
Reborn as Naruto Twin Brother

I was never too normal, nor too abnormal, I was just me, until an accident happened, something that should never have happened, and I was given the chance to reincarnate in one of many universes. PS: Sinopse subject to change. [ Attention: I don't speak English. I'm translating through Google Translate. If there are any grammatical errors please let me know. I'll do my best to fix it. ]

LeonidasCSNeto · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


As soon as I opened my eyes I realized it was just a baby, it was a newborn but I was already able to look around me and see everything, hear everything, understand what was happening. I didn't know if it was because of Yujiro Hanma's genes or if it was because he was reincarnated, they say that when Yujiro was born he looked at his mother and ordered her to breastfeed him. I looked around and realized where I was.

It was the exact moment they put me in my mother's arms, a beautiful red-haired woman with dark blue eyes, she had a fulfilled smile on her face, in her other arm was another baby, she was blond and screaming at the top of her lungs. I realized who the baby was, and who I was. I also realized that I was in danger.

- Why doesn't he cry? He looks angry, let's call him Tsurui... - Kushina said to Minato in a weak and tired voice.

My god, now I knew who named Naruto (Naruto comes from Narutomaki, a Japanese food, Tsurui comes from Tsurai, which means spicy in Japanese).

But we didn't have time to do anything else, the plot was unfolding. We were in a torchlight cave, it was pretty dark, when we heard a noise of bodies falling to the ground, when Minato turned to look, a dark blur passed and took Naruto, I couldn't even keep up, it was too much for a baby, even one with Hanma genes.

The plot unfolded as it did in the anime, Obito appeared, took Naruto, used paper bombs and threw him away, to buy time and summon the Kyuubi. Everything happened as expected, until, when Minato returned after having beaten Obito, he activated the Dead Demon Consuming Seal and pulled the Ying half towards him, but then looked at me and Naruto who were at an altar prepared to seal. the Kyuubi, and decided to seal the Ying half in me, and the Yang half in Naruto.

Right after sealing the Ying half in me, the denouement was done, the Kyuubi pierced the body of Minato and Kushina together and Naruto and I became the Kyuubi's Jinchuurikis. There's not much to make of it, to be honest, I'd like to try to change the plot and make Minato and Kushina stay alive, but there's nothing a baby could do, and besides, despite knowing that this was a real world with real people, I haven't been in it long enough to develop strong family bonds with Minato and Kushina, although in order to avenge that sweet smile on Kushina's face, I swore I'd give Obito a good beating when I got the chance, he whether you regret it or not.


5 years later.

Today we would be joining the Academy, I've been waiting for this, training my body was impossible under 5 years old, it could even harm me, but I was constantly feeling the chakra around me. To be honest, this Eight Trigrams Seal in my stomach made everything more difficult, controlling the chakra was a challenge, but for some reason, I could still feel the chakra very well, I believe it must be the Hanma gene within me, in addition to Uzumaki blood, I have a natural talent for sensitivity.

Talking a little more about my body, I have red hair like Kushina's, Naruto was born with yellow hair just like the anime. I have blue eyes, and although it only became noticeable recently, my body is actually developing stronger than Naruto's. Growing up with Naruto was obviously strange, he was a crybaby child at first, everyday a ninja would show up at the door to deliver basic supplies, food and water, he would always look at me and Naruto with disgusting eyes, I didn't know that ninja , but stared at him with a death glare, while Naruto squealed in delight and ran to the food.

I remember that in the beginning we stayed in a kind of nursery, with some women taking turns to nurse us, but I don't know if due to pressure from the villagers or for deeper plans, the other babies began to be taken from our room, until only The two of us were left, so when we turned 2 and I proved to be smarter than my age, by simply not crying and screaming, we were taken to this small apartment, a single room, a bed, fridge, stove, table. The bathroom was a communal one in the building.

In the first few days I was scared of the situation, how could they do this with a 2 year old child, it's absurd, but soon the ninja with the supplies arrived. I noticed that the supplies were plentiful and they were all high in nutrition, and I could even feel a trace of chakra in them. They were probably given in order for me and Naruto to develop our bodies for the Ninja world.

I almost made the mistake of letting Naruto eat all the food at once, it was just the first day, I didn't know the supplies were daily, so I held Naruto and divided the food evenly, and saved some for later, in case. be a weekly delivery. But the next day I was more reassured, with supplies being delivered every day there were no worries.

I spent the next 3 years sitting on my bed feeling the chakra around me. I spent weeks wondering whether or not I should try to absorb the chakra, and I decided I wouldn't. I didn't know any ninja techniques or jutsu, exploring these things alone could only be disastrous.

>Analyzing properties of the strange energy that permeates the air...<

>Full analysis: 20% chakra, 6% natural energy, 2% other unknown energies<

>Would the host like to initiate chakra absorption from the environment?<

>Yes< >No<

- Yea. - I replied to the Great Sage.

So far I've only been using the Great Sage to analyze the environment, ask questions. Due to lack of data, he couldn't answer almost anything, I hope that when I get my hands on some parchments he will become more useful. He couldn't tell me the effects of chakra absorption on the body as he had no data to compare it to, but in those 2 weeks of deliberation, he told me that if the effect was malevolent, he could successfully expel the chakra, so I decided to take a chance.

Soon I felt as if all the pores in my body were open and as if I was under a waterfall. My body was breathing, it was like I was taking a shower for the first time, it was incredibly refreshing.

>Complete analysis: chakra absorption has no harmful effects on the host, an anomaly has been detected.<

- What anomaly? - I asked curiously.

> A Seal was detected in the host that is constantly absorbing the body's chakra. 70% of the host's chakra is constantly being absorbed by the Seal. Do you want to start releasing the seal?<

>Yes< >No<

- No! - I replied quickly, I didn't need to say the answers out loud, but I was afraid to think about Sim by accident and he would understand that it was Sim, but that's not how it worked.

Our conversations were mostly going through my head, and to accept it or not, I needed to answer the answer, really wanting something.

>The Seal has been detected to be either damaged or incomplete, and due to this constant chakra absorption. Do you want to start analyzing the Seal?<

>Yes< >No<

- Yes, after analyzing the seal what can be done? - I asked.

>After the complete analysis of the Seal, it is estimated that it will be possible to Release it, Close it, as well as loosen or tighten the seal, properly controlling the output and entrance of chakra, being possible even to use what is inside the seal with security.<

That was all I wanted. I knew well what was inside the seal, and I knew that in this troubled world, the Kyuubi's power would be necessary, but I knew well that this body wasn't the most suitable for techniques like Genjutso or things like Fuinjutso, it's not like I don't intended to learn, but I needed to train Taijutsu if I wanted to use the full potential of the Hanma gene in this world.

I felt, just the brief thought of training, of sweating, of putting my muscles to work, my heart beat faster, my body yearned for a fight, for getting stronger, it was bigger than me, it was a natural instinct of the Hanma gene, by Yujiro Hanma, I wanted to start my training but after a conversation with the Great Sage, I knew that it would not be good to train before the age of 5, so I focused my training on chakra absorption, I wanted to reach a proportion in that the little amount of chakra that I can retain, apart from the absorption of the seal, is enough to practice the jutsus of the ninja academy.

>End of seal pre-assessment, estimated completion of analysis: 5 years. Do you want to proceed?<

>Yes< >No<

- Yea. - I replied.


It's now been three years since that time, and I've been constantly training chakra absorption, and in addition to the seal analysis, I've been courting the idea of ​​absorbing a little bit of natural energy, just so the Great Sage could begin an analysis of the seal. energy, but I was really afraid of it so I decided to put it off.

Today is the day we will enter the ninja academy. The Third Hokage has been coming to visit us from time to time, a very kind old man, Naruto likes him but I don't, until I understand why he put us in this fucked up room at 2 years old when Minato and Kushina lived in a house . Their inheritance? Are you going to tell me that Minato, who completed 847 missions in all, 313 A rank and 86 S rank, doesn't have any inheritance? Did he spend it all on games and drinks like Tsunade? Impossible. This is without taking into account the numerous jutsus that Minato and Kushina held, including the Fuinjutsu scrolls of the Uzumaki clan that Kushina inherited. Someone has laid a hand on our inheritance.

Naruto was excited, while I was at home training, he always left the house to play and walk, he always came home with his head down and sad. I knew what was happening but I couldn't do anything. Understand, the location of a Jinchuuriki is an absolute secret of a village. The Hidden Cloud village hid its Jinchuuriki in an abyss, only Kage-level ninjas knew of its location. The village of Areia has the custom of letting the Kazekage himself carry the Bijuu, for fear of attacks.

But even so, the information that the two strongest Bijuu Jinchuuriki of all lived in a rundown apartment in Konoha spread to the normal villagers. Clearly work was done behind the scenes so that Naruto was bullied. I had an idea who did this. Danzo. But there was nothing that could be done. I consoled Naruto and played dumb as to why, but whenever I went out with Naruto to buy something with the allowance we were given, I made a point of keeping the face of everyone who looked at us crookedly, not that I would take revenge , but I don't like to forgive people for anything.

While they were openly bullying Naruto, I felt that they were afraid to do it with me, I heard sometimes call me the Demon, or the True Demon, it must have been because of my look at them, I was never one to cry or look sad .

Naruto got dressed and so did I, he got that coat from a lady who had a shop in the most remote corner of the village, he loved it. As for me, I wore a dark gray black coat with the Uzumaki swirl symbol on the arms and back. As soon as Naruto saw the symbol he wanted it too, I embroidered it for him too.

Today we were finally joining the Academy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LeonidasCSNetocreators' thoughts