
Reborn as Warwick in DXD

meekyle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The new devil

Warwick POV

Being smuggled into a school was not an easy thing to accomplish during the day, but that was mostly my fault. After oversleeping with Koneko after our midnight bonding, Rias ended up waking us with a ranged alarm and message spell telling us to meet them in her club room... I don't think she truly understood how difficult it was to sneak around a crowded school that had a boundary wall, either that or she forgot I'm a 7 and a half foot, 450 pound wolf man, who wasn't exactly the most inconspicuous of people.

nevertheless, I managed to make my way in and into the seemingly abandoned rundown old school building. The insides were much more maintained then the outer exterior first displays, what looks like a structure that should be demolished was a well furnished, well painted, and only a little too dark for a normal school building, giving off a "creepy" and "mysterious" vibe. What impressed me the most though was that the wood stairs that managed to only slightly creek under my weight, leading me to believe that their age did not match that of the original structure.

Slipping my way into the room that I heard the noise of a shower come from I was greeted by the sight of Koneko and Akeno, the first greeting me with an cookie crumb covered face and small squirrel like bites, and the latter with a teasing smile as if saying she knew my every secret as was about to poke fun at me for it.

"oh my, I see our furred friend has finally arrived. Did our little Koneko keep you up late... and on a school night too, how scandalous" Koneko's face lit red at Akeno's joking accusation

Knowing that giving her any ground would lead to her own enjoyment and my embarrassment I ignored her, sitting next to Koneko and patting her head with a soft smile.

"hmph, and he doesn't even denied it. Stealing Koneko's innocence's, you truly are a beast" Akeno pouted, attempting once again to get a reaction out of me. Deciding to give her something small I looked over at her, and pulled a Koneko.

"pervert" Looking back at Koneko a satisfied smile shown on her face

A knock a the door broke any response that Akeno might have had, the door opened revealing Kiba,

"I have brought him, is everything prepared?" He gave me a side eyed look before looking back at Akeno.... 'Brought him... who? Issei? when did he find the time to die?'. Knowing that my appearance would likely cause panic and make this meeting go a thousand times worse then it originally did I decided to pull a prank. Letting my body go deathly still, my breathing quieting, i decided to act like a massive fake toy.

General POV

As Issei entered the room he noticed two things, one, Rias the club captain was nowhere to be seen and that showers were running, and the second thing was the massive furred doll that would fit perfectly in a horror movie. Stuck between his teenage perversion and almost every boys love for the badass and scary he didn't know what the first thing he should do was. Of course in pure Issei fashion his love for breasts won over, as he slowly edged his way to the center of the room to try an get a peek of Ria's peaks

"Don't even think about it pervert" Stopping dead in his tracks Issei looked over at the soft monotone voice who prevented him from seeing his greatest joy. The school mascot in all her small and petite glory sat snuggling cutely into the large stuffed animal.

"The school mascot in person Matsudo is going to be so jealous, its a shame you are so flat though big breasts is the life blood of a real man" A proud and perverted grin spreading on his face as he delved into his innermost brain, only being broken free by the half chewed cookie that struck him in the forehead.

"Akeno, could you get me a towel please" Ria's voice came from the now quiet shower, an excited and expectant look grew on the self proclaimed future harems kings face.

"of course, Rias. Keep in mind that we now have a guest"

"Ah, so he has arrived. one moment." A few moments after, a very damp but fully dressed Gremory walked out from behind the white curtain.

"I'm glad to see that you came, Issei. We have much to talk about"

Koneko POV

"What do you mean your all devils? Look, I appreciate the invite but this is all just too weird for me. I'm gonna get going" The confused pervert responded after Rias explained the situation. It was quiet amusing to see him so defensive as if we were all crazy people, even if my face didn't show it i it was funny.

"yuuma amano, i'm sure you have heard that name before correct?" Stopping issei in his tracks he looked at the picture of the fallen that Rias placed on the table.

"where did you get that? no one even remembers her, I thought i had dreamed the whole thing..." Issei's face started looking distressed, as if he knew he was about to hear something he wasn't completely ready for.

"oh she was very real, Yuuma Amano, better known as Fallen angel Raynare. She took your life after your date... so that leads me to welcome you to our group, reborn as a devil just like us" Devil wings sprouted out of our backs in response, as planned by Rias, she was always one for dramatics and showmanship.

"whoa this is so weird..." He stroked his own wings, feeling the tough leathery bat like skin that sprouted from his back. Freezing mid stroke he looked towards me, or more likely at Warwick, who has been unmoving. If I didn't know better I would also think he was unbreathing. "So, if this is all real... Does that mean that's a REAL werewolf that was killed and stuffed?" He slowly started making his way towards us.

as if someone unpaused him, movement returned to the softhearted friend I sat next to, A big tooth filled grin spread across his mouth. "oh I aint dead kid, simply contemplating whether you are new prey or not"

Falling backwards Issei let out a yelp of fear "you... you're real.. and alive... plea.. please don't eat me.. i will taste super g.gross.."

Letting out a grumbling laugh, Warwick stood to his full height. "Don't worry, as long as you don't give me a reason you will be fine"