
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime e quadrinhos
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chapter 192

"Revenge and hate!"

Almost at the moment of Tsunade jibon barely fell, Uchiha Tsuki was able to clear the sense, and next to Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina and Hatake Kakashi three people, it burned a thick fighting intent. Then, without Uchiha Tsuki getting ready to enter the battlefield, Namikaze Minato took Uzumaki Kushina and Hatake Kakashi into the battlefield, and when she first got into the crowd of Ninja Village ninja, she started slaughter. .

"As expected, I don't have a sense of identity with Hidden Leaf Village."

Look-at Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina and the others, Uchiha Tsuki helplessly sighed, even after coming to Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina and the others. With the two Jonins, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, the work of Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi is Much easier. Most of the time, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina are in the front, Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi only need to support at the rear, and harvest the medicine Ninja Village ninja's life.

In the team where Uchiha Tsuki is located, the division of labor is also very clear.

It seems that Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina are generally dealing with Jonin in front of Ninja Village, leaving Chunin and Genin of Ninja Village for Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi. [. A lot of good-looking novels] Among them, Namikaze Minato is mainly to disrupt the rhythm of the attack of Ninja Village ninja. After all, Namikaze Minato is extremely fast, and Wind Attribute Chakra is used by him to the extreme. In the eyes of Uchiha Tsuki, Namikaze Minato uses The Wind Attribute Chakra is an art .

As for the work of Uzumaki Kushina, it is responsible for protecting Namikaze Minato. With Uzumaki Clan's powerful physique, Uzumaki Kushina has no need to pay attention to its own Chakra consumption, using Sealing Jutsu in succession, Sekra in front of the medicine Ninja Village ninja. If this happens then, Namikaze Minato can also be a lot easier when harvesting the medicine Ninja Village ninja. What's more, Uzumaki Kushina can also help Namikaze Minato reduce stress, making the two people's offensive efficiency very good, it is a massacre.

Compared to Jonin like Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi are a little understated. As long as there is a drug in the Ninja Village's Chunin or Genin, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina do not need to pay attention, Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi can kill the medicines Chunin and Genin of Ninja Village. Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi have the same division of labor, most of the time is Hatake Kakashi's main attack, so Uchiha Tsuki has more time to learn the battle of Namikaze Minato .

Undoubtedly, the way Namikaze Minato is fighting at this stage is the most worthy of Uchiha Tsuki's study. Because Uchiha Tsuki can also use the Wind Attribute Chakra's Nature Transformation, and it is the master scroll of Namikaze Minato's use of Wind Attribute Chakra. So, seeing Namikaze Minato playing his own full strength battle, Uchiha Tsuki, if you don't need Sharingan copy of Namikaze Minato's fighting style, I am sorry that Namikaze Minato is fighting for the enemy in front.

"Minato, truly worthy of Future Fourth-Hokage!"

Look-at Namikaze Minato The almost artistic slaughter, Uchiha Tsuki secretly sighed in the heart, using the two-tomoe form of Sharingan copyNamikaze Minato. Just now, Namikaze Minato is under the siege of three medicines, Ninja Village ninja. Uchiha Tsuki is able to see how Namikaze Minato can use the Wind Attribute Chakra to kill enemies in front of him when he faces the limit.

Followed by…

When the three medicines Ninja Village ninja attacked Namikaze Minato, the silhouette of Namikaze Minato disappeared. According to Uchiha Tsuki's use of Sharingan's clear sight, he found that Namikaze Minato's normal movement speed is faster than using the moon's afterimage. Moreover, Namikaze Minato quickly evaded the attack of the drug Ninja Village ninja, and the Wind Attribute Chakra, which was wrapped around him, allowed him to reach the medicine Ninja Village ninja as soon as possible and fight back.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato holds the most common kunai in his hand, but under the Nature Transformation of Wind Attribute Chakra, the extremely ordinary kunai has become a more horrible killer than Katana. With almost no effort, Namikaze Minato cut the throat of a drug Ninja Village ninja in front of him with kunai in his hand. When the other two drugs, Ninja Village ninja, reacted, their companions had no life at all.

Next second…

The silhouette of Namikaze Minato came to the other two drugs, Ninja Village ninja, and effortlessly killed the two drugs, Ninja Village ninja.

In just a few seconds, Namikaze Minato smashed the three medicines Ninja Village ninja in front of him, and the Chakra consumed was extremely small. It can be said that it was defeated in the absence of consumption. Those medicines Ninja Village ninja. Then, looks-at Namikaze Minato's horrible fighting style, Uchiha Tsuki took a deep breath and could not help but sigh again:

"The name of Yellow Flash, sure enough is name in not vain !"

"In addition to the Wind Attribute Chakra attached to the body, Minato is not in the fight when it is fighting!"

"If I can fight like Minato, my long-term fighting ability is probably going to improve a grade!"

The heart secretly thought of it, Uchiha Tsuki's purple scorpion suddenly noticed that there were three drugs in front of Chunjin from Ninja Village.

Recalling the scene of the previous battle of Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Tsuki raised a cold smile on his mouth and then came to the medicine Ninja Village Chunin.

Almost the same way as Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Tsuki used the fighting method of Sharingan copyNamikaze Minato to start practicing directly in front of the three medicines, Ninja Village Chunin. However, Uchiha Tsuki uses the Wind Attribute Chakra approach, which is completely different from Namikaze Minato. Therefore, Uchiha Tsuki finally used the Blade Technique of the moon, and then barely killed the three medicines in front of Ninja Village ninja. In general, this practice was completely defeated.

However, the corpse of the three medicines Ninja Village Chunin in front of the look-at, Uchiha Tsuki did not mean to be a little discouraged.

Because Uchiha Tsuki is very clear, Namikaze Minato is able to control the Wind Attribute Chakra so skillfully that he is slowly exploring it in constant battles. Now, Uchiha Tsuki can directly use the fighting method of Sharingan copyNamikaze Minato, which is equivalent to standing on the shoulders of giants. So, Uchiha Tsuki then used the battle of Namikaze Minato to attack the past and start to explore the battle of Namikaze Minato as long as they found Genin and Chunin of Ninja Village.


When the distant Tsunade sees Uchiha Tsuki's fighting style, her face suddenly flashes a anger!

"Damned the month, you actually learn the battle way of Minato!"

"It seems that after you return to the village, I really have to train you!"