
Reborn as OP Gojo in JJK with Bleach Powers

MC[Named Kuro] is reborn as Gojo Satoru's younger brother in Jujustu Kaisen world with powers from Bleach anime and his own OP powers in JJK. Will he become stronger than Gojo? Will he become the strongest Sorcerer in JJK? Will he save the lives and tragic fates of his fellow Sorcerers? Will he become a hero or villain? And most important what powers will he have? The Six Eyes and Limitless or something more powerful. What clan will he reborn in? Also will he create something more powerful than Hollow Purple? What powers from Bleach will he have? What will be his Domain Expansion? Time for an epic journey. AU JJK R-18 fanfic. Nobara, Maki, and Mei Mei are best girls but there is more of course. [There will be romance. Idk about harem even though its added in tags, maybe I will let you guys vote] [There will be R-18 content later] [I added a System Tag as MC will be reborn with a Sorcerer System which will allow him to steal and create his own cursed techniques] JJK X Bleach worlds some characters from Bleach might appear in this fanfic maybe as summons [No spoilers]. MC might have a zanpakuto and other powers from Bleach but his main powers is from JJK world as he is Gojo's brother. This is a AU fic so many things might change in the JJK world such as Gojo having a sister. [There will be spoilers in this fanfic] There is also R-18 content in this fanfic but much later on.

DarkGamerZ · Anime e quadrinhos
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91 Chs

Kuro Vs Gojo [Young Gods] [Finale]

Kuro was a solider in his past life knew that in a fight and war he had to strike first with a powerful attack. That is what he was going to do against Satoru Gojo, he wasn't going to hold back, he could feel the immense power of his dark demonic cursed energy surge throughout his entire body. Sparks of gold, black, and red electricity similar to Hollow Purple appeared around his entire right arm. [Image of powers]. Kuro's demonic cursed energy was so powerful that the space around him was start to crack and be sucked in by Kuro's dark cursed energy. It was like Kuro's entire body and dark cursed energy was like a black hole ready to absorb and exploded everyone around him! Kuro was strong with the 'force' one can say. Did Kuro's cursed technique have to do something with a [Black Hole] [Infinity] [Limitless] Something beyond [Limitless] but what can be beyond limitless and infinity? What it would mean that Kuro can break reality, time, space, and matter! If this is true then this would make Kuro the most powerful sorcerer in existence! 

"I won't hold back brother! Finally I get to fight someone on my level! Haha!" Gojo also unleashed the power of his Six Eyes and some powers of Limitless but remember this was his younger self [around 12 years old while Kuro was younger] so Gojo wasn't at full potential but he was still very powerful, a young god just like Kuro in terms of JJK world Satoru Gojo was at the top at a young age and so was Kuro, needless to say it was going to be interesting what path Kuro will take as he is now on the same level of Gojo or even stronger at a young age! But will Kuro be strong enough to fight against the King of Curses [Sukuna] [AKA Plotkuna or FraudKuna] with the current crazy bullshit chapters out of JJK [Spoiler]. 

"I won't hold back either!" Kuro actually smirked, he was having fun fighting against Gojo, but he knew to become more stronger in this new world of JJK he would have to surpass Gojo! 

Kuro golden eyes started to glow and now change to a dark demonic red as he  focuses all of his dark cursed energy in his palms, sparks of black, gold, and red lighting flicker around his fingertips, was he really going to use [Black Flash!] or something more powerful? Not even Gojo knows how to use [Black Flash]. [Imagine of Kuro's dark cursed energy] 

[Sorcerer System]

[You have slightly awakened your bloodline powers]

[You currently have 2 bloodlines]

[Bloodline]: Gojo Clan, Unknown Bloodline

[New Power gained!]

[Gojo Clan Powers] 

[Dark Flash]: Greatly amplifies the user's psychical strike but with Dark Flash it is even more powerful than [Black Flash] x10 more powerful giving user superhuman strength enough force to crush anything in its path in a sense if you want to One Punch anyone then it could be possible only if you have enough cursed energy to unleash such a destructive attack. This attack is so powerful that you can break through any sorcerer's cursed techniques like [Limitless]

[Infinity Flash]: Deals with movement speed and agility. Moving at the speed of light, teleporting, traveling at Mach Speed or even faster, literally moving so fast that time stops around you!

Kuro activates [Infinity Flash]

Time and space stops around Kuro it was like he had summoned the Matrix around Gojo and everyone around him he moved so fast that time had stopped. 

In mere seconds Kuro punches Satoru Gojo with [Dark Flash].  The whole dojo room around Kuro and Gojo explodes by Kuro's forceful punch. 

'Wait how is he so fast! How did he break through my Limitless!?' Gojo was beyond shocked by his younger brother's demonic powers. 


Gojo is sent flying across the Dojo room and slams against the wooden wall of the Dojo, Kuro had knocked the hell out of Satoru Gojo! Punching his handsome face into a bloody pulp! 

A huge crater was seen behind Gojo's bloody body, Kuro had actually easily kicked Gojo's ass with his new powers from his Gojo Clan Bloodline. Gojo is knocked out and defeated by Kuro. 

A new powerful Sorcerer from the Gojo Clan was about to take over the world of Jujustu Kaisen. He will Arise to the top. 

Kuro looks at his bloody knuckles with a devilish smirk on his young face, his demonic red eyes glowed even more darker, 'I have unlimited power! This world is mine for the taking,' Now which path would he take? Would he become a hero or become a villain? Or Anti-Hero. Only the future will tell. Kuro now knows that he was currently stronger Satoru Gojo at a young age, but will this change in the future? Things were about to get very interesting very fast! 


A/N: I will post pics of all of Kuro's new cursed techniques, weapons, cursed spirts, and weapons next chapter. A young Gojo stood no chance against Kuro you will see why Kuro is so OP next chapter as stated above he has another [Bloodline] and in fact he could gain more [Bloodlines] and [Powers] from the JJK world and even Bleach. 

Anyways the plot begins next chapter and you get to see all the epic characters of the JJK world also there will be a arc where Gojo and MC will be separated so get ready for a huge twist! 

Now we move on to the thick 'plot' of JJK and see the female leads of this fic. Mei Mei with her hair down is HOT. Dommy Mommy vibes.


There will be some gore in next chapters as MC has to think about saving Riko Amani! Going to be interesting, Remeber that MC is just a bit younger than Gojo, so I guess MC will be around the age of Nobara and Megumi later on story. 

Gojo is the older brother just to make everything clear and he is close like around the same age he was when he fought Toji. [Maybe 12 since he fought Toji at 16 years old] either way there will be a slight time-skip but Kuro [MC] will be the same age as Megumi and Nobara around the time frame of JJK season 1. I thought it would cool if Megumi had like a OP friend lol I can't imagine his face when he becomes MC friend and he sees his powers, and the villains of JJK will be like "there is two Gojos!" Insert spider-man meme. 

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