
Reborn as spider copy

This story is set in a AU of the ultimate Spider-Man universe with bits and pieces of my other favorite universes in the marvel comics. A human boy died but was given the chance to be reborn only to be reborn as a Spider-Man clone with all of Spider-Mans memories but bits and pieces of his previous life memories as well and has a identity crisis as he sets out on a spiritual journey to go find himself and become a new later gaining a companion of a saber tooth panther through not so great means later returning as shadow spider having various spider powers do to himself being a clone witch mutants his powers and adding more watch as he meets the real spider and various heroes and heroines making a harem along the on his journey to become a great hero or villain

Tae_Smith_9796 · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs


Traveling wasn't hard as I saw many things and met many people while traveling I traveled to the mountains and and met an old monk who taught me ancient Kung fu and Shaolin Kung Fu and other things about life and his Philosophy on it as he state "I believe the you all come for the same thing at some point in time to find yourself as you explore me horizons and those who know what they want at the time will change with time to something more than what they have now" Said the monk his name was Shisui he taught me a lot.

I trained with the hand who I ran into during my training and travels learning about a lot of things even some of the plans witch I sent to the heroes anonymously under a no name training with them I learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, Aikido, Judo, Tai chi, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Wushu, Sanda, ninjutsu, Arnis and many more mastering them to beyond grand master levels do to my brain able to process more information than a regular human able to Break down the martial art and find the flaws in it very fast to correct my mistakes.

With me traveling I pick up a lot of different languages and skills as well like bounty hunting tracking and steal mastering the slight of hand all of my my adventures can't be said but they were a lot I even help out some people from becoming slaves stopped some animals from going extinct from poachers. I met some mutants as well witch was cool and I met the white tiger and his family as we hit it off well with me helping him in on of his missions to protect his home land I hit it off with his daughter Ava Ayala and lost my virginity to her we became boyfriend and girlfriend for awhile but I started traveling again she said that she would move to the states later and we can see each other again after I'm done with my training.

This was great as I love her In the ultimate Spider-Man show and in person after that I took a plane to go overseas as It got blown up I don't know why but I was stranded on a unknown island so I stayed there turned out to be the savage land I started to hunt with a guy name Ka-zar and met the x-men only I had a mask on it was my prototype for when I returned to New York made from Kevlar and polyurethane rubber material that looked like Batman beyond mask without the ears They were great people and man did they look hot Jean grey, storm, rouge, Emma frost but I kept my thoughts to myself and stayed away from them most of the time only helping some times.

"Damn how did the plain blow up now I stranded here where is this place" I said as I wondered around the forests of the unknown island which I figured out the name of from the sign I just read the "welcome to the savage land" which was Annoying as I was wondering around I found a wooden house going up to it I knocked on it not getting a response so going in I found a knife and some clothes made from animals I figure out the people lived here and just left from the not so cold heat of there clothes witch means they change and there sent is in the air which was resent since this place looks old.

"Huh someone's living here in the savage lands who would of thought" I said as my spider sense went off as a man with dirty blonde hair attacked me from above causing me to roll out the way as he to a crouching stance ready to fight as he didn't look ready to have a civilized talk about why I'm here now "hey hey look man Let's talk his out You calm down and I'll tell you why I'm here" I said getting a fairly growl in response as he attacked me lunging at me as I dodged out the way with he switching directions fast throwing a punch combo at me with my dodging all of it a palm pushed him in the chest sending him flying back into the wall as he recovers quick kicking me in the chest and slamming my head into the wall dazing me for a moment but this just makes me angry as I grab his arm that's still on my face putting one leg on his shoulder and one in his chest as I push down with one and push away with the other using arm to turn him causing him to to flip over on his back hard with he dislocating his arm causing him to scream in pain.

"That's what you get bub for what you just did I should do a lot worse but you have some information about this place I need" I said in low voice grabbing him I place him ageist the wall saying "now your going to all ore I'll break every done in your body" Said breaking a finger causing him to scream again until he stops and starts talking "ok my names Ka-zar and I leave here not leave alone your on the savage lands where animals from different times live here I'm the protector of this place now go leave and never come back" he said as I Dropped him to the floor leaving I go and find a cave where I put my suitcase down as I see a stone as I popped my stingers as I start to carve out my spider shaped batarangs before going to sleep for the night.

The next morning I was up I was memorizing the area when I ran into the x-men being attacked by a t-Rex as it had knocked down Jean and rouge as I rushed in with my mask on grabbing them and throwing them out of harms as it smashed it's foot int the ground causing smoke and a dirt cloud to be made as I turned invisible sneaked away leaving the scene after that I would only help out from a far throwing my spiderarang to help them in tough situations. When they left I use the parts of broken plains and wood from trees to build a speed boat to escape the savage lands when I got to China I went to a library to use the computer ignoring the stairs at me for my clothes to hake into criminal gang for money and rented a place to a hotel staying there washing my self as I stayed for a few months before I left on my journey again 4 years past as I was finally at New York time to become my own hero.