost as if it can't decide. Suddenly our entire family had turned beautiful and young not to mention the strength.

I told them soon I'll be able to make them a new type of medicine that will be for drinking. This is to refine their bodies without them doing cultivation, the medicine is powerful also cures underlying ailments. I'll give it to father so we can dilute it and send it to the whole north especially the wall. They can be healthier and handle the cold better.

This medicine is recommended to take in diluted doses in the beginning and as time goes by when the body doesn't expel impurities anymore then it is time to increase the dose. This process will likely continue for years. I am going to make my family reach the very last stage of body refinement using this method. The men will do it for the power, mother will want look just as young and beautiful as father, Sansa will do it because I'll be doing it, she doesn't want me to be prettier than her.

Father had asked me why I didn't just do this from the beginning I told him the medicine would have killed him taking out the impurities. Right now we have purified our skin's and muscles but only on the very surface, Ingesting the medicine includes internal organs responsible for the body functions. The difficulty level has just began, when I'm done with them they'll be able to run to Kingslanding in a day or two.

I told father to send it to his foster family and mothers family members, but it will be better for someone they both recognize to send it to them. John will be healthier and able to satisfy his promiscuous wife.

I am getting ahead of myself these are all in the future when I am able to make the medicine. For now my time is better left to cultivation. It is night now I have finished all my daily routines Now it is time for cultivation. I had asked mother not to bother me and only come in after seventh day if I don't come out at that time.

This is how a spent months after my 10th birthday, I ate only once a week and mother was very close to loosing her marbles.

In the seventh month I finally finished the first stage. The family is getting worried over me, and my eating schedule but I made a deal with father to distract mother if she wants to disturb me or else I would be hurt.

Father did a great job especially now that he is always full of energy distracting his wife has been very easy. I only have spiritual force instead of true essence that will come at the third stage but I can now make the medicine even though it will require large chunks of my recently required soul power.

I am hoping it is enough to make the medicine since I just need to purify the herbs and then mix the resulting powder of each mixture and lastly add water and boil it while controlling the temperature with my soul force. I need a sturdy pot with a very thick base. I send my useless maid to get me such a thing and she instead goes straight to mother reporting that I came out. I'll give her friend free skin care lotion not her, as punishment.

Mother is flustered as she comes through the door looking me up and down complaining about how skinny I am because I don't eat enough. "Mother please come down as you can see I am a picture of health. I am going to make medicine you may stay but I can't be distracted during the process so you'll need to remain as still as possible." Mother looks at me with great surprise and I start touching my face wondering if I have something on my face.

"Arya you grew more beautiful again and taller too. You seem like a 13 name days old I suspect you to be taller than your sister, you are closer to your brother in height now. Ow my, look how white your skin is and how long and shiny your neck is." I look at her in boredom.

"This will happen as time goes by I'll be a pretty little lady now please leave so I can keep my promise of making all of you stronger."

I say showing her the door I will be resting soon so I'll find a way to make it up to her, she looks at me with a frown but seeing my resolve she relents and goes out just as the maid comes in with my pot I instruct her to give me the more bigger clothes because I had expected to grow again.

I put on cute brown boots with a small heel. warm socks inside and a full body warmer underneath. It's what I call these long tight underwear I designed to warm us under our clothes. They have long sleeves for all limbs and cover the neck too, but they are so tight one has to wear clothes on top to cover the obvious body shape. I came up with this idea when I was making the fluffy body suits for babies. I can say that the North is far superior when it comes to clothing design.

I had given father the soap recipe and over the years I gave him all kinds from shampoos to bathing bars but the well received one by the folks is the simple bathing soap and the powder washing soap. The noble ladies love the bable making soap it makes them feel superior when they take a bath and they enjoy bubbles and also smell nice afterwards and not the exaggerated smell of perfumes. No one wants too much of that when it's time to sleep.

The Queen is beside herself with fury that all the women in Kingslanding seems to be able to get this soap but she has to pay an arm and a leg to get it. She keeps complaining to Robert at the council meetings but no one cares about her complaints and it is driving her crazy that the barbarians in the North are not taking her seriously. She is queen and those savages have no respect for their betters.

I go out to a place I had prepared for this process the only reason I needed some other pot is because I am unsure I'll be able to control the temperature of these pots I had specifically made for alchemy months prior. The reason is that I do not have sufficient soul power at the moment it will be easier to use a low level cooking pot.

I had no reason to make these as Stefan, since I could just just give my family cultivation techniques but here reciting incantations will be seen as praying to a God. That will come with another can of worms that I can not open right now. I'll be making them stronger other ways since I will give them super bodyguards who will work in the shadows protecting them.

I have to musk my request to father as finding help for my farm and clothing business. I continue to the boiler room and start my alchemy for weak alchemists. The resulting strong smelling thick black liquid is supposed to be the body cleansing elixir that is so powerful it could get rid of cancer cells from the host if they use it as a bathing substance but only a drop at a time. If one put more than a drop in the washing tub the pain might kill them.

I was only able to make a basin full which seem to be 500 ML. If we use this wisely it might last us for the next few years. I used a lot of herbs from my garden to finaly succeed and make the this amount. A disappointment really.

I would be able to draw inscriptions with Daenerys Targaryen's dragons blood, I'd have powerful magical beasts to bleed and use their blood for my inscriptions since I can't use true essence.

I am still on the first level in my cultivation technique and can only have spiritual power inside of my body and not true essence so the only way I can make an inscription is if I can get my hands on some powerful magical beasts blood and make use of my very limited soul power. I suppose my soul power Is vast compared to a normal person's but it is lacking when compared to what I was used to as Stefan.

I make my way to my father's office, on the way I see people looking at me oddly I suppose it is because I am a very tall for a 10 and a half years old. The truth is I am not that tall so maybe they have missed me dearly while I was in my closed door cultivation. I find father exactly where I knew he will be I smile and give him a hug, he seems happy to see me but also saddened by my apparent growth.

"Its good to see you grow into those large eyes." I raise my hand to stifle my laugh. "You look older did I spend years in my cultivation?" Father looks at me with a smile at my come back.

We are used to taking a bite out of each other when mother is not around. Never with her around she is too damn sensitive but father and I have a father son sort of relationship where I tell him his outdated and he calls me ugly duckling. He would never say that infront of mother we are both scared of her.

I give him the glass bottle I had moved the elixir in and I tell him this can cure almost anything except open wounds they will probably start hurting and itching more if it is used on an open wound. "I advise you to ride to Kingslanding and help your foster father with the bath personally but don't do it inside the castle because there are too many tunnels there with Varys and his little birds watching and reporting everything back to him.

"I'd like it if I never see that place again."Father says with a frown on his face.

"Well, all that work is slowly taking away his life. This will go a long way, not to mention if you do go I'm coming with so nothing will happen to you. I'm now equivalent to 9 of your guardsmen and when I learn technique on weaponry I'll be unstoppable." I smile at him but he looks at me with a serious face.

"You want to go South what's the reason?" He asks me and I look at him as if he said something else.

"You are right father I should go alone who would sign papers If you go? I'll make sure your foster father is properly disinfected and given health in your stead." He widens his eyes

"No you are not going anywhere do you understand?" Father seems genuinely scared it's obvious he is scared of mother I just roll my eyes.

"Anyways make sure the family ingests this atleast a drop for now and as time goes on it is best to increase the dose. Remember to pour a drop in the cup full of water, cold or warm it doesn't matter." Father nods and looks at me.

"I know that look what's wrong?" I ask

"There are some discrepancies in the books of your farm and clothing place in the broken tower."

"It's to be expected I have been gone for so long people got bold in my absence. No need to worry about this I'll take care of it." Father looks at me with worry.

"Don't worry dear father I won't boil their bones for stew. I'll just fire them." Father looks horrified at the beginning of my statement but relieved afterward.

"You are not to make such jokes in the future." He says with his hand on his chest.

"I was expecting something..."

"More? I can understand someone stealing to get medicine for their dying mother or siblings oppose to someone denying my brother food when we have food in the kitchen." I say since I know he was thinking about that time I was going to flog Lily to death.

"You were 8 name days forgive me for assuming. If you had gone through with it you would be regretting it now." I smile at him

"Actually I regret not flogging that woman to death because if I had done that, my people wouldn't have the courage to steal from me now." Father has a sudden realization that his daughter may be evil.

"Go see your mother and try not to scare her as you just did me." He dismisses me with a wave.

"Don't worry father this kind of affection I have only for you." I say and he runs to strangle me I run away from him.

It's fun to see him so free and happy. All those cold and starving people were taking a toll on his conscience. I'm glad I can help. I also know this is why he let me get away with so many things he wouldn't have allowed in the past, it's his way of thanking me. I get to mother's room she is combing Sansa's shiny hair it is so long I start helping as soon as I get there.

"Look who finaly left her bedroom?" Sansa says with a smirk. Two and a half years later we are not as unpleasant to each other as before, but it's still touch and go.

"And look who still doesn't know how to comb her own hair." I say while my hands work on the clotted places. Mother is ignoring me as usual when I come out she won't give me attention after the initial inspection of whether I'm still alive or not.

"Look at your hair did you even bother with it while praying in your bedroom for months?" I roll my eyes and mother's eyes go to my hair and I hold my breath because if she starts combing mine we are going to be here forever.

How unlucky, because the woman who had been angry with me a moment ago is demanding me to take a seat infront of her. Sansa knows I hate combing my hair so she is having a good time in my expense. "Mother, may I strangle your eldest daughter? her laughs are irritating me to no end." I say with my eyes starring at Sansa.

"No you may not, your sister misses you too that is why she can recognize that your hair is not combed." Mother says stifling her own laughter I get deflated and resigned to my fate. Untill Bran said 'Arya is combing hair' outloud earning giggles from Ricko.

I find that being a little girl one receives hands on affection from mother than if one is a boy. I ended up with braids halfway down my long hair atleast it's not as girly as the one mother did on Sansa. I left them to that bonding so I can go through my books.

The discrepancy is done by many book keepers if I look one by one I'll never find the master mind so I suppose it is time to use the recently acquired soul force and dig out a rat for myself. Without wasting time I call a meeting with everyone and we meet in a place I had turned into a conference hall. I had fashioned a long table with numerous chairs surrounding it.

When everyone is present I released my soul power enveloping everyone in the room. "Those who stole something from me and the business stand up" I say in a clear and commanding voice out of 300 and some change a total of 13 people stood up and I sent everyone else outside. Now I seperate those who stole some materials to make clothes for their own family.

Apparently they take materials and store it with in the castle and then make the clothes during their breaks and when it's time to visit home they hide the new clothes made from stolen material within their own clothes. Very dedicated to thieving even when I pay them good money which they can use to buy clothes from me. After a thorough investigation only two were not fired the rest were sent to their homes by my very own guards.

I walk out with a new found strength on my steps as I spend time with my family making jokes and teasing each other. "Father can I...." I don't get to finish.

"No." Mother says with a smile that is not a smile. I look at Ned Stark with a betrayed expression. He actually told her I wanted to go to Kingslanding.

I keep quiet and continue telling the small children the story of the princess in the tower. They enjoy listening to my many stories But they love this one especially. Afterwards I go into the training grounds to borrow a wooden sword. I close my eyes and recall my sword art and try to preform it but there is something missing I can feel it is not a right fit anymore.

I compile sword techniques geared for the current self which ended up being s gentle but strong drawing technique and an overbearing second level where I have to be the aggressor even if I did not start a fight. Once this level is reached I approach with no option of withdrawal. The form is intimidation and oppression completely destroy the enemy regardless who started the fight I'll have to finish it. I think focus on the first level for now.

I spend the whole afternoon drawing my sword making passersby look at me in confusion so I took the wooden sword and my temporary sheath. I go into the gods wood untill I remember the creepy dude in a tree. I decide I am going to have indoors practice. I chose a room that I had installed rubber all over because I am planning on making it the gravity chamber.

This tower has a lot of rooms and many floors it equivalent to having an entire building all to myself. It's a great deal if one doesn't count the fact I had to practically rebuild the whole thing.

I spend a long time trying to understand this move but the truth is I feel lost with this move because it relies on speed and proximity. my jadebones provide me with both sturdiness and flexibility. I can be as light as a feather or as heavy as Thor's hammer. but the important thing is that one draw of my sword can eliminate hundreds of enemies. It needs to happen in a blink of an eye and when people finish blinking I should be back to my old spot or I'll be returned back without finishing my kill.

The thing I see about this sword art is that it is not for performance to entertain people in melees but to get rid of an enemy quick and efficient. I know I'll be facing enemy armies so this sword art is a must to learn for me. This practice occupied my mind and body for more than 9 weeks of constant practice even when I was eating I'd be thinking about what is it I am missing and try to figure out the glitch in my execution and application.

I finaly realized my problem with the sword art is my movement technique. I need to have one fast enough to perform this sword art and bring it glory. I have spent a considerable amount of time looking for a perfect movements technique. I find one and spend the rest of the week learning it. After reaching the last level in the movement technique I restart my training in the sword first form. As predicted it went smashing.

A month later mother was about to barge in my training room to brag me out for some sun light. She is overeating in my opinion because I eat with everyone every day. My brothers are doing well in their training the fast reflexes and the extra strength has proven to be a confidence boost resulting in them excelling in their training tests I convinced father to let them go out to horn their sskills, mother was not happy about this particular incident and now I have to endure her styling my hair for a week.

After my deal with mother was finally completed I snuck out the next night leaving father a letter saying I'm going to horn my own skills and that he should tell mother he let me go since I can now beat all the men in the household including his right hand man the trainer. I always call him that because I'm bad with names.

Father has built large housing projects all over the small towns to house the small folk who live in villages with falling house structures. They were having crises when it came to hiding from the cold, although father did not build them indoor toilets and water supply he did build large water tanks after digging up wells in each town. Then bathing rooms and smaller round wooden bathing basins for each household.

The places where the small folks had created small towns we chose these places and made two bedrooms apartments style. This was actually not something I came up with but high rise Buildings already exist in this world we just had to hire a team from across the seas to do it right. There is no plumbing but every families who do not own land under their minor lords have registered for a free housing in the towns.

To facilitate the rules so that outsiders don't come and kick out the residents to occupy their homes a small organization has been put in place now I just have to brainwash them into following the rules of the Starks and never commit the crime of replacing current residents.

When I get there I realize there are 17 employees who are responsible for security purposes. Father has already increased their strength to make them able to take on criminals. I spend many nights performing the compulsion on each of them ensuring they take their jobs serious here and they also make sure no crimes are committed in the housing districts.

Taking rounds to all the towns had made my soul power grow exponentially from working it so much now I can just use my mind to compel them instead of doing it with my voice. By the time I've completed all the towns security's brainwashing it was two months later. I went back home and told father he doesn't have to worry about corruption in the new housing districts.

The people can hunt the many animals we released into the all the woods in the North. Especially the wild rolandnzalp that resembles a rabbit that also multiplies like the rabitts. The North will never be hungry again now that there are glass houses in almost every household.

Father got smart and only gave the muscle cleanser only to the houses that are very loyal to the Starks which is most of the houses but the Boltons and their vassals. I watched the improved Northen army train. I am impressed.