
Reborn as my Enemy's Twin

I think… God takes my life as a joke. Ok, fine. I transmigrated into a magical world where people can cultivate, and beasts can talk. That’s great and all but… why did god have to make my arch nemesis from my previous life my twin sister in this one?! And… Why the heck does this guy keep staring at me?! A little girl laid on a hard bed. Her eyelids fluttered open and her violet colored eyes glanced around the room. A seething face with a furrowed brow and amber eyes were the first thing she saw. She suddenly became aware of an increasing pressure on her neck, choking her. “What’s your name!” The girl asked her. She pursed her lips. Why should she tell this strange girl her name? She felt the pressure on her neck increase. “Is it really that hard to tell me your name?” The honey-eyed girl asked. The little girl swallowed. “Nessa Grace.” She said in a weak voice. The pressure on her neck was finally gone. The girl who had just been holding her down had her mouth wide open. “You have got to be kidding me.” Nessa: “...” “God really likes to joke.” “...” The girl, who looked only to be 12 years old, walked out of the house they were in and tilted her head up to the sky. Rain began to fall, landing on her face and sliding down her cheeks. “God, what did I do to be stuck with this person for two lifetimes?” A bright streak of purple lighting came shooting down. It landed in the middle of a huge crater near a river. It had appeared that she had gotten her answer. But by the look on that girl's face, it wasn’t the one she was looking for. Nessa looked at the old man sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the shack. He gave a shrug to her look of confusion and said “Don’t ask me.” *Cover belongs to it's respective owner an will be removed upon owner's request*

Ellie_Wyoming · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


Bella opened the gates to an old elementary school.

Oddly enough, when Bella and Nessa were little, they were the best of friends.

That was until Nessa's family began to overtake theirs and became rivals in business.

When the families began to fight, naturally, they were no longer able to see each other. The last time that they had met as friends was on the rooftop of this very elementary school.

They had promised each other that if they ever had a reason to meet, that they would meet here.

She climbed the steps to the rooftop. She had brought her sword. She let the blade of her sword drag on the ground as she went, leaving a thin crack on the rough ground.

A girl with chocolate colored hair and fair skin sitting on the edge of the wall. "Bella." She said, without turning around.

"Nessa." She replied.

Bella's sword made a sharp sound as she pointed it at Nessa's neck, cleanly slicing a few hairs in half.

Bella loved her sword.

It was her most precious item of hers. It was as thin as a blade of grass but stronger than the sharpest metal.

Her master had given it to her. He had told her that it was one out of the two in the whole world, and the only other sword that could rival it was… Nessas's.

It had a special type of rare jade called Twin Jade embedded into the swords, and the twin jade was cut in half, leaving both a connection and a similarity between the two.

Nessa felt the cold of the blade on her neck, but didn't react rashly. She just pushed it away with a light tap of her fingers.

Although she knew Bella wanted to kill her, she also knew that she would do it in a fair way. Nessa would have done the same for her. After all, she wanted to kill Bella too. She stood up and brushed herself off. "Are you ready, Bella?" She said with a light tone.

"Ready to chop your head off? Yes, yes, I am."The girl replied, in the same casual tone that Nessa had used.

"Well then. May the best fighter win."

"I plan to." She replied.

"Well, unfortunately for you, not everything goes to plan." Nessa said with a smirk. She quickly thrusted her sword at Bella. Bella dodged under the sword and aimed for Nessa's ankle.

If she could make her unable to walk, she would win for sure.

Nessa noticed, she raised her foot and Bella's sword met with concrete. Nessa used the foot that had nearly just been sliced off and kicked Bella in the back.

Bella stumbled into a roll and landed crouching. She used the leverage of her crouch and lunged at Nessa. She looked as if she was going for her neck, but then swiftly changed directions to her arm. Nessa dodged and a small cut formed on her arm. Although it wasn't a fatal wound, if the fight lasted long enough, it could become one.

She watched as blood slipped down her arm at a steady pace.

She lifted her head back at Bella to see her attacking once again.

She quickly turned around and ran to the edge of the roof. She used the wall that she had previously been sitting on as a boost, she pushed off the wall, doing a flip over Bella's head. On the way to the ground, she left a clean cut on Bella's shoulder. Bella ground her teeth.

This time, Nessa charged at her.

She began to repeatedly hit Bella with her sword, forcing Bella into defense. Eventually, Nessa had backed her into a corner. Left with no other choice, Bella jumped onto the wall. Nessa followed suit. Internally, Bella cringed.

On her way up, her opponent had taken a swipe at her exposed legs, and succeeded. She now had too long cuts on the outside of her legs, from the knee down. Blood flowed from her wound. She knew, if she didn't hurry up now, she would be the loser of the battle.

She began pushing Nessa back with a barrage of strokes.

Soon, Nessa was in just as bad shape as Bella was. Bella and Nessa growled at each other. All of a sudden Nessa yelled, "You ruined my life!"

Bella was angry. How dare she have the audacity to say that?! Nessa was the one who ruined her life! "Who asked you to learn the same things I was learning? Who asked you to learn the exact same type of martial arts and swordsmanship that I was?! Who asked you to be… so talented?!" Bella could take it no longer, and shouted out all the thoughts she had been harboring inside for so long.

"My parents! The world! That's who! You were so good at everything you did, that my parents called me trash! A disappointment! If it were not for you, learning so many things and being so good at them all, why would I have to be good at everything too?!" Nessa vented.

"Gah!" Bella screamed in frustration.

"Stop making lousy excuses! No matter what you say, I am still going to kill you!"

"Well, I guess we should see who will be killed first then." Nessa said.

She swung the sword at Bella's throat. Bella did the same move, at the same time, but in a different direction. Blinded by fury, neither of them changed to defense.

Their twin-jade swords sliced through each other's necks like tofu.

For some reason, their swords would never need sharpening. They would never go blunt and could cut through steel with a few hacks. Not that she would ever make her precious sword cut through metal. So, slicing a head off? Like butter.

They felt no resistance as they simultaneously watched as their opponents heads fell off their bodies, and down into the courtyard below. As Bella breathed her last, so did Nessa. Their decapitated bodies fell next to each other on the roof.

Soon, the sound of footsteps came from the direction of the stairs. The rooftop door was slammed open. Bella's brother ran up to her. Ignoring the pool of blood forming by his feet, his knees came crashing down to a kneel.

Tears fell from his face and onto the jade sword below him.

He didn't even notice that Pelu, Nessa's most trusted maid and only friend, had followed him onto the rooftop.

Pelu held Nessa and the sword. They paid no heed to each other.

One of Pelu's tears dripped onto the blade, and ran down to the hilt, landing onto the jade stone at the exact same time as one of the tears Bella's brother was shedding did.

The swords began to glimmer in a golden light.