
Reborn in DxD; Lost in a poorly remembered anime world

Ronald Mallory reborn into DXD with a few cheats but poor knowledge of the world. Join him as he stumbles his way through his new life after painstakingly trying to stay out of the supernatural way... only for his family to move to Kuoh. Uploads will be iffy and inconsistant. Doing this to practice my writing, criticism welcome in that regard. Otherwise, it's just a story and I hope you enjoy. I don't own Highschool DxD.

BabbleWolf · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Council and Plot.

The next evening I was introduced to the otherwise entirely female student council, and became slightly weary from the revelation. Fortunately, they were friendly and didn't seem to cause too much of a fuss when introduced to each other, limited mostly to Tomoe Meguri questioning me a little about the UK.

"So, here is where you'll be working for the next while. the password is on the sticky note there, and here is a folder explaining everything. Good luck." Souna smiled as she handed me a medium thick folder. After reading it I could only question the sanity of whoever made the thing.

It took me until the end of the week, but i had designed, tested, and implemented an entirely new system for the school to work off that was much smoother and more logical. No more five different drop-downs for finding your class plans, no more comparing timetables to ensure no clashes ensued, and most importantly, it came with a clear tutorial and resulted in a much slimmer user's guide than the one I got from Souna.

"You mean to tell me you did this in a week?" Souna asked with an astonished face as she started navigating her own account fluidly, with the rest crowding around to see the improvement. "This is, how?"

"It's a basic platform for this stuff. Whoever did the old one was an idiot and terribly incompetant. To the point I got pissed off. So yeah." I answered from the student council sofa with a cup of tea in my hand, the other hand rubbing my forehead in tiredness. "Don't worry, I also already went through everyone's accounts and added everything necessary for everyone. You don't have to worry too much. Though, I did find discrepencies surrounding the financing of the Occult Research Club, maybe get someone to look into it. There's a seperate binder with things there." I pointed at a green folder on her desk, which she mechanically picked up.

"Thank you. You've already shown me how right I was to ask you to join." Souna smiled happily at him.

"You didn't ask, you bargained remember." I chuckled, getting weird looks from the others. "You hadn't told them yet?"

"Told us what, Ronald-kun?" Momo asked.

Over the weeks, the girls of the student council had become a little friendlier and graduated me from -san to -kun after I brought in extra brownies I'd made.

"Long story short, I agreed we'd be voice actors for the game he's developing." Souna admitted.

"Really?" Tsubasa asked intrigued. "What kind of game?"

"Story driven role-playing indie game. It's a linear game, but it will be my first ever self-made game that isn't an app. After that I was thinking of starting a much more ambitious project. Though looks like i'll need to find some guys to voice act too. I really thought your student council would be more... diverse." I sighed.

"Unfortunately there are still few boys here, and they aren't really student council material." Reya giggled, though the rest of the girls nodded tiredly. I knew who they were alluding to the most; the perverted trio.

"Well, everyone can familiarise themselves with the new systems. I'm going to go home." I announced.

"Have a good night Ronald-san." Souna smiled briefly from her seat.


I walked on a bridge on my way home, Issei Hyoudou, one of the perverted trio was there with a girl, but I simply kept on walking. The girl approached him, and when I got nearish I felt the slight magical quality around the girl and out of the corner of my eye I saw she was actually a Fallen angel. Even more confusing, she was asking him out on a date. Strange, but ultimately it wasn't necessarily something malicious. I'd learnt that Fallens sometimes had strange tastes. I'm pretty sure this was part of the plot, but my memories were a little fuzzy after all these years. I walked past without drawing attention to myself and returned to my house where I began making cookies.

"Senpai, did I do this right?" Koneko asked me after I'd put the cookies in the oven.

"Yup, you got it Koneko. Congrats. Here, some left over cookie dough." I handed her the cookie dough, and while she seemed happy she also seemed dissatisfied though her face didn't change.

"What is it?" I asked and she blushed hard, still with a stiff face, and slowly brought my hand up to pat her head. I chuckled and just pat her head a little more."I'll remember from now on."

"Hehehe, does Koneko-chan like getting her head pat?" Mave asked from the door.

I felt Koneko stiffen under my hand and robotically turn to find a teasing smile on Mave's face. Koneko then stiffly walked off and dragged Mave be the hand even as my little sister began teasing her new friend.

"That was weird." I lowly commented.


The next day Issei was with that girl again, and she asked him to go on a date Sunday. Yeah, the girl must definitely have a pervert fetish or something. Regardless, not my problem. Time passed and I was in the student council with Souna and the others eating a small take-out Reya had gotten to celebrate the new system.

"I swear, I saw Tominako-sensei crying tears of joy over the new system." Ruruko said as she energetically picked up a vegetable roll.

"I know, even Amano-sensei was less prickly this morning." Tsubaki commented. "Oh yeah, Kaichou, didn't you agree to go to Ronald-kun's house for dinner again tonight?"

"Oh? Again?" Momo asked with a smile.

"Yes, I convinced him to join, with his mother's help, last week. She also somehow got me to agree to come around for another dinner" Souna said in defeat.

"Aw, I want to come." Tomoe pouted.

"Oh, I'll ask our mum then!" Mave said from the now open door, phone to her ear. "Mum, can the student council come to dinner tonight? Yeah like all of them, I just heard they wanted to come round. Cool, okay. Mum said yes, you're all welcome and that Ron is cooking again. Oh, Ron, mum asked me to tell you that she'll need your help with character design again tonight. After dinner now of course." Mave smirked.

"What's she paying?" I asked her tiredly.

"A cheesecake for you tomorrow and a reservation at that restuarant you wanted to go to." Mave said.

"Deal." I sighed, and heared a cheer from the other side of Mave's phone as she turned to leave.

"Wait, I can come?" Tomoe asked happily as she surged to her feet.

"I think we all got an invite Tomoe-chan." Momo said with a smile as she picked up takoyaki.

"Then it's settled, we're all going to Ronald-kun's for dinner." Tsubaki nodded as if everything was decided.

"Whatever." I tiredly sighed as Souna looked at me apologetically, but also amusedly.