
Reborn in Chaos

A 21st century man heroically sacrifices himself to save his first love but her death starts him on a cycle of rebirth in worlds in crisis. In each alternate reality, he faces the threat of destruction, unaware that his destiny is intricately tied to love and redemption. Join our protagonist on this epic odyssey through parallel dimensions where love is his guide and his only hope.

antfueriv_04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Adam couldn't see anything around him; his world was an infinite black. However, he could sense the passage of time, or at least what he perceived as time. In this dark abyss, he felt gently pulled, like a leaf floating on an invisible river.

After what felt like an endless while to Adam, he began to glimpse light. He opened his eyes in awe and saw a vast stellar space surrounding him. Stars shone in all directions, and a white river of light carried him through space.

With wide-open eyes, Adam observed his surroundings with wonder and amazement. He was in a place that defied any explanation. Everything around him was a stellar and cosmic vastness.

Curiously, he allowed himself to be carried in the direction of the river of light that transported him, realizing that he was heading toward one of humanity's most feared astronomical phenomena: a black hole.

However, this black hole exuded an otherworldly calmness. Its shape was perfectly spherical, and its surface was composed of an interplay of radiant colors, ranging from pure white to bright blue and violet. Instead of devouring light, this black hole seemed to give birth to bursts of energy, creating a spectacle of lights and colors that painted the space around it.

As Adam drew closer, he noticed that the gravity in this place was not overwhelming or threatening. Instead, it felt as if he were being embraced by a gentle and comforting stream. Nearby stars were not devoured by this black hole but appeared to dance around it in a celestial ballet.

Despite his awe, Adam felt terrified. He tried to move, but his body didn't respond. It seemed he was trapped in this unusual cosmic journey without control.

Finally, he resigned himself to go with the flow of the river of light, waiting for the inevitable plunge into the dark abyss.

At the edge of the waterfall formed by the river of light cascading into the black hole, Adam had no choice but to close his eyes and await the inevitable.

The descent was not as Adam had imagined. Suddenly, he ceased to feel the drag of the river, and, bafflingly, he felt as if he were standing. He opened his eyes and found himself in a completely black space, illuminated only by a shining white door.

Adam felt bewildered by the abrupt changes in his surroundings and didn't notice a gigantic object overhead. A low-frequency vibration shook his body and made him look up.

What he saw took his breath away. Above him, there was an immense sphere in constant motion, composed of perfect geometric shapes that merged and separated in rhythmic patterns. It emitted a bright white light and pulsed with constant vibrations, like the heartbeat of a giant.

Adam felt minuscule in the presence of this cosmic magnificence, like a child before his father or a human before a towering mountain.

The sphere began to vibrate in a different pattern, and in an instant, a gentle and sweet female voice resonated in Adam's mind. "My child, you must continue your journey. There is much to achieve and many people in need of your help."

Surprised, Adam was about to respond, but before he could utter a word, the sphere vanished in a flash, leaving him alone in the dark space with the shining white door before him.

After deep contemplation on the limited alternatives presented to him, he headed towards the resplendent white door. At first glance, this door was indistinguishable from any other, being a modest white wooden entry with a golden handle in its center. With a trembling hand, he ventured to turn the handle, releasing a sharp squeak that, in an instant, enveloped him in a dazzling burst of light, ultimately making him vanish from the room in a flash.


The royal palace was engulfed in chaos and the tumult of battle. The once elegant and adorned corridors were now filled with rubble and bloodstains. The metallic sound of clashing swords resonated in every corner as rebels and orcs clashed with the fierce resistance of the elven royal guard.

The marble walls that had once been polished and gleaming were now marked by sword strikes and cuts. The stained glass windows that had once allowed sunlight to filter in were shattered into a thousand pieces, scattering colorful sparks on the floor. Crystal and gold chandeliers hung crookedly from the high ceilings, swaying dangerously with each blow of battle.

The air was filled with shouts and orders, mixed with the sound of magical explosions that briefly illuminated the rooms. The blood of elves and orcs stained the marble floor, creating a gruesome contrast with its original elegance. Statues of ancient elven kings and queens seemed to watch helplessly the destruction unfolding in their home.


To enhance the chapter's experience, I recommend looping the mentioned songs up to the specified points.

Recommended Music:

Up to the first asterisk: "Cornfield Chase" by Dorian Marko

Up to the second asterisk: "Halling efter Per Loof" by Frida Johansson and Henrik Oja

Up to the third asterisk: "Sarabande" by Escala


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