Seven weeks later
Deep Den, 281 AC
I currently feel like superman discovering how awesome he is after having shattered a damn mountain.
I used my youth to train like Rock Lee and run around Deep Den until I crumbled. And I did this EVERY day for seven weeks.
Maybe I will unlock the eight gates ? Nah, the only gate I unlocked is the one to the latrines when I ran too much.
It often wounded me, my tissues and muscles rebuilt themselves faster than expected. The three times faster healed light wounds is insane. I may go as far as to label myself as a peak nine years old.
I would destroy an army of nine years old Fortnite players.
On another note, I daily sparred with James, Vincent and ser Andrew. So I'm now more experienced with a sword.
But I never used a sword in a life or death situation. This is needed to continue to better myself.
I've grown a bit and I'm now a 1,55 meter high young adonis. I know that I look better because Lehna is eyeing me discretly from time to time.
I didn't let my archery go to waste and continued to train it. But I'm not able to be better in that area now, so I'm a bit dejected.
I wasn't sure of how far my potential could go before. But now, if I continue to take care of myself, I may become the best duelist of my generation, than of the world.
An other thing I did was to think about future plans. I thought about plans for the Westerlands. But the threats are worrying me more. I don't like threats.
Who is the biggest threat to a Lannister ? A fire breathing mutant flying tank. I don't care about how beautiful Daenerys is. I won't simp for some looks. And she isn't the only Valyrian girl anyway.
My gifts are my only 'magic'. And for that reason, magical stuff is another threat.
Varys seemed like both a Targaryen loyalist and a man of the people, in the show. I will have to see him myself before taking a decision. But I don't like his little birds.
Petyr, Petyr… the peasant spreading chaos for a woman. I don't want him to benefit from any chaos. But I have yet to make plans.
The Night king never reaches our regions, so I don't care.
There are others of course, but I can't make concrete plans as a nine years old. Connections and tools will eventually give me concrete ways to take care of them.
My biggest goal shall be to make my house the true winners of the game of thrones. Morality is partially rubbish here.
But let's get back to the present, as I'm handling James's ass, to my greatest pleasure. He challenged me to a spar and Vincent is watching us as a juge.
It is a frequent occurrence as we challenge each other when we have the time to do so. We just love to fight and prank the servants together.
''I will beat you this time, Leo. I just feel it in my guts.''
I appreciate James, I really do. But my lie detector has never so much tingled since I met him.
He likes to boast about fantasies such as his dornish harem and his long biological sword. A shame for him, there was no truth in this.
''What was our count again, James? Fourty victories for me and two for you? By the looks of it you have one in twenty chance to beat me. So it's unlikely.''
''One time is being lucky, two times is me being good. I have beaten you and I shall do it once more. Let it be a glorious victory that I will tell to my children.''
He is good, no doubt about it, but I've seen better at the Rock. Tricks are what save him, in general. He would have lost every battle without them.
And I was taken aback by them because they were indirect and bypassed my senses. He tried this a third time, but I learned from it.
After a few quick exchanges, I take the upper hand and I win by bonking my wooden sword on his head.
This little horny teen needed it. He is eyeing his own maids. They are like your nannies, dude. You don't tease your nannies.
He is tired because of our exchanges, while I'm not even sweating.
He didn't land a single hit on me. My training has paid. It's good considering he is two years older than me. I'm on the right path.
''You better keep your words and make it a tale for your future kids, Haha. James the legendary and glorious loser, saver of his own ass.''
''Damn, you hit hard Leo. And I won't make a tale. I don't want to be associated with bullseye the western dothraki after all.''
And this bastard started to laugh like a mad man. Him mixing my nicknames makes it even worse, ugh.
''At least people call me by names, they don't call you at all dude.''
''Oof it hits right where it hurts, what a cruel lord you are. Anyway, would you like to marry Lehna? The two of you are getting along just fine. I wouldn't want any other good brother and Vincent is too weak.''
Vincent's ego is wounded. But he is my age, without Jaime's talent or my gifts. So he is doing just fine in my opinion.
''Hey not cool mate, I'm not that bad. I'm just not at you guys level with a sword, yet.''
We exchange a meaningful look as we agreed that he would never catch up with us.
''Stop with that, James. You know very well that's not just about my choice. It's all about politics. Lehna is a sweat girl, but seems emotionally sensitive. So let's keep things simple.''
''Fine, fine. But try to influence your father into becoming my good brother.''
''Influence him ? I'm not a god, James. Resurrecting the Reynes would be simpler. And the rains are still weeping o'er their hall.''
''Ouch, that's a low blow, even for a fallen house. They could have called it the dance of lions, like this epic history about the Targaryens. You know about the dance of dragons ?''
After explaining me the dance and doing some more japs and jokes, Lewys had a maid call us back to the castle as he had a serious matter to discuss with us.
Lord Lydden seems annoyed by something. He is relaxed and easy going with us, most of the time. Something happened.
''James, Leonard, Vincent. You have already grown in this last month. You are not yet men but you aren't kids anymore. I called you here as we have a serious situation near Deep Den. A large group of bandits has arrived on these lands. Two hundreds bandits are numbered in this group.''
We are shocked, it's not an army but it's still a big number of bandits. We let him speak as he would surely have more informations.
''They looted farmers and small settlements. And they now have a name, The Gold Den. They chose this name as they have decided to stay in our land, on a certain perimeter around the Goldroad. They are led by Darion of Orkmont. He has been called Darion the daring by his own people. He was an Ironborn, but something happened. I don't know if this rumor is a joke, but I still don't like it.''
An ex-Ironborn ? I thought they were lifelong fanatics attached to their lands and their right to pillage…
Lewys continues his narration before we could ask what this rumor was.
''He used to faithfully serve the lord of Orkmont. He even had his trust, but he ended up r*ping his lord's wife and daughters. He was sentenced to be drowned in a basin of moon tea, for the drowned god. But he drank it and escaped his fate. Darion then stole a small boat and reached the Westerlands. He has been slaying minor bandit leaders to take over their groups and enlarge his own. He passed by Tumblestone, River road, the mountains and ended up here. He even has recruited a few mountain men by obscur means.''
What a tale… an Ironborn, mountain men and western bandits tho. It sounds like the beginning of a sus joke.
''That's not all, they attacked isolated knights and guards to take their equipments. So they aren't poorly equiped bandits anymore.''
The situation is serious and our most isolated western men are dying. Vincent is the first to take parole.
''That's horrible, shouldn't you launch a full attack on them to stop this?''
''While you are correct Vincent, lord Tywin has ordered for at least nine out of ten of our troops to stay on standby for the coming months. Our house has 2.100 troops, so only 210 can be sent. It's barely more than the number of bandits.''
That complicates things. An advantage of ten individuals is nothing. The enemy is not at our level of swordmanship. But still…
''That's troublesome. Without a thoughtful plan, a great deal of soldiers lives would be lost.''
''Precisely, Leonard. And this is the perfect trial to have the three of you start to witness how gruesome life can be. Your leadership, strength, tactics and results will be evaluated. I will communicate them to lord Tywin, he has already been informed of my choice and approved. Of course, you can choose to stay here. But at least one of you will go.''
Of course, father had to approve this. Vincent looks very hesitant, it's clear that he lacks some more training with the sword and… everything else. He is still slightly in a young kid's phase, he should stay.
''I will stay here, I just don't feel it. I'm not ready.''
He is raisonnable, the trait of a survivor.
''It's good that you know it, Vincent. Now you boys, your choice?''
I look in the eyes of James and I only see determination, as in my eyes. At that moment, we knew that we would do this together, as brothers.
''We will go !''
We said it at the same time and I can see that Lord Lydden is pleased by our determination. He knows our talents, now he wants to see them in action. So be it.
''I can see the burning determination in your eyes. This is very good. You boys will go tomorrow, at dawn. Ser Beric Hunrey will assist you and be at your service for the time of your endeavor.''
Why always at dawn ? I want my beauty sleep, by the seven.
Darion the daring, here I come !
The tale of Darion is OC, I hope you like it.