
Reborn as Warwick in DXD

meekyle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Zaun memories

Dream Warwick Pov

My feet crushed cobbled stone and I maneuvered through litter filled back alleys and over condemned buildings. The sweet scent of blood and revenge, something I've been searching for ever since that mad scientist Singed subjected me to those tortures and turned me into this... animal and when his experiments seemingly failed threw me in that corpse filled carnel pit. While I can't touch the man who did this to me himself, what I can do is kill the person who sold me out to him, who tricked me into accepting his offer like the fool I was. Funny how one of the few full memories I have left isn't even my original name, but me making a fool of myself.

The scent drew closer. Tantalizing and metallic was what the smell of a hunt usually was, this smell however was tainted, tainted with cheap Zaun street drugs, human waste, and self loathing. There will be no pride in this hunt, but it will ease my crazed mind, I just know it will.

Landing in the alley my prey took shelter in caused the common homeless and thugs to scatter, leaving behind the sickly smell of ammonia.

"This place seems familiar" flashes of faces and cold nights on a cold ground cycled through my head, before dimming away just as fast as they came.

Making my way around crates that still held unfinished card games, alcohol, and even cash. Arriving at the back of the filthy alley sounds of a crying man reached my ears, only broken by the same man's weak moans of agony. I've found my prey...

Yanking the sad excuse of a human from behind the dumpster he sat behind I took in his sad state. A white man originating from Noxus, he was in his mid 40s, age lines showing from under his eyes along with a gauntness that came with the lack of eating and the concoction of drugs that filled his system. What used to be a full set of black hair and a beard now looked clean shaven... or more likely reduced to nothingness from accelerated balding due to his piss poor health. His arms housed in what used to be a long sleeve shirt or sweater of some kind now laid bare and riddled with needle marks and Chem valve taps. looking into his eyes though showed what really was housed inside, a broken man.

There was no pride in this hunt.

"look at me" I ground out, the anger building in my chest, this was the rat who wronged me? " I SAID LOOK AT ME!"

Finally getting a reaction as he stared at me, his body seemed to rabidly sober at the very obvious danger that I represented.

"wha... what the fuck... what's going on, Carlon, Admeer, anybody I..I need some help.. anyone?" he all but whimpered out

"No one is coming for you, they all abandoned you like a lamb to the slaughter... or to the Wolf.. tell me rodent, do you recognize me?" confusion filled his fear filled and tear soaked face. Taking that as an answer I continued. " well you should. You helped make me what I am, you made the monster you see in front of you" A smile spread across my face, my teeth bared, drool spilling from my maw as a spark recognition crossed his eyes.

"Is.. that really you? co.. come on man it was just some easy cash... I didn't know that doctor would do this to you... you got to believe me seba.. aghhh"

I interrupted him, not allowing the name of the man I once was to leave his mouth, that man is no more, he was my first hunt after all.

" I see you've remembered me and you know what you've done... I was worth no more then some food and your weekly fix, giving me to a man more akin to a chemist and a torturer then a doctor, the pain I suffered at his hands and the humiliation of waking up on a mountain of my fellow dead Zaunites.. it took me a while to realize what you and him really did that day... YOU TURNED ME INTO THE LIVING EMBODIMENT OF THE MONSTER I ALWAYS WAS INSIDE!"

Slamming him against the wall again as the anger fueled by the few past memories I held overwhelmed me. His right shoulder shattered with a satisfying and delicious crunch as he let out a cry of pain.

"ple...please we.. we can talk this out... I'm sorry.. please" the pain that laced his voice fueled the beast as they dredged up new memories, memories of taking a beating protecting this man, memories of stealing food for him, memories of risking my life hiding him from the Zaun "Defense" force...I saw this man as family I never had.. and this man will die for his betrayal.

"no, nothing will save you from my claws today. You will feel the pain that I endured, the feeling of being absolutely deconstructed... you should feel relief though... being destroyed wasn't the worst of what I went through, being rebuilt was so much worse" slowly and methodically I ran my claws down his right arm, tearing and mincing his flesh and muscle into an unusable mess. chem filled neon green tinted blood splashed against my fur as whatever he was going to respond with was cut off with ear shattering yell.

Gripping his chin I squeezed, shattering his jaw and silencing his pain leaving only sad whimpers in their place. My torture of the man who wronged me continued for hours as I flayed his flesh, each cut, each stab, each drop of blood freeing me completely from the man I once was and putting me in a satisfying sense of ease.

Staring down at the hunk of torn flesh, shattered and crushed bones and cut sinew i let out a huff, there was no pride in this hunt.