


a big tunnel type of basement were leakage of water sounds coming. and rod dragging sounds coming.

there is a girl in here 20's ripped to a metal chair. her jet black hair was falling forward as she has no strength to keep balance her body at chair. there is a violent hair women in her same age as girl on the lap of a men who is know as a EX-FIANCE of that girl. they are kissing each other as they seeing a romatic movie going on theater.

that black hair girl seeing all of this form Corner of her eyes. she is having blood at corner of her lips which are same colour as her blood her face is plae. due to Durg she have no energy.

she can break a metal with her strength. she can kill dozens of people with a second. she may be around 20. she has IQ 240 due to her father is a renewed scientist and her mother is a military general one and only daughter. she know how to disable the gun with in a second. she know how to play with knife when she was 8 years because that is one of her funny hobby for her.

she is a renewed painter also know as a ROSE and underworld death goddnes. she studied Harvard University as a business student.

"Sis how are you?!" said that violent coloured girl as she know why they are here and the man see here as a trash his eyes are full of disgust.

"aaaa I know why we are here to give you a last goodbye sister samantha".said that coloured girl looking at Sam. but Sam can hear her voice as she is Mocking her.

Sam lost her parents when she is 12 then her grandfather had some business so he leaves her at his step uncle house. they were good to her give love , food and so on...

but they just using her if they keep her showing love they thought head of family (sam's grandfather) give her family business so when they ask her she will give it to them. but her grandfather Came at the age of 15 and took her with him in this way she learned her family underground business at 5 months memorize and began to know her enemies at age 16 and faced so many life threats at 18 and completed her training as death godnes how ever her grandmother don't love her as she is a second wife of the family her uncle is not a blood of her family. her grandmother make her engagement annual to Qin family and give to Lu min ke eldest daughter of her step uncle both Sam and her are same age only.

sam loved her min ke as are own blood sister even though she is the heir of there family. when she was training no one there are called family and friends even though her grand parents loved her except her step grandma. so she showers all her love to her. she gave what she want. sam take what she give to sam. without any objections. in this she gave everything because she want protect Jerome and only family nonone know who is she. she believed every word what they say that foolish ness only makes her now in this state.

it is my first time so please don't misunderstand my grammar mistakes

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