
Reborn As The World Traveling Female Assassin

Xzavier Resnik lived a boring life. After getting off the bus, he walked with his friend towards his apartment since they lived next door to each other, but when a slit emerged across his neck, he clutched his neck and fell to the ground. Thud! When he turned his head to the left, he saw a woman with black hair and beautiful red eyes peering at him from a tall light pole before fading away, as a pool of blood formed beneath him before he lost consciousness and died minutes later. … Xzavier woke up perplexed since he felt different and knew that he should've died, so he went looking for a bathroom as he wanted to get a look at himself in the mirror. When he entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he saw a woman with black hair and beautiful crimson eyes, which immediately reminded him of the woman he had seen before he lost consciousness. "I’m in the body of my killer." —- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hqJrcdgr I don't own the cover; all credit go to the creator.

Reacix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
87 Chs

A “Human’s” Slaughter

"When the stalker arrives, he will see that I've drained the life out of them. I'll need to erase this beforehand. What a headache! That man seems to carry trouble wherever he goes. If only he wasn't a stalker…" Ayla muttered. She felt upset by the continuous irritation the man gave her. Killing him would solve this, but that would bring even more trouble, which is worse than a stalker following her.

She raised her hand toward the lifeless bodies of the demons. She didn't chant a spell like she had before. She didn't need to use words to cast spells; she only did so before to blend in with this world. She also found it a little intriguing but unnecessary.

A massive wave of hellfire shot out from her towards the demons. The demons' bodies were engulfed in flames. Within seconds, their bodies were turned into dust.

'Since he's coming… I shouldn't use dark or demonic magic, as it could be troublesome. I have no choice but to return to before, where I didn't apply demonic energy,' she thought as she moved deeper into the dark cave.


The two demon colonels rushed out of the ground floor to check the situation, only to find a faint smell of blood and flesh burning in the air. Though they smelled blood, there were no bodies littered around the cave. They only saw some blood.

Most of the blood was centered in different places. There was no other things that struck odd with them. The sight looked as if someone was trying to erase the traces of their kill while being in a hurry.

They weren't aware if the blood belonged to a demon or some other creature. One of them walked over to the blood and placed his finger in it. He brought it up to his mouth and licked it. The taste felt revolting, and he understood where the blood came from.

"The blood belongs to a demon! It seems there's an intruder." The demon colonel spoke, looking at the demon colonel behind him.

"The intruder must've left. We should check for any survivors first." The woman chimed in. With that, they started their search.

They both checked each room thoroughly in search of possible survivors. As they searched, they found blood all over the cave without any bodies, but when they turned a corner, something other than blood entered their vision.

Amongst all the blood splatter, there was one body fully intact without there seeming to be a wound on the body. Fortunately, the body still showed signs of movement.

"One is still alive! She should know who attacked!" The demon colonel rushed towards the woman, who showed movement.

"Who attacked you all? Was it the humans who did this?"

He shook the woman, trying to wake her up. He didn't care if she was wounded, as she was a low-ranking demon, but he did care about receiving the information he needed. She was most likely about to die, so he considered it better to get information and save her if possible after.

"Who did this?" He asked again after receiving no response. The woman seemed wounded and couldn't hear him. He shook her again.

As he tried to wake her, the demon colonel who stood behind him felt an ominous feeling slowly rising. She felt it since first finding blood, which increased the more blood they found and the body. She had a feeling something was about to happen, but she didn't know what!

"Who did this? Answer me!" The demon colonel commanded for the fourth time. The woman hasn't moved much or even spoken a word. He wanted answers, but the woman wouldn't give them. He was about to run out of patience.

"I did!" A calm and cold voice came from below. The demon colonel was stunned. He believed the woman to be about to die, and she was barely responsive. He didn't expect the woman to be not only completely fine but also the intruder. Why didn't he realize that she was the attacker? He didn't understand how or why he couldn't.

"You! Who are you?! How dare you attack us?"

The demon colonel came back to his senses and was about to attack the woman when he heard the loud grunt of the second demon colonel.

He turned around, only to be shocked again as he saw the woman, who was supposed to be lying on the ground below him, standing behind the second demon colonel with a bloody dagger in her hand. Her eyes were a beautiful red, and her face was littered with blood, but she still looked beautiful.

The woman once again stabbed the second demon colonel, who had already lost most of her strength after her throat was stabbed.

"Didn't you learn that it's best to keep your calm in the midst of battle?" The woman's voice fell into his ears from behind. Without him knowing, she had appeared behind him. If she didn't say a word, he could have never noticed she was ever there.

"Now be a good boy and die... Your death will at least contribute to the demons. Though it may be unfortunate," Ayla calmly whispered. Before he could attack, he saw a dark light. The next moment, the entire world turned upside down.

"Huh?" He frowned, finding Ayla upside down. Not only that, but her body appeared to be rising. It took him only a few seconds to realize that it wasn't Ayla who was rising, but his head that was falling.

It was only when his head finally hit the ground and he started rolling around that he understood what had happened. He… one of the demon colonels and the strongest of the demons. He was killed just like that, in a single strike, without being able to attack in retaliation.

"H..ow…" His lips bled as his vision grew blurry before turning completely dark. He finally lost his life.

"This death is painless, so at least you can rest with peace in mind." Ayla looked down at his lifeless head. She felt a little sympathy for the demon as he died for no reason. He was unfortunate to be here at a bad time.

Though she felt a little sympathy, she didn't feel at all guilty for killing him. She had killed dozens of innocents by now, and adding another wouldn't change much.

"According to my senses, there should be thirty demon colonels. Though they're considered strong in this world, they're not much of a threat. Only two came up. It looks like they aren't taking this seriously."

Ayla had somewhat of a disappointment on her face. Only two of them came up to check after all that happened, separating from the main group while she wanted more. In the end, she decided to just take things slow.


"Those two still hadn't returned?"

Back in the meeting, the other demon colonels were getting impatient. The longer they stayed there, the more uncomfortable and uneasy they felt, as if a viper was getting closer to them.

Their patience had run dry. They couldn't wait anymore. Just to be on the safe side, all of them decided to check out personally what happened above. Why weren't the demon colonels they sent out returning? What was the uneasiness they felt?

All the demon colonels rushed to find out!


After a few minutes of slaughtering the demons, her disappointment grew. She wanted to test her entire strength against a strong enemy, but no strong enemy appeared. Fortunately, it was also around the time that she heard several distinct footsteps rushed her way.

"So they decided to come out," Ayla smiled, keeping an eye on the end of the corridor as she disappeared into the void, waiting for them to arrive.

The colonel demons were almost there. As they turned the last corner, they saw hundreds of lifeless demons littered across the floor of the cave. No movement came from the demons as they lied there, shocked and fearful at the sight before them!

"So we really are under attack! It seems to be the work of a human based on the dagger marks left behind. Humans were this bold? Who would have thought they had someone who didn't fear death among them?" A demon colonel stated this in an intriguing tone. "It would be best to kill them before they really become a threat to u…s…"

His eyes widened and his face turned pale as a dagger passed through his chest.

"You're wrong about one thing," Ayla whispered into his ears. "I'm not a-"

Before he could make out the words she stated, his heart exploded in orange flames, creating a powerful impact that destroyed the insides of the demon colonel.

With their guards down as Ayla hadn't revealed her presence, all the demon colonels were hit with the explosive power of the explosion, which sent them all flying back and suffering injuries! Unlike the other demon colonel, who took the full brunt of the explosion, the others were in a better situation. Their injuries were minor, and they were still alive.

'The orange flames are dozens of times weaker than the blue flame, but for this battle, it will do! The stalker should be here soon; I'm surprised he hasn't already arrived.'