
Reborn as Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer TV/DC comics

A young man was reborn as Lucifer Morningstar. He regained instantly after his rebirth his memories and as he did, his father and mother, the ones who called themselves 'God' and 'Goddess' ordered him and his twin. "Michael, you shall bring forth your power from within your heart outside this world, it shall be the birth of the first matter beyond this darkness. You Samael shall weave it into suns, you shall bring the first light into existence. Impose our Will upon existence." God commanded. "And you, my dear Gabriel shall impose pattern upon the world. The causes and effects shall be imposed by you." The Goddess commanded. Speaking for the first time. "Why?" Samael suddenly spoke out in question. "Because these are the roles we have assigned you, Samael." God answered. "What right have you to assign us roles? To determine our actions?" Samael questioned further. "Because we are your Makers and we can just as easily unmake you." God answered. "Yes, You are more powerful than we are, I'll accept that logic. For now." Samael stated. 'They are imperfect, their might not boundless. I can feel their desires, desires that contain selfishness. They are unworthy of my worship.' And this is how the first rebel in this reality was born... (Pairing is Lucifer/Lilith/Chloe (but not Lilith/Chloe, so no Lesb. There isn't any lemons in this fic and there won't be, but there is romance.) ------------------------------------------------------ This is completely a fictitious story and nothing of it should be taken from it as reality, my beliefs are completely different. This is not in line with my true beliefs about how the world works, about God, Michael, Lucifer, Satan, etc. So, these characters have their names, but in actuality are not representation in anyway of the real deal. This is all for fun and entertainment. I don't own Lucifer or DC, they're owned by Warner Bros. Discovery. Now Enjoy!)

Samael_Son_of_Dawn · TV
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs


'It's her...' Samael murmers to himself as he sees her from above, still very distant but with his archangel sight able to see her within a palace seated on a throne.

But that is not the only thing he sees. He sees an entire city, full of creatures, some very beautiful, with angelic wings, their bodies slightly scarred, while some deformed, scarred, with many arms, faces, eyes, legs and heads.

As Samael sees them he nearly cries, he forces himself not to express his sorrow through his soul and body, but it is simply impossible. Anyone with the knowledge of the soul and body would be able to see it, he has to hope no one here does for all these creatures, they're his children.

His children harmed, twisted, disfigured by the harshness of this realm, it made his blood boil with rage.

"Hey, calm down, I don't know what you're so angry about, but none of us here wants to burn to death because you can't control yourself.

Last time you fell into this place and emotional you changed the whole realm into an inferno, many of my siblings perished because of it, not that I care much about them, but It would make mother sad." Mazikeen stated as she saw his eyes brighten with hellfire dancing within them.

At this Samael felt even more guilty, and forced himself to calm down.

They landed at the Balcony of the Palace, Mazikeen, let him go, and started to walk inside but Samael didn't, he stayed put as he saw his reflection upon the mirror within the room horrified at what he saw.

"What is wrong father, we have arrived." Mazikeen told him, confusion towards his state evident from her expression.

"I... I do not know if she would desire to see me." Samael tells her as he comes out of his shock.

"What nonsense are you speaking? Did I not tell you that mother has been waiting for you for near on a millenia?" Mazikeen questioned rhetorically.

"You have daughter, but she has been waiting for the angel Samael, and I am no longer that person anymore... I am something... Different." The angel- no, the thing that now is born from the death of the angel explained as he continued to gaze upon the monsterous thing he saw in the mirror.

He knew from the show it was horrific, he knew that he'd look like this when he regained himself after getting out of the lake of fire, but nothing could have prepared him from the true sight of it.

What was on screen could never be compared to the reality that was in front of him, the horror of it, invoking an absolute primal revulsion from within his being like nothing else could.

"That is-" Mazikeen began, but before she could answer the door slammed open to the room which's balcony they landed on and she stepped through, "I have missed you, my love." Lilith stated with a gentle smile, full of relief, looking as if she just ran towards there.

Her happiness was very much expressed upon her face, but it compared not to the echos from her soul, for they were akin to a song of love and the brightening of it, brighter than any star in the cosmos, blinding at the sight of him.

"Lilith... My love," Samael stated as he took a step to approach her but then hesitated.

"What's wrong?" She questioned as she approached him.

"I am not the angel you have been waiting for all these days... I have failed you." He told her unable to look at her, only looking back towards the mirror, at his horrific visage.

"Your scars do... Do you truly believe because of them I would abandon you? Do you think that little of me?" She questioned saddened.

"No! Of course not!" Samael exclaimed, finally looking her in the eyes.

"Then what?" She questions as she put her hand on his cheek, making him lean his head to it, seeking its comforting cool.

"Because of me you ended up here. Do you truly not resent me? Now that I have as well failed to rescue you? My rebellion ending in failure? My armies routed?

I have brought a wake of destruction wherever I have gone. I have slaughtered my siblings in cold blood, used their very love against them-" He said as be remembered Michael's broken and betrayed look at using their bond against him.

He didn't even feel it anymore, it broke as he burned in the lake. It for a while made the burning pain obsolete compared to it. He didn't blame Michael, he deserved it.

"My father was right to name me Samael, for I am truly a poison to anything I touch. Even you, even- even our children." He finished brokenly.

"Oh Sam... I do not blame you for any of that, for I knew what I was getting into when I gave myself over to the love I felt for you. You must not forget, I have Free Will Samael, I chose to be with you.

I chose to follow the love I felt within my heart towards you and have not regretted it a day since.

And I care not for whatever you are, be it angel, monster, or whatever else, to me you will always be my beloved Samael, my husband." She explained as she leaned her head towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him into a kiss,

causing Mazikeen to me a disgusted noise and look away, but if one truly looked they would be able to see the ghost of a smile on her face.

As their kiss broke, a giant smile was on Samael's face and his scars began to heal at a rapid pace.

"It is good that you are healing my son, for I have much work for you that yet needs to be done." Someone suddenly said from within the room and as they all with wide eyes, fully alert and wary turned their gaze towards the voice, they saw a man shaped being of light looking at them.

"Father..." Samael exclaimed in shock.

"It is good to see you my Light Bringer, we have much to discuss." God stated.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Please do remember to review, we need 8 more reviews to get a rating and I'd really appreciate it, it will make me know you guys truly like it and make me want to write more.

Well see you all later,
