

1 day later

Tumi's spaceship suddenly appeared on top of the planet Sadal.

Tumi put away the spaceship and flew right to where his house was.

He could have used instant transmission to appear at his house but he didn't want to scare the hell out of his family so he flew there.

While he was flying towards them, his family noticed his ki signature and were immediately surprised at the increase that he had.

His power had multiplied by 2, which was very shocking as his power wasn't in the lower ranking, for his multiplication to not count but it was in no way similar to the person that had power in the millions.

He appeared in his house and was bombarded by his families hugging him.

They started talking about stuff that they did, Tumi didn't lie to them and said: "I was trying to become a god" when they asked what he was doing.

His sister said,d "nice joke, I would have laughed if I was 10 years younger".

"Why do you think I was lying?"

"Then do you have a way to prove what you just said"

"Okay sure look at this"

"As he said that he transformed to his god form, which wasn't relatively close to what Goku had in his base power".

He was almost as powerful as 10% of what super Saiyan god Goku would have been.

He knew that the super Saiyan god form wasn't the most important for him to compare his powers with Goku as his super Saiyan transformation would make the gap huger, when he transformed.

Unlike Goku, Tumi would become a god, when he completely transformed the bloodline and the ki.

When that would happen he did not have to go super Saiyan god and stack super saiyan on top of that, in his case it would be like just going super saiyan, which made the next stages easier to obtain as he did not have to worry about the strains super Saiyan put when stacked on top of super Saiyan god.

He just needed to learn how to go ssj2, ssj3, ss4.

Back to the story.

Looking at Tumi, his family saw a totally different person, it wasn't that child that was arrogant as hell but was someone that released no aura but still kept everyone suppressed.

Right now he could destroy 20% of the universe which he hadn't expected to gain.

If he decided to destroy half a universe right now, he could but that would cause his god ki to disappear as he hadn't completely transformed into a god.

His family looked at him and were dumbfounded at the new and improved Tumi, they were sure that this brat had gotten a power boost out of nowhere, they didn't know how he had done this but they were certain about one thing and that was that this brats arrogance probably reached a new height, that if he tried he could turn it into his aura too.

Tumi made his got ki disappear as it was too much of a stress on him right now.

"So do you believe me now?" Tumi asked his sister.

His sister did not have the time to answer her as her mum had answered: "we believe you son but plz stop showing off".

He looked at his mum and had no words to say, he had been waiting the whole time just for this moment just to show his power plus show off yet before he could even boost a bit more his mum had made him come back down to earth from the seven high heavens.

Tumi looked at her and said "mum, why would you think I would show off at such a minor thing that doesn't even amount to what will come to my grasps in the future".

"Guess your showing off skills are still there but please stop doing that in here or you might not be able to sit on your butt probably for the next week or more"

Tumi heard the words and immediately shut his mouth closed.

The reason being was cause of his memories that had traumatised him when he was a kid.

He remembered the day that he was in childcare, the day that he was about to build up his reputation as the strongest 4-year-old in planet Sadal.

He had challenged some kids in an academy and beat them up like hell when he was fighting his mum had felt that her son was fighting, so she had appeared in front of him to see why he was fighting.

When she came there, see him sitting on a bunch of 12-year-olds that were pilled up together, with bruises on them.

His mum asked why he had done that and his replied had shocked her, he had said: "i did cause I was trying to impress my classmates".

She has immediately had gave him some good spanking at that moment and that time.

He still remembers the pain from that day.

He pulled himself up and said, "sorry mum, it won't happen again".

They went on to eat food.

After dinner, he had asked his mum, "Mum can you take me out of the academy, I don't think I can learn anything else from school".

"Yeah sure, do I have anything else that you want to be accomplished?"

Tumi didn't hear the sarcasm in the voice and said "yes there is something but I don't think will accept it if you can, can you let me go outside this planet for", he was about to say it when he noticed that if he went away against hat would the most heartless thing and it would seem like he had no emotion for his family so he said that he had no other wishes.

He changed the subject and felt happy about not going to school for the rest of his life.

He talked to his family for another 1 hour before going to 'bed'.

He went inside the toilet and brought out the lotion and the toilet paper our as he had to do something important.

He put the lotion in his right hand and started stripping.

He took all of his clothes and started toning his body.

I wonder how he was toning his body.

Plz review the novel

If you don't ill come to your house and post your search history on all of your social media, then show it to your mum/dad.

You know what to do if you don't wanna get exposed.

L1_acreators' thoughts