
The one who won't change

After a couple minutes of small talk with the others, Finral was finally able to introduce himself and Asta to the girls. Unfortunately it didn't seem to do him any good as they were too focused on Grim's adventures as a magic knight.

'Why is this happening...' Finral lamented on the situation.

Talking to Grim, Rebecca brought up a topic that made Grim raise his eye brow.

"The kids at the church came over the other day, they really miss you y'know."

"Hmm, I'll go visit them when I get the chance."

"You should, that Marie girl has been coming here ever since you left."

"Little Marie?"

"Yeah, her brother even showed up a couple of times to take her back."

"Marie has a brother?" Grim said in mild surprise.

"Yeah. Shouldn't you know this already?"

"I'm not the best listener." He shrugged.

"Why do you sound so proud saying that?"

"I am what I am. I'm not the best listener and I'm completely fine with that fact. And its not like its effected me badly."

"I had to remind you that a girl you've known for 2 years has a brother."

"Like I said, it hasn't effected me negatively."

*Sigh* "You haven't changed."

"Its only been a couple of months."

"I thought you might have matured in that time." Sighing, Rebecca played with her straw before looking up a Grim and asking a serious question.

"Why didn't you come back? I know that you achieved your dream and became a magic knight, but that shouldn't have stopped you from visiting us."

"I've been bu-

"Busy, yeah you've said." Rebecca smiled wryly. "I-I know that we don't really get along and that you're probably happy that you don't have to see me everyday but... it'd be nice if you dropped in every once in a while. The boss really misses you, I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again."


Before Grim could respond, a drunk idiot with messy hair came stumbling over reeking of alcohol.

"Hey there sir knight!! Hahahaha! Finally gracing us with your noble presence are ya?"

"What?" Grim looked at the man with some confusion.

"You damn nobles think you're all that just because you're magic knights, well listen here, just because you were born with a lot of mana it doesn't make you better than me!"

"Actually it does, and I'm also not a noble."

"Of course you are! Only nobles can become magic knights." The man laughed before downing the mug of ale he had in his hand.

"You do know that the captain of the Green Mantis is a commoner right?"

"Pahahahahahaha- Hey you." He suddenly stopped laughing when he saw Rebecca. "Aren't you the girl who always brings that kid with her to work? Hahahaha, even when you're covered in sweat you're still working hard! If you're that desperate for some coin, I can give you a a bit if you suck on my c-


Activating Breath of the Beast, Grim placed his hand on the drunken man's chest and with a less than gentle push, he sent him flying into a couple of empty tables in the corner.


With the loud crash, the entire restaurant fell into silence as Grim slid his drink away from himself. Shocked by his actions, a wide eyed Rebecca gave him a questionable look.

"What? Some of his spit flew into my cup when he was talking." Ignoring the stares, Grim got up and went over to the counter and ordered another drink.

"Ah! Almost forgot." Walking over to knocked out drunk, he searched through his body until he found a money pouch.


But just as he was about to take it, Asta and Finral appeared behind him.

"What are you doing?" Finral asked with a frown.

"Taking my spoils." Grim answered without looking back.

"You can't do that!" Asta yelled "That's stealing!"


"In the church, they taught us that God doesn't like thieves!"

"Yeah, well God's a dick." Grim refuted.

"Blasphemy!!" Some random person shouted from the background.

"Erm Grim... I think we should go." Walking over with her friends, Rebecca tried to advise him.

"Sure, let me just grab the money and then we can go."

"Grim... If you do that you'll be a criminal..." Feeling like things were about to get out of hand, Finral thought it best to inform Grim of the consequences of his actions.


"You'll be put in jail..."

"And? I'll just escape if needs be."

"They'll seal away your magic."

"Oh..." Realizing the gravity of the situation and the potential outcome, Grim dropped the money pouch and stood back up and turned to face them. "Lets go."

"What about the mixer?" Ellen and Erica walked over and asked.

"Eh." He shrugged. "I'm over it."

"Oh..." The girls frowned.

"Yeah, so I'll see you all later."

Collecting his drink from the counter, Grim downed it and quickly left the restaurant behind.

"Grim wait!" Rebecca yelled and ran out after him.

"Hmm?" He turned around. "I thought I made it clear that I was done with this mixer."

"You did but..." Growing annoyed with Grim's attitude, Rebecca couldn't hold herself back and finally spoke her mind. "But do you have to be such a dick about it!"


"First you brush us off when we try to talk to you, then you ruin the mixer by attacking that drunk and then you leave us behind without even saying goodbye! How fucking selfish are you! Granted that you and me might have had our differences in the past, but I thought that you were better than this!!"

"Better than this?" Grim frowned. "Oh Rebecca, I am much, MUCH worse. And I'm pretty sure I inadvertently saved you from being grabbed and groped by a stranger... Y'know, now that I think about it, you didn't even thank me. Wow Rebecca, rude."

"...What the fuck are you talking about!!"

"Dunno, if I'm being honest with you, I've been kinda zoning in and out of our conversations for a while now."

"You're not even listening?!!"

"I'm listening... Sort of, I mean I can hear the words coming out of your mouth, but for some reason my brain doesn't seem to register them... Its like whenever you have that resting bitch look on your face, my brain just checks out."

"...Did you really just insult me and try to justify your reason for ignoring me in the same sentence?"

To answer this, Grim shrugged.

Sighing loudly, Rebecca suddenly found herself chuckling at Grim's response as she realized that this was just how he was.

"You really haven't changed have you." She smiled.

"Nope, this personality is pretty much locked in at this point."


"I said you're a bitch."

"Ha, never change Grim, never change."