
Reborn in F.R.I.E.N.D.S

A young boy died and was granted a second chance at life, to be reincarnated into any world of his choice. So he choose the world which put a smile on his face, the one that taught him the true value of love and friendship. join our OC as he gets reborn into FRIENDS and how he will build and interact with his favorite characters. disclaimer I don't own any characters from the friends TV series except from my OC. patreon link patreon.com/AdamsWorld504

Adams2004 · TV
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23 Chs

The One With The Blackout

"Okay, this is it"

Adam said as he walked to the door of the Vestibule and tried to open it but found out that he was unable to do so.

"Damn it, I just have to look for some other way to get in"

Adam said as when he looked inside and saw the way Chandler is struggling to gather the courage to talk to her and he hoped that it remained like that because Chandler has learnt a few things from him and the only reason he is hesitating is because Jill is a famous person and he does not want to cause a scene when hitting on her.

Adam looked at the rooftop and had an idea on what to do but it is going to be very embarrassing.

Monica's Apartment

Rachel and Ross were on the balcony of the apartment together.

Apparently, Ross took Joey's advice and is ready to tell Rachel how he feels about her.

"You know, with all the lights out you can actually see the stars" said Ross.

"Mm, it's so nice" said Rachel while looking up at the sky as the stars shine brightly on this particular night, maybe due to the blackout.

Ross looked at Rachel who was still watching the stars at lost at what to actually say to her.

He stood there for a while hoping Rachel could say something but she didn't, so he cleared his throat and looked at her again "hey, I have a question. Well, actually, it's not so much a question as more of a general wondering... Ment" said Ross nervously.

"Okay" said Rachel

"Okay, uh, here goes, um, well, for a while now, I've been wanting to, um..." Said Ross nervously.

"Oh, oh" exclaimed Rachel

"Yes, yes" said Ross who thought Rachel was getting happy because of what he was about to say.

"Oh, look at the little Kitten" said Rachel who saw a little cat trying to find its way around on the wall behind Ross.

"What?.." Said Ross

Before Ross could complete his statement, the cat jumped up him causing him to yell in fright as he tried to get it off of him but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Joey, Phoebe and Monica were busy inside the apartment having a little fun of their own while Ross fights for his life with a cat with Rachel trying to help him with it.

The ATM Vestibule

Chandler was still having a hard time opening a conversation with Jill Goodarce when suddenly someone fell from the Venturi Tubes.

The sound of someone falling from the Venturi Tubes made Jill and Chandler be on alert.

But what or who they saw was not what or who they were expecting.

The man landed perfectly with his two legs on the floor and had a smile on his face as he looked at them.

"What are you doing here man, and why did you use that?" Said Chandler after seeing who the person was.

Jill on the other hand was shocked, the man trapped inside the Vestibule with her knew the man before them and he seem ordinary and even nervous to start a conversation with her even when she offered him a gum he said some stupid nonsense which did not go in line with the type if person that was going to associate with the man in front of them, Adam Geller, the god of technology and a giant in the business world.

"Why can't I be here? And if you don't know the reason why you are trapped here in the first place then I don't know what to say" Adam said as he dusted himself and arranged his hairs and walked to Jill and bowed in a gentleman manner "hi, my name is Adam Geller, I am a very big fan of yours"

Chandler and Jill were shocked and wide eyed especially Chandler as he knew Adam to never do something like that even to major celebrities makes him even more shocked than Jill.

Now it was Jill's turn to be nervous as she started fidgeting and lost at words to say "I'm Jill and I...."

Adam smiled as he saw the way Jill was acting so he tool her hands and place a kiss on it making Jill's face extremely red, before he could continue or say anything, Chandler dragged him to a corner.

"Hey, what are you doing? I was trying to get a shot at her and then you just show up and start stealing the stage. Come on, I thought you were my bro and you will follow the bro code"

Chandler said without any trace of his usual sarcasm.

"Come on, you and I know that she is not the one for you and if you continue in this path, you are going to hurt yourself, you should focus on what you have and if I'm not mistaken, you have Janice right? Oh, that's right, you broke up with her. But man, I'm telling, I have a connection to Jill and I don't have the time to meet up with her and when I heard the you are trapped in the ATM vestibule with her, I say this is my opportunity to set up a date with her, so please, I promise I will make it up to you" said Adam using the Joey's weird eye thing.

"You bet your ass you do and will you stop doing that? You look like a clown" Chandler said as he just went to sit by a corner waiting for the light to be back up.

Adam thanked him before going back to Jill who was still shocked by what he just did to her "I'm sorry for what my friend just did, he is a bit unstable up there at times. And seeing the way you appear so shocked, you must have heard of me?" He said.

Who wouldn't know of him, everyone is using his inventions and he is the son of one of the biggest company on the world. So who would not know him, everybody dreams of meeting him and becoming like him, only a fool would not know about him.

"Uh, I don't think we can work like this, so let's get to know each other first, can I get your digits?"

Adam said as he was not going to get anywhere with the way Jill is acting.

Jill brought out her phone and gave Adam her digits and also took his and saved it.

"I will call you one of this days, we can meet up on from time to time, hang out with my friends and get to know each other better so that all these awkwardness and the barrier between us would disappear and before I forget, I am going to hold an event two days later, I will text you the address, I hope to see you there"

Adam said as he went to join Chandler leaving Jill wondering if what just happened was a dream or not.

"Could you be any more famous"