

(Authors Note: So since it's been like a million years since I posted, here's a small recap. Big bad guy is on top of a big tower acting like king kong, and now Hiroto's about to clap him. On with the chapter)

Hiroto suddenly appeared beside All Might and then pulled him back, making him stumble from his sudden loss of momentum and confusion at his student's interference.

"Young Moriyama? What are you doing?" All Might asked, confused, his eyes darting from the villain to Hiroto.

"Well, I'm just tired of playing it slow, so I'm ending it now," Hiroto said tiredly with a sigh, cracking his neck before stepping forward, ripping the tie that he was wearing off and taking off his tuxedo, leaving him in his white buttoned shirt.

All Might couldn't help but step back slightly from seeing the sudden change in attitude from Hiroto, not knowing what would have prompted him to want to give it, what he presumed, was his all into the fight.

Rumi couldn't help but feel shivers run up her body. Her fighting instincts caused her to unknowing jump backwards, sweat forming on her brows while a wild grin was adopted on her face.

Midoriya himself didn't have his fighting instincts as honed as the pro heroes but could still feel the subtle shift in the mood and atmosphere on the rooftop.

As the wind continued to pick up, Wolfram flinched when his eyes locked onto Hiroto's own, but he still steeled himself. "No matter what, you're still a damn student!" He grabbed the remaining metal from his surroundings before willing them together to form a behemoth of a fist that obscured everyone's view, its shadow covering the entirety of the rooftop.

As for the sudden change? Hiroto himself felt that he was being too much of a spectator in these fights, wanting to watch on as others first fought before him so he could witness how it would feel to experience the thrill of battle with one's adrenaline pumping through their body.

'But, this isn't a show. This is my reality now.' Hiroto thought to himself as Wolfram charged at him, the large fist descending down towards him with such speed that it hissed through the air from its jagged and unshapely appearance.

With a thud, he firmly planted his right foot behind his body, turning his body so his right fist was cocked back. His muscles strained against his shirt which struggled to contain them. Just as mere moments were left before it reached him, everyone held their breaths as it seemed the world stilled.

All Might, Rumi and Midoriya all wanted to rush forward seeing how close it was but couldn't amass the strength in their legs to do so, but they all still believed in Hiroto's strength to prevail.

Hiroto watched on as the fist loomed in front of him, before swinging his fist forward. The air split as his hand surged forward, a high-pitched sound accompanied it as everyone covered their ears from the result of Hiroto's hand surpassing that of the speed of sound.

Hiroto's hand itself never reached his target, stopping mere inches away as the air pressure from his punch that was accumulated exploded with a fury, ripping and tearing apart the metal abomination, starting from its fist and down its length all the way to Wolfram.

The rest of the rooftop in front of Hiroto's fist had split apart in a coned pattern, spreading out and taking off a chunk of what was supposed to be able to handle even All Might's attacks.

Wolfram didn't have enough time to scream out a word as a pressure assaulted him from the front of his body, tearing apart his armour and the device he was wearing on his head.

All Might, still not able to hear anything reached out to Hiroto, worried that he put too much power behind the punch which would have resulted in Wolfram's death.

Hiroto held out a hand without looking back to reassure him. He knew that killing Wolfram would just bring in a multitude of problems onto him, not just from the media, but from the Hero community in Japan.

The blast that tore at Wolfram's body caused him to be launched off the building and to what would have been his death, but Hiroto had quickly moved forward to grab onto his leg before dragging him back onto the now ruined rooftop.

Midoriya could do nothing but slump onto his back as he watched Hiroto look down onto the now battered and bloodied form of Wolfram, knocked out and foaming at the mouth.

'How… am I supposed to compete with that? How am I supposed to be the symbol of peace when someone like Hiroto exists…' Midoriya thought to himself, looking up to see the cloud having parted in a similar shape to the rooftop beyond where he was standing, seeming as though it stretched on for miles.

Midoriya then yelped as he felt a kick towards his back, causing him to roll forwards. Looking back, he saw Rumi looking straight at Hiroto, her grin now gone as she looked calmly towards the figure of Hiroto standing on the edge of what his power had caused, the rising sun shining down onto his figure.

"There's no point in moping. I could tell what you're thinking without having to even look at your face." She said, still looking at Hiroto and not bothering to look at Midoriya's confused face.

"Even I myself want to kick my ass for thinking for a split second that there's no chance I can reach his level." She continued speaking, shocking Midoroiya as all he had seen of the rabbit Hero was the confidant bravado she adopted.

"All you can do is strive to be better so you won't regret being by his side. Even if you don't amount to his level, at alteast you'll know you gave it your all and didn't half-ass it." Rumi then looked at Midoriya before walking away.

Before he could say anything, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. "She's right, young Midoriya. Even I myself know that I won't be able to match up to him if I were to fully heal. But, that doesn't mean you should stop striving to be better."

Midoriya clenched his fists before nodding resolutely, "I understand."

From where Hiroto stood, he was looking towards the rest of I-Island, having heard their entire conversation from where he was. 'Oh god, I don't want to go over there now when they're having a moment or it'll be hella awkward. I'll just keep standing here, for now, maybe someone will come and save me from this intense atmosphere.'

Unknown to him, however, everything had been recorded, from the beginning of the fight to its ending, perfectly framed with Hiroto standing over Wolfram's figure as the sun slowly climbed up, casting down its lustre onto Hiroto's frame. His bald head shining ever so brightly.

"Ugh, screw this. I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my time here." Hiroto muttered, looking back to see Midoriya and All Might still talking, with Melissa, the staff and the other students now finally being able to come up and see what happened.

"Yeah, nope. Not gonna deal with their questions." Hiroto said to himself, before turning around and then just falling off the tower towards the ground.

The others ran up to All Might and Midoriya, with Kirishima saying to Todoroki, "Did he just dip?"

Todoroki shook his head. "No, I believe he fell."


The staff and security rushed forward to quickly contain Wolfram, giving a wide berth to All Might as the students rushed towards him, questioning him about what happened in droves, with Midoriya trying to hold them back since his time limit was about to come up.

Bakugo looked on from the side, his eyes darting around the destroyed remains of the roof, before going up to the clouds that had parted. "Tch, fucking bullshit character." He muttered, turning back to leave since there was nothing else to be gained from hanging around the place.

"It feels like he's just going to get further away from us…" Momo said to herself quietly while sighing.

As for Dave, it turned out that the entire start was conducted by him and his partner in order to steal the Quirk device for himself in order to use it to heal All Might and empower him. All of that fell apart, however, when All for One came into the picture, using Wolfram as his own tool in order to steal the device.

Now, the device was completely destroyed by Hiroto's attack, something that some very rich and arrogant people would no doubt be mad and pissy about, but they would shut up soon once they saw what Hiroto did to the man.

As for Hiroto himself, he was currently walking toward his hotel room for some much-needed relaxation. However, he was quickly intercepted by a man rushing forward.

"P-Please wait!" A large and rotund man ran to him, sweating profusely before coming to a stop as Hiroto turned to him.

"Hm? What do you want?" Hiroto asked him.

"I-I am…" The man stuttered before gulping, fixing his tie and wiping off some sweat with his handkerchief. "I wanted to thank you, for what you did. I was watching the entire thing, and compared to some other people, I wanted to come and thank you personally."

Hiroto raised an eyebrow, tilting his head as he listened to him. "Well, there's no need for thanks. I'm just doing what a Hero's supposed to do."

"T-That may be so, but still, you saved us from ruin and further humiliation." The man prattled on, before taking out an envelope and presenting it to him, "Please, take this for now. It's all I could gather up in the spur of the moment."

Hiroto wasn't one to reject gifts, especially from someone who he could only assume was immensely wealthy. Taking the envelope, he opened it only to find a card that was completely white and blank.

"Uh, thanks?" He didn't really know what he was holding. Although it felt like a credit card of some sort, it didn't look like one.

"Of course, you would be confused, this is a blank card that I had to quickly get made just for you, that's why it is still lacking in appearance. However, you'll find that if you use it for anything here for your current and future stay, everything is…" The man came forward and whispered to Hiroto, "Free."

"..." Hiroto blanked for a moment before his eyes narrowed and he grabbed the man's hand, shaking it.

"I will protect I-Island with my life."


(Authors Note: Haaah, my days of being lazy has sadly ended. To be fair, I did just finish a uni course, so whoop whoop.

Now, onto the story. In case you haven't caught on from Hiroto's attitude during the fight, I reflected and decided that he's been too much of a spectator, only coming in to handle things at the very end. That's my fault for making him too passive.

What does this mean for the story going forward? Well, when they get back, Eri won't have to wait anymore for her saviour until after the training camp. How will this affect the story? Lord knows since I've decided that Hiroto should be more proactive.

This could either be a boon or a bust, since with Hiroto's immense strength it might feel like he's speedrunning mha. Then again, there's always other countries anyway since it is said that All for One had his influence stretching the globe, not just Japan.

Anways, if you enjoyed let me know. If you didn't like it, let me know why, but it better be constructive, cause if not then, you a hoe