
Reborn as the Villain

When a girl in 20th century falls from up the stairs she gets reborn as a character from a novel she had read long ago but the character she gets reborn as is not just any character but the main villainess, Alyssa who at the end of the novel meets her tragic end as death. She refuses it; her tragic fate. "I have already died once I am not gonna die again and that's for sure." With that thought on her mind and fate as her archenemy she continues but will she succeed? [Paused]

offical_alex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The Prince

The journey to the banquet was terrible. My anxiety grew every second. Would I die? I don't want to die. I worked too hard to die. Too many people have died for me to live in the real world. No matter what I was going to stay away from the other 2 male leads.

Demetrius seemed to have noticed that I was anxious because he held my hand. His hand was warm as the sun.

When we entered the banquet, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the most beautiful thing ever. It was really on the theme. No wonder the Duke and Duchess were busy for the past week. So much that they rarely saw their daughter. There weren't any people there except for the maids and waiters. I suppose the guest would arrive later. We came here early because we are the ones hosting it. I looked at the two young gentlemen.

"Both of you will have to accompany me as I don't have friends, I think." I said wrapping my arms around the two two. "With pleasure, my lady." Henry said. "Same here, Lyss." Demetrius said. I smiled.

The three of us talked to each other for a while, Henry and Demetrius seemed to get along very well. Guests started arriving. The Duke and the duchess both greeted the guests happily. A young girl about Alyssa's age rushed to me and hugged me. "Alyssa!" Her body weight brought me down and both of us fell on the ground and the other people just stared at us.

Henry and Demetrius helped us both up. "Sorry. I was just excited to see you. I wanted to visit you for a while but my mother wouldn't let me. She said that the Rosewood family would be busy since they are hosting the ball and I would be a nuisance." She said straightening her dress.

"I am sorry. I got into an accident and lost my memories. Who are you?" I said. The girl hugged me once again but lightly this time. "I am sorry. I am Katie Hermin, your best friend." She said. 'Hermin' I recognized the name, it was one of the powerful families alongside the Rosewood family. "Should I call you Katie, then?" I asked.

"Yeah, you used to call me Kate before but I'd be fine with you calling me Katie." She said.

"Alright, Kate. Sit with us. By the way, he's Demetrius, my lovely cousin and he's Henry, my knight and my dear friend." I said smiling. "Nice to meet you, Lady Katie." Demetrius said kissing her hand. "Nice to meet you, Lady Katie." Henry said bowing

"You both can call me Kate too. Any friend of Lyss is a friend of mine." She said.

Kate was a little shorter than Alyssa. She had long light brown hair and blue eyes like Alyssa's. She had rosy cheeks and freckles. 'Adorable' would be the one word, people would use to describe her. There was barely mention of her in the original novel.

All of us sat down. "Lyss, I missed you. How did you end up losing your memory in the first place?" She asked. Demetrius looked down at the table and I think he felt somewhat guilty. "I fell down the stairs. I know what a silly way, right?" I said. Demetrius looked up at me. I smiled at him and he returned it. "It's not a silly way. Don't tell anyone but I fall a lot. Its unfair. We have to wear these heels even at home." She said.

"I know, right!" I said out loud. Both the boys stared at me blankly like I was a weirdo. "I need to go to the restroom. Excuse me." I said. "Let me accompany you." Henry said. "No thanks. I will be back in a second." I said as I stood up.

I went to the washroom and on my way back to the table I saw a kid my age crying behind a table sitting on the floor. I couldn't ignore him. I sat on the floor beside him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "No....they all hate me." I didn't know what to do. "Who's they?" I asked.

"The terrible nobles and artistrocats here. They say I am a monster and I should die." He said.

"Well, don't listen to them. The best way to live is to not care." I said. I couldn't believe that they told this beautiful little kid to die.

"Aren't I a monster?" He said.

"No. Look at yourself, you made a mess of yourself because of those stupid adults. Come with me to the ladies washroom. It's empty. Don't worry." I said giving my hand. He held my hand and i pulled him up. We both went to the washroom. I opened my handbag. "Wash your face with water and then clean it with this." I said handing him a napkin.

He washed his face with cold water. His face was really beautiful. I just noticed that he had two different coloured eyes. One was red and the other brown. He looked absolutely beautiful.

"Next time, if they say those words to you answer them back with a savage reply." I said and he nodded. I modeled his short white hair with my hand. "Have a attitude. Don't you ever let them see you cry."

"Okay. I'm Nicottis. You are?" He asked. "That's a secret. Your eyes, they are really beautiful so is your hair. Don't ever let them bully you for your beautiful appearance." I said. He seemed to be noting down the things I told him. "Don't be too nice.. Sometimes be straight up rude but only to those who you don't like." He nodded.

I remembered of Demetrius, Katie and Henry. "I gotta go. Do you want to come with me and maybe accompany me?" I asked as the boy seemed pretty alone. "Yeah, if I am going to spend the entire evening with you. I should at least know your name. So tell me what it is?" He asked.

"It's Alyssa Rosewood but you can call me Lyss." I said taking his hand and going to the table.

"There you are. Who is he?" Katie asked pointing at Nicottis.

"Nico-" I said but my words were interpreted by Nicottis.

"Crown Prince Nicottis." He answered.

"Crown Prince? Ehh?" I said.

"I forgot to tell you that, Lyss." He said.

"I have to go, my parents are calling for me, your highness." I said. I looked weirdly at the other three hoping they'd get the message and follow me luckily they did because their footsteps followed me. When we were finally far enough. we sat down.

"What was that, my lady?" Henry said.

"You know you can call me Lyss. Please call me that." I said.

"Alright." He said.

"Yeah, what was that, Lyss?" Katie asked.

"Long story short I saw him crying. I helped clean up his appearance. He was lonely I asked him to join us. I didn't know he was the crown prince, the literal one person I was hoping to avoid." I said out loud.

"Why were you wishing to avoid him?"

"I just was. Don't question it." I said.

The rest of the banquet went well. All of us got along really well. Especially me and Katie.