
New Ability


Ability: Perfect Body

An Incomplete Divine Ability, the Perfect Body Ability is the unique active Ability of the Six Armed Deva. By drawing heavily on the energy in one's Soul Spell Matrix as well as the natural energy in the surrounding environment, this Ability allows the Six Armed Deva to temporarily enrich and enhance every single cell in their physique. Their defensive prowess, offensive strength, and physical speed are vastly enhanced. Further, this enrichment affects their mental state, allowing them to perceive the world around them at a slower pace while empowering their senses.


'Wow.' Dorian thought, looking over the info Ausra had on the Ability Yukeli had used.

'But when did I gain the Bloodline of a Six Armed Deva?' He asked in confusion.

'You do not possess that Bloodline.' Ausra's voice rang out in his head.