
Ours is the fury

Map of the Iron Islands


One month later

Casterly Rock, 289 AC

Today, I turned seventeen. We barely had the time to speak about it, being preoccupied with the Greyjoys. It will soon also be Lynesse's turn to be that age. The day it happens, we were supposed to finally get married.

But I don't know if our wedding will be maintained or postponed to later. What's sure is that we have to wait for the end of the war. The good thing is that an ambitious and important battle is taking place right now. Should it be a victory for the allied forces, that will fasten the fall of the Greyjoy rebellion.

Three days ago, we welcomed the king and his followers to Casterly Rock. Before coming here, he spent the last month touring the south of the Vale and two-thirds of the Riverlands. Robert stopped at every town, fort, and castle to ask for the troops of the local lords to support him against the Ironborns.

If one quality is to be found in Robert Baratheon, it is his ability to inspire people in times of war to swear their allegiance to him. Houses, which had fiercely opposed him during his rebellion, rallied to him now and joined his banners. Perhaps, it's his sense of fun and celebration that inspires smaller lords with colorful personalities and a fondness for alcohol.

They aren't all at Casterly Rock, though. We are hosting every lord, but most soldiers and companions are taking residence in Lannisport. As for lord Eddard Stark and his men, they are staying at Seagard.

He is being hosted by lord Jason Mallister. It was shorter for them to wait there before going to the islands. Crossing the entire North to get to Seagard is already consequent. Nobody would ask them to prolong their long trip to go as far as Casterly Rock.

Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the king, meanwhile remained in Kings Landing to watch over the internal affairs of the city and oversee the Small Council. Robert was still gone for an entire month, after all. And it will be prolonged with my marriage just after. Not that the king works properly while he is in Kings Landing. The Hand and the Small Council take most decisions, from what I heard. Only matters of war can make Robert go out of s*x and drinks.

In the Riverlands, lord Hoster Tully didn't bother to come and stayed in Riverrun. He apparently blamed it on his old age and his lands needing to be ruled more than ever. I don't know anything about the work that he has to do in Riverrun, but fifty-one names day doesn't seem too old to go to war. A bunch of excuses, that's what it is.

At the moment, tempers are heating up and voices are highering themselves. We've been here, in the meeting room, discussing our plans for hours and hours. The participating lords and some of their heirs are all attending this endless meeting together. They dragged countless matters for entire hours, tiring those who just wanted a break from it all. What a drag…

And it would have taken far more time if Robert didn't constantly slam his fist on the table to make the final decisions. Now, It's getting late and most are either annoyed or strongly arguing with each other. All of this is such a joy… Sigh.

I see Regenard Estren, lord of Wyndhall, raising his voice after a long time of silence. He was clearly getting annoyed during the last hour of debate. Looks like he can't keep it in anymore.

''Can't we talk about more pressing matters at hand ? How much longer are we going to wait to attack the Iron Islands, my lords ? I can't stand to see Wyndhall continuing to suffer.''

Another small lord from a knighted house of the Riverlands is somehow getting triggered by lord Estren's words.

''Defensive plans were made by the Lannister Fleet, from what I heard. All crafty plans. What is there even to complain about, lord Regenard ?''

Lord Estren frowns at these words, not liking one bit the haughty tone of his interlocutor.

''The plans work, yes. But they are just that, plans. They don't work everywhere and at any time. One month, my lord ! We were waiting for reinforcements for an entire month. Do you think it easy to defend one of the nearest ports from the Iron Islands for that long, mayhaps ?''

After hearing those sentences, another western lord starts to speak. He should be Gawen Westerling, lord of Crag. Their house's history goes back to immemorial times. But the Westerlings tend to have a pride far greater than their actual power and influence.

''Exactly. Crag didn't have to repel so many raids since gods know when. Our ancient and noble house deserves to receive its peace back. We ought to hurry and end it all, my lords.''

Yet another small lord of the Riverlands decides to speak. They do like to speak, these fishes. As well as switching sides for no apparent reason, if not gaining more power.

The Vale and North allying themselves to Robert during his rebellion was understandable. But the Riverlands ? Lord Tully simply gave his daughter to be part of the winners.

Then they come here and complain about our demands under our roof. Gods, we even rebuilt some of their establishments lost during the rebellion and took them under our care. The fishes are a joke, a bad one.

''Bah… We came here as quickly as possible ! It took time for our king to gather troops on his way here. This kind of thing always does.''

Lie detected. They didn't come as quickly as possible, which doesn't surprise me.

Sure, gathering troops took some time but the parties that each river lord prepared for the king's visit didn't help. How many evenings were wasted so that you could drink with Robert and flatter him to receive his favors ?

And another lord of the Riverlands, now... Here we go again.

''How do you want us to go there, anyway ? The sea swarms with squids. There is a reason why the master of ships is delivering a major battle in the sea.''

A loud table noise is heard, and I turn my head to see the king coming out of his passive phase. You don't piss off Robert. You just don't.

''SILENCE ! ALL OF YOU ! I had enough of your whining and bickering. It's useless to agitate ourselves now. As we speak, my brother is facing the Iron Fleet and ending their control over the Sunset Sea. Once the ambush he set in the straights of Fair Isle succeeds, we will have free passage towards the Iron Islands. I do not like to wait more than any of you, but we must be PATIENT.''

Tywin then nods while remaining calm. He stayed concise and withdrawn for most of these meetings. When my father wants something from the king, he prefers to ask him privately, away from problematic groups of people. And that's what he did. We have already planned what interested us with Robert.

''The king is right, the plan of lord Stannis is quite brilliant. He predicted the trajectory of the main forces of the Iron Fleet several days in advance. The navy has then been split in two to oppose the enemy fleet by both sides of the straights. Now, we just have to wait.''

Lord Quenton Banefort nods at this, before speaking in his turn.

''Hmmm… It is true. Three great fleets and other smaller ones are involved in this attack. With Stannis Baratheon, Paster Redwyne, and Baelor Hightower, I wouldn't fear the outcome of this offensive. Would any of you fear it ?''

Stannis merged the Royal Fleet with the Redwyne Fleet from the Arbor, the Hightower Fleet from Oldtown, as well as other fleets coming from the Reach.

As for us, why not send our warships there ? Having fought more than enough until then, it was decided for our ships to stay anchor. They have the ships they need to win, anyway.

The lords are now silent, finally agreeing on the subject. A few of them are audibly voicing their agreement.

''I suppose not…''

After half a minute of silence, lord Regenard Ersten breaks it by speaking about another subject of importance. As he speaks again, he looks more exhausted and desperate than before.

''Another Ironborn house recently became more proactive in the raids. Before, they could have been left alone because of how meager, dare I say nearly inexistent, their involment used to be. But they have harassed my lands for more than a week, now. They are from the island of Saltcliffe, from what I learned.''

The king perks up at this, before briefly reminiscing himself of what he knows about Saltcliffe.

''Hm, is that so ? That small rock of an island, next to Pyke ? Then we must go harsher on them than we first planned to. But who is going to subdue them ? Lord Stark and myself are going to take care of Pyke, along with the river lords. And lord Tywin requested for him and his forces to be part of it. Given his losses in the Westerlands, I accorded him that right. Should he survive, my brother is to take down Great Wyk. Old Wyk is for ser Barristan Selmy. As for Blacktyde, Harlaw and Orkmont, the Reachmen are the ones to go there. So… Who does it leave us with ?''

Another river lord voices his opinion. Gods, can someone have them shut up ? Seven hells.

''As much as I greatly respect lord Lannister and his devotion to aiding the attack on Pyke, we have more than enough men there already. So I propose to my king to send the forces of the Westerlands to Saltcliffe.''

I sense a lie and I'm pretty sure that it comes from the fact that this river lord doesn't respect my father. That was easily guessed while hearing him, but sensing his disrespectful lie at the same time makes me even more irritated.

Following this suggestion, Robert continues directly to give his point of view and the final verdict.

''Baah ! Saltcliffe needs even fewer men to storm. But at least, it would be fast to have them surrendered. So doing both would be easy for lord Lannister. Hmmm… Aye, it's decided. My father-in-law is to defeat Saltcliffe swiftly, while I have house Wynch and Botley kneel before me. We shall then meet in front of the wall of Pyke to bring it down and end this rebellion. I won't take any objection, my lords.''

Everyone refrain from continuing to talk about it. Some do not like this decision but accept it anyway. The king's words are absolute.

My father doesn't seem to mind it. He must be thinking that, small island or not, flawlessly taking care of it would give more legitimacy to our future demands. It's even better while considering that we will have less loses than those fighting on Great Wyk or Harlaw.

As for me, I remember from my studies with maester Creylen that this island is home to two houses. There is therefore not one offensive to be made there, but two. So we'll have to make it quick to not miss the siege of Pyke.

''As you wish, my king.''

The king nods, enjoying the absence of resistance and interjections.

''Then it's settled. Any more questions?''

It is the turn of a small lord from the south of the Vale to speak. Although he would have done better not to.

''Huh… Yes, my lord. What about the demands to lord Greyjoy ? *cough* *cough* Can my house hope to receive something ? Perhaps, some form of payment ?''

An awkward silence ensues, as Robert looks the insignificant lord up and down with a judgmental gaze. After making this silence last long enough, the king finally answers him.

''You're some greedy sh*t, aren't ya ? NO. We don't talk about gains when we still have to fight. I'll see that myself on Pyke, once Balon is vanquished.''

And that's why my father and I insisted on participating in the siege of Pyke. In our presence, he had already revealed his intention to establish his demands only at the end of the rebellion.

So we struck while the iron was hot, and asked Robert for us to be part of it. We will therefore be present at Pyke and issue our compensation requests at the key moment. Our debts will be settled, alright.

Each lord nods, without bothering to give their own suggestions or any other demand. Otherwise, they would be risking to irritate the king and he would listen to them even less.

Appreciating the silence of the room, Robert becomes more joyful as he speaks again.

''Alright, that's about it. Now… MAID !''

Three maids standing in the corner of the room point their fingers at themselves, unsure of who the king has just spoken to. But Robert then looks at a blonde maid very precisely.

''Aye, you. The blonde with the tiny tits and generous ass. Stretch me some wine, will ya ! I'm getting THIRSTY.''

After the king was served, cups of wine were distributed to each lord. In a more relaxed spirit, everyone then starts joking and talking calmly. A little peace has returned and it does everyone good.

After drinking a second cup, however, a server rushes into the room. With a happy and tired face, he then addresses himself to the king to give him the great news.

''My king, the master of ships is an hour away from here. He has returned victorious ! The main forces of the Iron Fleet are no more. Seagard should receive the news later tonight. The battle was a crushing victory like no other. Only four longships managed to escape, two others were seized after the victory and all the remaining ships were sunk. They told me that ser Baelor Hightower had Victarion sink along with his longship. Aeron would have also drowned in the middle of the battle. It is official, the sea is cleared of the Ironborns !''

They nearly rammed their entire fleet ? Damn, house Hightower must have gone all out for this battle. They must have taken quite the pleasure to ram their longships, huh. It would have definitely been less of a crushing defeat for the Ironborns without them. Gotta love my step-father.

The king quickly pushes himself away from the table and stands up with a more than satisfied expression.

We can then see his imposing stature. Robert is a giant among men, being 1.95 meter tall. He's shorter than the Mountain, but still way taller than the average height of people in Westeros.

He has gained some weight since the rebellion, but Robert remains a very muscular man. For the moment, he still fits easily into his armor. Give him five more years of boring peace and he will do some competition to whales, though.

''EXCELLENT ! SERVES THEM RIGHT ! Tomorrow at dawn, we shall thus leave for the Iron Islands. WE WILL SMASH THE REBELS WITH OUR FURY ! But first, let us celebrate this victory with a feast. And I heard that the Lannister boy has his seventeen names day, right ?''

My father calmly nods to the king, before talking a bit about me.

''It is correct, my king. This is the name day of my son and heir Leonard. His marriage is also soon to occur.''

In response to this revelation, Robert loudly claps his hands and redoubles his enthusiasm.

''Very good. AH ! I remember him from the tourney. Knight at nine, and a winner of my wedding's tourney. He also drinks quite well, and from a young age at that. Aye, a strong and fitting lad for a war. I even heard that he killed that f*cker, Euron Greyjoy. Had he made the eight as I did, I would have thought of him as a fellow Baratheon. And my young brother-in-law is going to marry, you say ? ONE MORE REASON TO FEAST ! BRING MORE WINE AND GIRLS ! GET YOURSELVES WASTED BEFORE OUR DAY OF GLORY ! HAHAHAHAHA !''

His shuffling laughter scatters large sputters all over the meeting table. My greatest fear then comes true, and one of them lands right on my forehead.

Ugh... Calm down, Leonard. Calm down. Think about the king slaying boar. Aaaaaaaaah… That's good stuff. This is really some fine memory.

Before joining the banquet which promises to be long, I leave to join Lynesse and tell her the outcomes of the discussions today. She likes to stay on top of things, not being a clueless girl. And to be honest, I like that trait which she developed.

After telling her everything, it's her turn to tell me about what she did during the day.

''I spoke with your sister. A nice lady. She makes some pointed remarks about one thing or another, but I don't mind it. We get along just fine, I would say.''

I give her a mischievous look, turning what she just said into something grand and theatrical.

''You managed to tame our mighty queen ? The lioness herself ? My, my. You're becoming fiercer and fiercer, Lynesse.''

In response to my teasing, she smiles slightly and raises an eyebrow.

''And you like that ? ''

I nod wisely, like an old wise man who knows what is good.

''I like it a lot. But mayhaps less than seeing your beautiful smile.''

As she's embarrassed by what I just said, her cheeks take on a rosy tone.

''You charmer… Don't go around and say the same things to other ladies.''

Time to tease her some more.

''Not a chance, my lady. Your ass is the only one I'm yearning for.''

Her head turns from a pinkish tone to a red traffic light color one. If I was a car, it would mean stop. But I'm not.

''Leonard ! Don't say it like that… it sounds dirty.''

''Well… With all these years having restrained ourselves while waiting for the marriage, I can tell you that I WILL be dirty.''

Lynnesse calms down and lets a long sigh of frustration at my words.

''Yes, the last months were so frustrating… I can't wait either.''

She then approaches me to kiss me on the lips. I kiss her back, giving it a little more vigor. After breaking our kiss, I give her a suggestion that pops into my head just like this.

''You can go and sit next to Cersei if you want. My poor sister has to see the king flirt and f*ck with every maid he sees at each banquet. And she needs a break more my little troublemaker of a nephew. Cersei could do with a pleasant company.''

Lyness cringes while hearing me speak about the king.

''Alright. I myself thought of doing that much. Every day given to me by the seven, I thank them for not having Robert as a husband.''

''Right… I would have started my own rebellion to get you if that was the case.''

After hearing my remark, she kisses me again and we both go to our respective places at the banquet.

After a few hours of feast, I finally sit quietly next to my brother Jaime. Earlier, I congratulated in priority the three lords who participated in the trap of the straights.

My exchange with Stannis was purely formal, but the other two were warmer. Baelor Hightower is the heir of his house, as well as soon to be my brother-in-law. And my new connection to the Reach has made lord Paxter Redwyne more relaxed and courteous in my presence. Of course, I thanked the Hightowers for their incredible help.

Lord Leyton Hightower was by his eldest son's side. He decided to let him lead their fleet under the command of Stannis Baratheon. Two other sons of Leyton's long list of children are also here. Ser Garth, said Garth the Greysteel, and Humfrey. I already met the latter when lord Hightower and his wife accompanied Lyness here, so I spoke a little more with him out of sympathy. Humfrey is a nice guy to be around.

For the rest of the evening, I went around the tables to talk to as many lords and heirs as possible. Everyone gave me their congratulations on the two good news and part of them vowed to stay at Casterly Rock for my wedding.

We talked about my name day, a bunch of banalities, various problems, and of course the Ironborns and their raids.

In the middle of the party, lord Westerling asked me how much of the rebuilding will be funded by house Lannister, since we hadn't discussed it yet. Naturally, I replied that I will discuss it with my father later. I'm not one the type to give unthoughtful answers, let alone after drinking alcohol.

I also spent some more pleasant times with my family, including Gerion, Kevan, Tyrion, Cersei, Lynesse, Genna, etc. It was a little tense back then in Kings Landing, but Cersei seems to have totally gone over it. So our talk was pleasant for both of us. And me emphasizing the fact of being in her side must have helped a lot.

At certain moments, I could also see Cersei flirting with me very subtly, so that Lynesse couldn't see anything. But I just ignored it and continued to speak as if nothing happened. I have enough problems, thank you. Because you, my dearest sister, can be a whole pile of problems when you want. That and I'm already taken. Poor Jaime, though.

Little Joffrey was there at first, but she sent him to his room in the middle of the evening. Already a bit narcissistic and sadistic, but somewhat friendly for now. What a nice kid…

It was good to be able to converse with old acquaintances as well. Lord Andrew Windhill is present and will take part in the assaults. He introduced me to his wife, lady Windhill nee Payne. They look pretty happy, frankly. Andrew is the loyal type while having his own form of honor. And lady Windhill seems affectionate. Good for them.

I didn't bother to remind him of Kings Landing, considering how he felt about it. But when I have a sword in hand, I recall that he was the one who knighted me, even if he did it to follow Tywin's order. At the Windy Keep, the winter wheat harvests seem to be quite fruitful. That's good news while waiting for the next winter.

For a whole part of the evening, I also went to see the Lyddens and the Kennings. These two houses also take part in the offensives. Vincent will come, accompanied by his two older brothers, Herrock and Killian. This time, James Lydden will also be with us. And of course, lord Kenning and lord Lydden are sure to come to the Iron Islands.

After that, I briefly went to speak with Tytos Brax who recently officially became lord Brax of Hornvale. Before that, a regent had been chosen for him. In the end, Tytos decided to keep the regent as his right-hand man to rule his lands, because he had done a pretty good job.

Of course, I went to speak with the king who made me drink two or three additional cups of wine. He wanted us to drink for both the victory in the straights and my name day. Fortunately, my resistance to alcohol has greatly improved. I trained a little at the Amber Mane, after all. A legitimate training, indeed.

And now here I am sitting next to my older brother. We are much more relaxed with each other, now that some time has passed since the episode of Tysha. His letter of apology also helped.

After telling him a bit about me, he turns the conversation to the battles that he had this morning.

''I fought these… guards of yours. A good bunch, somewhat. Of the two best ones, the first has a big mouth and the latter an annoying shield.''

I raise an eyebrow at his remark, guessing his frustration.

''Annoying or not, Aegys told me that he nearly bested you.''

A single low chuckle escapes his mouth before he answers.

''Combining some luck and that shield would make any man stand a chance against the very best swordsmen. Still, he got some talent, I guess. But Aegys is nothing when compared to him.''

Who is he talking about ?

''Him ? Who ?''

A trace of melancholy appears in Jaime's eyes, before being directly replaced by pride.

''Ser Arthur Dayne. He could have slain five Kingsguards at the same time with his left hand, while he was taking a piss with the right.''

Oh, yes. That one. He knighted my brother and later became his sworn brother of the Kingsguard. I heard about his great deeds. What a man he was…

''Someone you look up to, I suppose. Seeing him fight must have been quite the sight.''

''You have no idea… It was truly an honor to fight by his side. Such a pity he died.''

At these sad words, my eyes fall back on my cup of wine and I decided to bring back the good mood.

''Alright. I raise my cup to ser Arthur Dayne, then. May he be by the Warrior's side.''

A slight smile of appreciation forms on my brother's face, before he grabs his cup and lifts it in the air. Every trace of melancholy is gone.

''I second that. To ser Arthur Dayne, best swordsman of his time.''

Hmmm… That's some good wine. The ones made in the Arbor are always the best.

After drinking a second cup of wine together, we are interrupted by the strong voice of Robert which resonates in the banquet hall. I turn my head to see him flirting with the three maids from earlier.

''Do you girls want a fine story from the rebellion ? I have plenty of those.''

After hearing the confirmation from the maids, he starts his narration with great, guessable passion in his voice. I heard more about that rebellion since the beginning of this feast than in my entire youth.

''Wonderful. Then I'll tell ya how I ended the war. After waiting for him long enough, the man who started the whole damn thing finally arrived. Rhaegar emerged from hiding in the south and assembled his own army to face us. The battle that would decide the fate of the seven kingdoms occurred at the crossing of the Green Fork of the Trident River. Rhaegar commanded the royal host, which was some forty thousand strong. My forces were outnumbered by nearly five thousand men, but that didn't matter. They were fresh, but we were battle-hardened and had JUSTICE on our side. As the battle raged around us, I faced off with Rhaegar. The stag and the dragon, right there, in the ford of the river. I fought with the fury of ten men, raining blow after blow upon that vile prince, before burying my warhammer in his chest ! I hit him so hard the rubies on his arms had broke free, flinging into the stream ! They call it the Ruby Ford, now. With that scum Rhaegar dead and his army of minions shattered, Kings Landing was the last target in sight. Turns out it was already taken care of. But had I not been injured and if the Westerlands didn't intervene, I WOULD HAVE SMASHED THAT CITY TOO ! Just like for the battle of the Bells and the one of Summerhall. Gods, those were some glorious battles…''

You may not have 'smashed the city', but you still smashed Elia's brain out of her skull. A glorious rebellion, he says, huh…

After that, the king's eyes turn towards the blonde maid's ass and he firmly grabs a handful of her left buttock with his big hand. The maid wasn't ready for it, and she lets out a little gasp of surprise.

''HA !''

Seeing her reaction makes Robert burst out laughing all the while continuing to squeeze her ass.

''Ours is the fury ! HAHAHAHAHA !''

On the side, my sister of course notices this and I see her gnashing her teeth in silence. Before, she did not fail to shout at him for such slights. But after being beaten many times, she allegedly started to just ignore the king and choose her words carefully while talking to him.

Cersei didn't disclose this information to le herself, but I now have my ways in Kings Landing. The prostitutes from the brothels uncle Gerion and I bought hear things from their clients. They have a little supplement to deliver us every single one of these secrets.

The fact that their son Joffrey has sadistic tendencies and doesn't look one bit like a Baratheon didn't help their relationship. Robert denies and despises his 'son' while preferring to do hundreds of bastards all over Westeros. The rift between the king and his queen is continuing to get larger and deeper.

Sigh… I have enough of this display and his constant boasting. I need to take some distance from that horny stag.

So I just stand up and let my eyes wander around the room to decide where I would go. I then see Stannis Baratheon finishing to speak with ser Davos and seemingly sending him to his chambers.

The man of the day is now alone during the very celebration of his deeds. Must be hard to be such an unpopular man. I barely ever spoke with him, in Kings Landing. Let's get to know him better then.

After making my way toward him, I address myself to Stannis for the first time in entire years.

''Do you mind if I take a seat next to you, lord Stannis ?''

''Do as you wish.''

''So… How come the man who saved the day stays on a grim and dusty corner, while others feast on his accomplishments ? It doesn't seem quite right if you ask me.''

He stays unphased by this, not caring one bit about being alone.

''Never have been much of a man for feasts. As for the food and the rest ? Such luxury is no more of my taste, I'm afraid.''

Well, that's awkward. What do you want me to say, after that ? So we fall into a moment of silence. Stannis doesn't seem uncomfortable about it, though.

Eventually, he raises his eyes to watch the ceiling of the room, and break me out of my thought by speaking again.

''Past wounds tend to mark one's skin until his demise… You see, this is what holding Storm's End for a whole year against the armies of the Reach does to someone. I have seen things, in my ancestral castle. We were both sieged and trapped at the same time. Nothing could go in or out, so no food supplies. A year can be awfully long… My men ate dogs, because the horses had already been devoured. After running out of dogs and rats, they nearly had to set their eyes on one another. And they would have done it, if it wasn't for the help of ser Davos. A smuggler changed history, no less.''

After understanding his words, I imagine myself eating my friends and men to survive. This sends a shiver down my spine. They were that close to falling into cannibalism ? It's been some time since I've been stunned that way. I knew that such a long siege must have been more than hard to defend. But to that extent ? Quite the harsh thing…

As my thoughts are filled with macabre scenarios, I see Stannis looking absently at his brother. The king is still telling his grand stories of the war he won. That boasting never ends.

Stannis's eyes finally move away from his brother to rest upon me. There is no sadness in those eyes. Just apathy, calm, and resignation. Stannis the Mannis. He is a strong man in his own way.

''Robert's rebellion wasn't all glorious… No, certainly not. War changes men. Some more than others. But enough dreadful stories for today. Keep your energy for tomorrow, because we have a rebellion to crush.''

It is indeed late. We're waking up early tomorrow. It would be wise to go sleep now.

After bidding my farewell to lord Stannis, I'm heading straight for my chambers. It would take too long to say goodbye to everyone, I have no desire to lose another half hour of sleep. And Lynesse should be having fun with Cersei. I will go and bid her farewell before leaving in the morning.

But when I get to the door of my bedroom, I hear my fiancee's voice right behind me.

''Are you going to enter your chambers without bidding me farewell ?''

After a short sigh, I turn to face her with a slight smile that mixes a little dose of pain and a great deal of love.

''Of course not. I simply didn't want to interrupt you and Cersei. You seemed to have a good time with her. Besides, I would have done it in the morning.''

She eyes me like I was a green boy who doesn't know anything about girls.

''Yes, I did have a good time. But I'm sleeping at that hour. You're leaving at dawn… And you are going to war, Leo. Do you think that I would have cared if you interrupted Cersei and me ?''

Lynesse makes me smile some more. A true smile, no less.

''No, I guess not. My betrothed is too caring for that.''

After planting a small peck on her lips, she smiles a bit. But her smile turns upside down to show her concern for me.

''And you would be right to think so. Leo… You're going to war. It's not a game. I… I'm worried.''

I'm worried too, but all odds are in our favor.

''Hey… You don't have to worry that much, my love. Do you know how many Ironborns are waiting for us on these islands ?''

''No. How many ?''

''They lost a LOT of men. Our side only has to fight between a twelfth and a fifteenth of its men. And they could be even less than that because it is an upward estimate. For our armies to be defeated, each of them would have to slay more than twelve of us at the very least. It's just not possible.''

It seems to reassure her a little, but really only a little.

''That's a bit reassuring, I guess… You know, I received a letter from Banefort. I met a young noble lady from there at the Maiden's Day, last year.''

''Oh yeah, the Holy day of the Maiden.''

''Yes. The day on which maidens of noble houses are required to go to the sept to light these tall white candles, at the Maiden's feet. After that, we hang parchment garlands about her neck.''

''You won't need to go there next time, though. Mothers are barred from the sept on that day, along with prostitutes, widows, and men.''

''You… You don't even know if we will directly have a child, Leo.''

''I'll work hard for it to happen.''

I have the grindset, love.

My fiancee seems momentarily speechless, before focusing again on what she wanted to tell me in the first place.

''Ha… Anyway. So I met this lady in the Sept and we kept in contact since then. She explained to me how the raids on Banefort went. It's horrible. Such atrocities can't go unpunished. So I just wanted to give you my benediction for anything that you may do on these islands. I… I'm just not able to feel any empathy for those Ironborns, not after what they did.''

Neither do I, but passing from saying something to acting on it isn't always easy. I'll see how it goes when I get there.

''Do not fret, Lynesse. I'll deliver justice. Father and I will see to it ourselves.''

That put another beautiful smile on her face. I can't get enough of it.

''Then I'm relieved. Kiss me one last time, before going.''

''With pleasure.''

I lean down to kiss Lynesse tenderly while wrapping my arms around her waist. She melts into our kiss and her arms come placing themselves around my neck.

After a long passionate minute, we separate from each other for the last time until I return from the Iron Islands. And I don't know how long that will last. Though, I still have an estimation.

After tallying up their two crushing defeats at Lannisport and Seagard, and the massacre in the straights of Fair Isle, I did my little math on how long that might take.

The bare minimum would be a full day, from dawn to dusk, if the allies go fast enough and can easily overwhelm the Ironborns on every front. Although they would need to do it in a record time, it stays feasible for the great majority of the islands. For example, doing it for Great Wyk and Harlaw may be impossible. But as long as Pyke is defeated, it's all over. So it can last for a day, several ones, or even a week. Everything depends on how much trouble we will face.

And when an estimate suggests that defeating an entire kingdom in one day is possible, it just shows how precarious the situation is for them. It's kind of insane.

''Good luck in Saltcliffe and Pyke, Leo. May the mother watch over you.''

''Thank you. Sleep well, Lynesse.''

''You as well. I'll be praying for your return.''

She waves at me before turning around and heading in the other direction of the hall. As Lynesse leaves, she gives me a little sensual sway of the pelvis. I have the perfect view of her flawless curves moving from left to right. This takes my entire attention for the entire duration of her little show.

At that, I make a very long sigh. That's torture, but a damn fine torture.

After jumping on my bed and laying on it, I chose my eyes and focus on my goals again. I'm confident about our victory, but it doesn't stop me from feeling some primal fear. And under this vague fear, a trace of anticipation lays barely dormant. The prospect of this war is somehow making my blood boil.

The Westerlands are finally secured. Now, we're going to bring the war to the Iron Islands. Saltcliffe and Pyke, two islands to attack… If we count the fact that two houses have their lands on Saltcliffe, then it makes us three assaults to take part in.

May our victory over the Ironborns be grand.