
The rescue.

I started a P@treon.


Support me so I can start this full time!!



Ok for some reason some of you want to argue over how long it will take the fire truck to drive to New York. When in the show Boden literally says "we hopped in and drove over night and got there on the 12th" it only takes 12 hours give or take a hour or so. If you don't believe me look it up.


Also, I probably should've mentioned this earlier but I am not anywhere close to being knowledgeable on how to be a firefighter or a medic, so I will make a lot of mistakes, that in my fic work but in irl would not.


After hearing their response I looked back at the 2 girls and they had hope in their eyes. I look over and see that Patrick is losing a lot of blood.

"Fuck." I say as I run over to him and take his jacket off then I find a sharp piece of glass and cut his straps that we're holding his pants up.

I quickly tie the straps around the bottom of his thighs so the bleeding will stop.

"What are you doing?" One of the girls asks.

"He was gonna bleed out so I had to tie a Tourniquet around his legs." I said, which she seemed to understand because she was nodding.

After that, his bleeding stopped and after a couple of hours, I could finally see the light of the people that were rescuing us.

"Hey can you hear me?" one of them asks.

"Yes I can, we have 2 civilians, not injured other than minor cuts, we also have Capt. Patrick Brown" I pause before saying what's wrong with him.

"His legs are completely crushed from the knee down."

"Ok and what about you?" the man asks.

"I am fine just focus on getting them out first." I respond.

Time quickly passed as the 3 people I was with slowly started to get rescued, first was Patrick then was the 2 girls and I was last.

"Alright kid you ready-" he was about to finish but then he saw my arm.

"I know let's just get out first," I told him.

Luckily I didn't have to crawl out I was put on a stretcher that was tied to a rope, they started to pull me out and I have to say that was probably the most painful part.

Once I got out of all the rubble I noticed that a lot of the people that were there were staring at me in disbelief.

Unknown to Colt but mostly everyone above ground already knew of the "legend" that ran into both towers and saved as many people as he could.

Boden POV.

We arrived about an hour ago, what we saw on the news didn't prepare us for the amount of destruction and death that was actually here, as we arrived we got the news that 1 firefighter and 3 civilians were in the middle of being saved, everyone thinks they may be under around 200 feet of rubble if not more.

Our Battalion Chief walks over to the command center to see were we need to go, as I look around everyone here no longer cares what you look like what skin color you have, what type of shoes you wear all that matters right now are the people that can be saved and the ones that we lost.

(I said that because well, some of you may not be hold enough or you may be from a different country but, after 9/11 happened, all violence in America stopped there was no more diversity between this race or that race, to put it the simply way everyone was nice, everyone was affected differently, for example I was watching one of Joe rogans podcast and he explained that afterward road rage was nonexistent, "people would let you pull in front of them and not get mad." of course that is a very small detail but you guys understand what I am trying to say basically this was a time were America was actually together and not against each other.)

"How could someone do such a thing?" Tommy Vasquez asks taking his helmet off and taking knee.

The amount of just pure destruction around us was suffocating.

I hear some firefighters talking over my shoulder.

"That kid saved our lives, I-I ran like a coward when he stayed to save those p-people." one of the firefighters says, with tears coming down his face."

"P-Patrick stayed with him." one of the other men say.

I turn and walk toward them.

"Did you say Patrick?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Patrick brown?" I ask hoping that he is not who they are talking about.

"Y-Yea," the man says.

I take a step back and take a deep breath.

Then Tommy asks something.

"W-Who was the kid?"

They all look at him and some of the people around us who were listening walked closer and looked at us as well.

No one said anything until one firefighter spoke up.

"My partner and I were the first firefighters to be dispatched to the top floors of North tower, for some reason all the stairwell doors were locked, but on our way up we passed by loads of people, more people than we could count, and every time we asked what floor they came from they would tell us and it was supposed to be a floor that was locked and when we would ask them how they got out they would say there was a kid no older than 16 or 17 who was going into every floor." the man said.

"That can't be true can it?" Tommy asks.

"We didn't think so, but the more people that ran down the more we started to believe it, all their stories matched up, but we eventually got up to the 95th floor and when I ran in all I could see was black, in simple terms, it was like an abyss. I called out to see if anyone needed help, I heard a voice yell back so I walked over and saw a kid helping some people get out.

I was in shock, how could someone at his age be so calm and collected during a time like this?

During that time I was in shock he slapped me and said.

"Kid, now is not the time to be scared or dazed, if we don't move we will all die."

"He called you kid?" I ask and the man nods his head.

"Yea, we had to carry 2 badly burnt victims, down almost 90 floors, by the time we reached the bottom I was exhausted, but that kid was perfectly fine as soon as he put the burn victim on a stretcher he took off into the south tower, not even stopping to take a breath. He also told me-" before the man could finish applause and cheers erupted around us and we looked over and saw a fire firefighter being pulled out of the rubble.

To be continued.