
Reborn in 40k Universe

After the protagonist sees a dream about the future, of all universes being destroyed by a grotesque being, he decides to go after it, preferring to be the hunter rather than the hunted, even if he ends up dying, ending up in the universe where the being has been corroding and gaining strength in the process for millennia. The protagonist ends up in a universe based on the 40k universe. Author; The universe will be based mostly in 40k I mean based and not in the 40k universe to have more freedom when writing and to be able to create a story more fluidly without having to worry so much about the Lore that let's say it is too big to take into account everything. Still, I'm waiting for your recommendations. the name is provisional as well as the cover.

Jhunior_ll · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


When I released Hati, the Elders seeing that I had finished `discipline´ Hati gathered around me.

The Elders are the 15 strongest souls under my command 7 of them were wolves who were in charge of leading the rest of the wolf souls on the battlefield there were far more than the rest of the races, while Skoll and Hati.... let's just say they are not good at leading others, they are more comfortable just running freely around the battlefield to find powerful opponents.

Battles are common on the immaterial plane, mainly against things like Enslavers, parasites of the immaterial that devour souls and plant larvae in them that feed on the remains of the souls, causing suffering and pain until the souls' identity and memories are destroyed. That is why many domains and beings of the immaterial plane fight against these beings, who sometimes attack entire domains and realms when their numbers increase.

Of the remaining 8 Elders, each of them was of a different race and led their respective race.

Among them was Cernuros, a calm old white-furred stag; Grimar, a violent but overprotective large-limbed bear with brown fur and light markings on his chest and arms; Zorion, a cunning and somewhat lazy fox of bluish-white fur with two red markings over his eyes; Atemios, an owl companion of Athena's that she herself freed to be free and be with her own; Nistal, a squirrel daughter of Ratatosk who after Ragnarök did not want her daughter to grow up in a lonely and destroyed kingdom; Tarxien, a big-headed and insincere boar with a good heart; and finally, Huginn and Muninn, the ravens of Odin's bastard. I only keep them because they're useful, those damned ravens.

When they approached they all lowered their heads before me I was sitting on my paws in front of them, I was currently in the size of a normal wolf, not all souls have the same capabilities to change size, that's why whenever we were in the domain we always used these forms to be able to better integrate with the other souls.

The first to speak was Cernuros "Lord Fernis, are you alright? you have all the souls in the domain worried about you" Said the imposing white furred Stag with a majestic antlers with ivy and moss growing from it, along with small bird souls that leaned on the antlers, attracted by the peaceful and calm atmosphere that Cernuros emanated.

Cernuros was, the first Soul of another race to whom I gave my Blessing, making him the oldest among the Elders apart from some wolves.... also being part of many legends and stories of the Immaterial plane.... even humans know of them, from the ancient dreamwalkers,

Dreamwalkers were humans who had the ability to release their soul from their body while dreaming and are able to explore the immaterial plane. Upon awakening, they marveled at the incredible places and beings they had encountered in their dreams and were quick to tell their stories to others. These stories describing incredible civilizations or beings of races that had never been seen on Earth were passed down through the generations and became legends, mythologies and religions. In addition, these stories also had an impact on the immaterial plane.

Returning to the present, Cernuros is a respected figure among the Elders and all the souls of the domain, known for his wisdom and balance. His calm and peaceful presence is a constant at all times, even in chaotic moments... and that ability to remain calm in difficult situations is invaluable. Ending up many times as the mediator when Elders get together and end up arguing with each other.

After hearing Cernuros' words, I stood up and looked around at everyone present. "I'm fine, just sad and tired realizing that no matter how many times I correct Hati.... I'm not going to get anywhere" I said smiling sadly, earning me that The Elders nodded with understanding, knowing Hati, even Skoll his brother stated.

However, I was not forthcoming with the Elders, including Cernuros, about the real reason I had called them to me. Cernuros simply nodded and refrained from asking further questions, respecting my decision to keep the root of my worries to myself. The dream...

"Now, let's focus, we have more important matters to deal with," I said authoritatively. "I want most of you to accompany me, I need to talk to someone and I can't and won't waste time with diplomacy and stupid Gods formalities.

Knowing very well about Atemios and how he would react, being careful with my words.

"All seven of you" I said looking at the 7 souls inside the Elders who were wolves "Gage, Rhett, Wyatt, Aurora, Luna, Vys and Zara, you will stay here with Hati, ready with the rest of the pack, and awaiting my call".

As I said the Elders without wasting time split into two groups, my group and Hati's, Luna a she-wolf from Hati's group, spoke with some annoyance in her voice when we split " As you command Lord Fernir but if I may" continued Luna the third soul to follow me. "Where are you planning to go?, even when you go to visit that insufferable monkey friend of yours, only a few of us are accompanying you?" Luna said as she looked with disagreement in her eyes at the other 8 Elder around me

Ahm, sighing in my head, knowing the reason behind that look and knowing that Atemios didn't agree with our destination when I said "We're heading to Olympus". When I said it, I got mixed reactions between surprise, joy, fear, concern, disagreement and, although not an answer, laziness.

Grimar let out a loud snort, glad to know our destination, "BUAHAHAHAH, Finally somewhere exciting! I'm sick of fighting the Enslavers alone!".

"Do we have to go somewhere so annoying?" said Zorion as he had curled into a ball lying down and complaining, just before Atemios reacted again after knowing where we were headed.

"Why? Why are you calling everyone under you? Are you planning another Ragnarök? Are you planning to destroy Olympus?", Atemios asked in alarm.

"Atemios," I said somewhat annoyed at Atemios' words, annoyed at how he so easily brought up words like Ragnarök without understanding them and also that if I wanted to do it, like that bastard treated different animals like they were fun tests to send his entertainments to hunt like Leo of Nemea. As I could see how the rest of the Elders looked at him with dislike for his words.

Atemios is undoubtedly a powerful soul who deserves his Elder position for his power, but to many of the others, he is still an outsider who thinks more of his former lord and realm, than the one he has sworn to join and be a part of.

"I have to talk to Athena-" I said.

Without giving me time to justify myself and explain that I really needed the Elders and my pack just so I could meet with Athena, Atemios interrupted me.

"Athena! Why do you want to talk to her?! If so, all the more reason to..." he said concerned and fearful by my response of wanting to see Athena.

I understand and don't judge him, but it irritates me and doesn't understand or know the possible state that Olympus may currently be in and that I was sure they wouldn't let me get to Athena with words alone.

"HEY, CHICKEN!", Zara exclaimed, a reddish-furred she-wolf who couldn't contain herself any longer. "Who do you think you're talking to? Lord Fernis has ordered you to accompany him to Olympus and all you know how to do is dispute the words of your Alpha, saying he wants to make a Ragnarök and what if he want to doit?, don't forget little chicken you could have ended up with a good master... but most powerful animal souls have been hunted or used by different gods as mounts or food throughout history. Do you know how we would all be without beast gods? And you dare to question Lord Fernir without thinking about his reasons for wanting and needing you to go to Olympus? Do you know what that means for us the Ragnarök? For us it wasn't like that..."

"Zara, it's not necessary," I interjected, trying to calm my packmate. "A demon that is not necessary, Fernir!!!, I adore you and you are my Alpha, but I can't let these bastards talk to you that way about all that useless fox and shameless chicken. Look!, you scoundrel, let me give you a wolfish history lesson. For us, Ragnarök was not like that. For us, Ragnarök is the day of justice, the day of retribution for the millennia of torture and abandonment to our Alpha. His sin? Being different with her sisters Hel and Jörmundgander to the beings who found them. Suffering Fernir the worst fate.

Ragnarök began when Fernir managed to unleash himself, destroy the rocks that crushed him and finally remove the cursed sword that pierced his snout for millennia, and ended when HE got his revenge, achieving his justice and freedom. And you dare to call him a destroyer. Chicken, if I were you, I would be careful with the words you speak."

When Zara finished speaking, Atemios looked around to check the status of the rest of the souls and Elders.

He changed his expression several times as he noticed their looks, when he looked at the other Elders who were looking at him with disapproval, he was surprised and saddened, but when he saw the looks of the souls of the wolves staring at him with certain violent intentions behind their gazes....

He was frightened, which was nothing compared to the fear he felt when saw the expressions and looks that the Hati and Skoll, who had sat next to me, were making, without them realizing it, were so leaning forward that they darkened their expressions only letting their eyes light up full of murderous intentions towards Atemios.

As if with a command from me they would break free from their imaginary bonds holding them back and launch themselves towards Atemios...these idiots..... but seeing them so annoyed.... made me create a smile.

Cernuros seeing the atmosphere, and to calm down as he usually does, spoke, "Atemios, I think you have been too hasty in judging the situation and that is not wise of you, besides.... it is true that Lord Fernir does not give importance to things like that, but, you are talking to a patron Being, owner of dominion and capable of giving blessings, you know what that means right Atemios?"

He paused Cernuros so that Atemios, would realize his mistakes.

"I also understand that being the newest of the Elders you don't quite know Lord Fernir and fill in the gaps with rumors and make assumptions, so Atemios, I'll teach you something about Lord Fernis, try to open a portal to Olympus as you wanted and warn of our arrival."

With Cernuros' words, Atemios looked confused at me confirming Cernuros' request, knowing what Cernuros wanted to do I just affirmed with my head.

Atemios was pleased and without wasting any time he prepared to create a portal, the feathers on his wings lit up, performing a wing beat to create a portal which instantly filled with a white mist, which was not to pass.

"for the Hades! why is the entrance blocked, that only happens in case of emergency!"

When Atemios said that, he wasn't the one who looked at me surprised it was almost all the Elders for the weird situation and ask me with their looks what could have happened for them to block the entire realm of Olympus, Cernuros upon seeing the portal, affirming with his head, seeing that his assumption and trust in me were as he thought.

"Now then, Atemios what do you think now of Lord Fernir's idea to go to Olympus and have a conversation with lady Athena, checking on her well being at the same time?"

With those words, Atemios reasons had changed 180 degrees, now being the one who wanted to go to Olympus to check what was going on and make sure Athena is well. But all he did was keep silent, realizing how he had behaved, earning the looks of contempt from his companions, for his lack of wisdom in jumping to quick conclusions and his faith in his Alpha....in me.

Sensing the state of Atemios, Tarxien, though it may not seem like it and he would never say it, thought a lot of his companions and tried to help Atemios through the hard time saying "Well what are we waiting for?, let's go now, let me be the one to open the way!".

Charging the fangs with energy getting them to come out of lightning, Tarxien, charged forward hitting the air as if he had hit something, creating a portal that seemed to go through the fog for a few seconds getting to see Olympus for a few moments before the fog returned.

Hati seeing this laughed and "Wahahaha how pathetic let me show you newbies how it's done" Said Hati strutting and laughing at his companions, which I just hope after that he doesn't screw up....

As Hati charged his claws and slashed the space in front of him a portal was created that went through the mist seamlessly creating a stable portal from which the Olympic mountain could be seen behind "wahaha, that's how-" Just as Hati was finishing strutting, the image of Olympus disappeared again returning the mist.....

" What!.... have I told you a thousand times not to celebrate the hunt without the prey in your mouth....Ahmm" Looks like the one who set the blockade is one of the big ones.

Growing in little in height and with it also my internal energy, I quickly raised my paw cutting something invisible with my claws as I brought it down.


With the sound of something breaking, I created a huge portal.... maybe I've gone too far..., whatever, without looking or waiting for the others "Let's go" I said before entering through the portal.


The Elders after seeing such a monstrous display of Fernir's power froze for a few moments before reacting again.

"Tch, as monstrous as ever" Said Skoll somewhat annoyed, because the gap with his master is not narrowing, it was only increasing.

"Hehehe right!!!" Nistal said the jovial Squirrel Daughter of Ratatosk with white fur on her belly changing to a beautiful green one covering the rest of her body.

"You're lucky Atemios, I would have liked to see you get that claw" Said Grimar, wanting to tease that `Chicken' who had proven he didn't trust Fernir enough.

"WAHAHAHAHA" Laughed Huginn and Muninn at Grimar's comment as they flew into the portal.

"I-I could have passed the block too if I wanted to, I only failed to let Lord Fernir, can show his strength, nothing more" Said Tarxien somewhat embarrassed by his failure in front of the rest of the Elders.

"I don't want to go.... to such a troublesome place" Said Zoron in low voice while he slowly entered the portal, but he didn't dare to stay either, because of the look the wolves were giving him.... above all, the other Elders wolves, that made his fur stand on edge....

Watching as the other Elders entered through the intimidating portal Fernir had created, Atemios just stared, feeling guilty for his behavior, when he heard a calm and peaceful voice snap him out of his dark thoughts.

"Come on Atemios, don't you want to meet Athena again?"

"Uh, yeah, I do.... Thank you Cernuros."

With a knowing smile Cernuros stepped into the doorway.

Leaving Atemios-

"What the hell are you doing chicken!?" added Zara to the motionless Atemios.

"EH?" reacted Atemios, realizing he was the last one.... being left alone, surrounded by the souls and the other remaining Elders, most being wolves.

"Are you going to make Lord Fernir wait or what? Get off your feathery ass and do your job." Said Zara still annoyed by Atemios' attitude.

"Uh, yeah!" with those words Atemios flew through the portal.



Thousands of souls were in position at the foot of the mountain..... among those thousands of souls, some frightened, bewildered, and on guard, since the 12 of Olympus ordered the mobilization of all troops, as well as blocking any exit and entrance to the Kingdom.

Within these thousands of souls who were in their Phalanx formations: a formation used by the ancient Greeks, consisting of a compact block of soldiers armed with spears and shields, which was formed in a straight line and used mainly for defense.

There were two souls who had not even been serving in the Kingdom of Olympus for 10 years dreaming of one day being able to receive the blessing of one of the gods, becoming one of the Olympian Heroes.

"Hey Hans, do you know what's going on?"

"We're standing guard."

"Yeah, but why?

"I don't know.... but from how nervous she got, the general seems like something important" Hans said, looking behind him seeing the general, the goddess Artemis, talking and ordering different officers coming and going, with a straight face and worried expression

"Hey Hans"

"Ahm.... tell me Aryan"

"You were from the northern countries weren't you?"

"Yes Norwegian for?"

"Huh, and you were not Christian?"

"No I wasn't, I was an Atheist, plus I heard you have to be a super believer to get into that realm. And kind of boring they say.... so I'm glad I ended up here."

"I see."

"And you who are obviously Indian why didn't you go to the realm of the Hindu Gods?"

"Well, although I believed in them, and as a child I prayed to them with my family, when I grew up, I read and read the stories about the gods of Olympus, I loved them, I became so obsessed with them, I studied classical history, in college.... when I passed away, I appeared.... here in the kingdom of Olympus, Haha.... who would have imagined? And why aren't you in Asgard? You are not good enough warrior, they did not let you in or what?

Listening to the conversation some of the souls around, reacted with brief trembling in their body when they heard the Asgard joke from one of the newbie souls who were talking, knowing why no one would show up in that abandoned Kingdom.....

"Something like you, I always liked mythologies, especially Norse, but when I passed away I ended up-"

Before Hans could finish speaking something made him stop..... from the sky, an accumulation of energy was generated seeming to create a portal, which as soon as a gap was created in space where a portal would be created was resealed.

Demonstrating the strength of Olympus' blockade.

"What the hell!?!"

Before Aryan knew it, another portal attempt occurred again stronger than the previous one causing the sudden release of energy to create a strong difference in air pressure in the atmosphere of the Olympian Kingdom causing clouds to gather in the sky, clouding and darkening it creating the impression that something was approaching, disturbing and disconcerting all the souls that were in their formations watching it,

Making the general, the Goddess Artemis shout to the formations" Get ready!







Answering the soldiers hitting with their spears on the ground and shouting affirming the orders of the Goddess Artemis, their general.

Gaining confidence by the noise generated by the thousands of troops seeing how, although they kept trying to enter the block continued to hold. Demonstrating once again the power of Olympus .... thought the souls who believed that the Being who wanted to enter could not, even with his continuous attempts ...

Until suddenly, with the sound similar to a broken glasses a huge portal appeared in front of Olympus, the portal was so huge that it fell from the air where the first portal tried to appear to the ground creating a dark black portal that seemed to have broken a piece of the space of the domain because of how massive it was.

All the souls stared into the black abyss of the massive portal in front of them....


From the abyss of the portal two wild blue eyes stared back at them all.