
Reborn as Kaguya’s Descendant

The intricacies of reincarnation are something that stays unfathomable even once you have experienced it. Going through his early years in the lunar Ôtsutsuki household in the dusk of the civil war wasn't an easy feat to pull off, even though Haru Ôtsutsuki, of his new name, knew the plot. AN : I tend to like powerful main characters, but not the ridiculously OP ones that are practically omnipotent with every affinities, every fancy powers etc. Our MC will be strong, but will also have rivals and peers of his grade throughout. OC Naruto fic. 2 chapter/week. (at the moment)

Rowan_Wild · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Makeup drama


Channeling the massive load of yin energy through the optic chiasma towards the visual cortex at the back of his head, a soft moan escaped the bathing white eyed kid as he endured a very unique and uncomfortable sensation.

Immediately, his brain began devouring that energy. And as it did, Haru noticed that an unfamiliar field of something between vision and feelings began to appear in his mind. It was really special.

One gan… Two gans… Five gans.

At a fast pace, spiritual energy was being burnt at the back of his head and brought a corresponding expanse of the range of the field.

When all the energy had been consumed, Haru's sensing field settled at an initial range of twenty eight meters. Although Haru didn't know what was the initial sensing field range for others on average, he felt that his should not be so bad.

Almost immediately, Haru checked his chakra growth rate again and felt that it had increased slightly, about four or five percents. Meaning that if by the end of the week he would gain half a gan of chakra compared to what was initially estimated an hour earlier.

The awakening of the sensing field was such a massive endeavour of yin energy, yet it gave such a minimal benefit. Haru felt a bit disappointed, although he really shouldn't.

Half a gan of chakra in one session was actually quite good, especially as a side effect of the practice of a skill unrelated to chakra growth in a direct sense. Truth was that Haru was a bit too used to massive power ups such as Hamura's method or the awakening of the Dead Bone Pulse.

A few percents increase felt a bit tasteless in his mouth. But it was better than nothing.

If he focused all his attention on the training of his sensing field for the rest of the week there was hope that two or three gans could be squeezed out of this exercise.

Why is she there ..?

It was at this moment that Haru noticed a second chakra signature entering his house with his sensor skill. I didn't take long for him to realise who it was, and understanding that he had a guest Haru sped up his stuff.

Picking up the soap, Haru scrubbed himself from the last bit of dirt that may have been excreted on his skin from his internal organs earlier. Being a twenty first century person, he was much more concerned with his personal hygiene than most people in this world for whom washing was more of a weekly necessity than a daily one.

As he then faced the mirror, he observed his hair whose length was now somewhere between his neck's and shoulder's.

Should he cut it short ? Or let it grow ?

[A.N : It's a reader's question. What do you guys think ?]

In any case he would not go to the rally later this evening without doing something about it.

His hair what white with a slight silver tone, lustrous. Their thickness also made them remarkably straight, flat and obedient to handle. After contemplating for a while, he decided to trim the edges until it was all even.

Besides the two red marks on my forehead… I'm really colourless.

The thought made him chuckle for a bit. Similar to how the Kaguya clan was portrayed in the anime, the Ōtsutsuki traditionally had markings of some kind on their forehead.

Haru wasn't very interested in what they were all about, but at least he knew that there were a few different patterns and they had their own meanings. His were similar to his mother's, but unlike his father's whom had green dots instead.

He then dressed up in a gorgeous red and white haori made truly made him look like refined and delicate, thinking that it was the kind of elegant style that suited the event.

He would not go as far as putting on some make up, as he still retained that somewhat conservative masculine mindset of his previous life even though it was normal for men of status to use make up in Shirogakure and in Japan during feudal times.

So gay.

Anyway, nonsense time was over. Going back to the living room to meet his mom and the guest, yet another one crossed the doorway of his house.

"Welcome back, Genji." Smiled Hisame.

"Hm." He thanked with a gentle nod. "I see we have a little guest. What is your name ?"

"E-Eina, thank you for receiving me, Genji-dono." Bowed the blond girl, blushing. She was a bit timid.

"She's here to fetch Haru." Informed his wife. "Turns out he's going to a rally tonight."

"… I see." Replied Genji, a bit stunned.

This rascal… I hope he won't do anything that will shame our family.

Genji, as most elders of his standing was someone who was very concerned over his and his family's reputation. Even though his son Haru has never been to any of those upper class parties before, he has been educated about the appropriate etiquette nonetheless.

It's just that he didn't expect that this day would come today after work without getting any heads up. He was proud and confident about his son's strength, wit and upbringing. But as the latest events have proved he also seemed to have a tendency to do things his way, unrestrained and uncaring about the consequences if he wanted to.

He didn't care much, because what waves a four year old troublemaker could raise anyway ? But if there was one way he may have the opportunity to, it would be at such an event.

Did he even prepare properly ? Began to mind Genji, feeling the headache coming his way.

As Haru entered the living room, he politely greeted his father first before asking his classmate.

"What brings you here ?" Haru was a bit lost.

"I learnt that you'll be attending Aizen's birthday." She explained quickly, "I've never seen you there before, I'll show you around it's fun !"

At least one was enthousiastic.

"You go there often ?" Asked Haru, curious.

"Well, sometimes. My father is a relative of the matriarch and their relationship is quite good." She explained. "Aizen is my cousin."

"That's quite cool." Replied Haru. "I'll be in your care then."

Eina was really happy. Whilst she didn't lack friends and was a very easy going person, she has had a hard time crossing the bridge with her classmates.

Koyuki was not a bad friend, but she could be quite insufferable at times. She had been mingling at the parties in the past but she didn't get along with Aizen very well so the latter stopped inviting her. Byakuya was… as disinclined to talk to anybody as he has always been, and Haru has been absent for the past few days.

In the meantime word has spread about what happened with Akihiko. Such little fights were pretty common, but the fact that they've been so brazen that they made a mess of the street has made them a subject of discussion for a while at the academy.

For his classmates however, whilst Byakuya has been considered a taciturn genius because of his circumstances from the very beginning, Haru quickly got the image of the perfect student.

He was quiet, obedient, very talented in the warrior paths and had great innate attributes. His involvement in such a thing as a rogue fight came as a surprise to not only his classmates, but his teacher also.

More than the fight itself, what surprised them the most was that Haru has been able to stand his ground four to one against second cycle students. And Akihiko wasn't an unfamiliar name to Eina, as he was an unwavering suitor of her cousin.

The thought than one of her classmates had already grown powerful enough to fight him had never even crossed her mind until then. It was expected that even Byakuya must have felt some pressure at this news.

It was her mother that pushed her to deepen her relationship with Haru in the light of this fact. Whilst she didn't share the utilitarian and somewhat opportunistic thought process of her mother, she was glad to have reasons to get closer to him nonetheless.

Taking a closer look to her classmate, she noticed how handsome he truly was. Of course, few in the clan could be considered ugly anyway. But his bicolor haori and well cut long hair made him outshine his usual self, which was already sparkling among his peer aged male students in the eyes of Eina. Thinking about it for a second, if there was one thing she would change to improve his looks even further it would be…

"Haru !" Her eyes were a bit too bright in Haru's opinion. "Can I do your makeup ? You'll look sooo pretty !"


Haru's eyes widened briefly before he replied with a straight and stoic face.

"No way."

"Please Har-"

"Just no."

As Eina's eyes dimmed, Hisame intervened.

"Let her do it Haru." She said with a grin. " I want to see how cute you'll be too."

"But mom…" Haru protested. "I'm not a girl !"

"Nonsense !" She flared. "Who told you only girls do use make up ? I don't care, you'll make an effort like everyone else !"

"Guh… Fine."

Even though Haru was devastated, he knew when to stop arguing with his mother. As Eina took his hand happily to drag him back inside his own bathroom, Hisame chuckled and his father had a grin.

"Actually I can understand why he's so reluctant." Genji admitted. "I've always found these things quite useless. We're warriors, not some delicate noblemen of the mainland. He's going to ruin Eina's effort shortly there anyways."

"You're not wrong, but he has to learn the civil customs of our family." Hisame said. "It would have been considered impolite of him to come as he was going to, anyway."

Genji sighed. "Right… Not as if he cared anyway."

Hisame chuckled, and they both went apart to busy themselves around the house.

A while later, a grumpy Haru could be seen walking down the streets of Shirogakure accompanied by a blond haired girl in an excited mood.

"Why are you so embarrassed ?! You look incredible. You didn't have to cover yours eyes like this !"

"It's not because of this. I intended to do so anyway Eina."

Unbeknownst to the blond lass whose glare clearly told that she didn't believe it, it was the truth.

As partying for a night was already a expensive waste of training time for Haru, he intended to work on his sensor skill in thsi rather clever way.

"But you look so good Haru ! Hehe, anyway don't you think I'm really good at makeup ?"

"Hmph…" I look ridiculous !

Had he not been one thousand percent confident in his sexuality, Haru may have begun to believe that he liked men when he looked at himself through the mirror earlier.

Fuck… I look like a wuss.

To be fair, he did actually look good underneath his eye band. Eina did not go overboard, and merely colored his eyelids with a bright red eye shadow, not unlike what a sage mode Naruto's eyes looked like in the anime. Minus the amphibian pupils, of course.

It suited very well his red marks on his forehead and his haori, and it contrasted nicely with the white of his hair, eyes and skin.

But for Haru who was already a bit dissatisfied with his somewhat feminine features, it was a bit too much.

I can't wait for the teenage puberty… He lamented in his mind. Still a decade to go…

On the other hand, Eina was truly proud of herself.

"I'm the best hihihi.." she laughed, "By the way, I'm sure you won't find it boring ! There are sparring fights among academy students organised every time. It'll make a good show !"

Sparring fights… ? Haru's interest was picked. "A good show ? I want to fight too !"

Originally, Haru wasn't too interested in Aizen's rally. He didn't care much about the meeting the other prodigals, and he merely expected a gentrified boring party where gifts and pleasantries would be exchanged.

But if he could spare with the other geniuses of the clan, it changed everything.

"Huh ?" Eina was stunned. "Well previously it would not have been possible as we hadn't enrolled at the academy yet, but now… I think we may actually. But I wouldn't advise you to ! There are many senior cycle students, and they are very, very strong."

"Perfect ! Just what I wanted." Haru grinned.


AN: As always I hope you liked it ! Please tell me if you fall upon a mistake, I don't proof read much.

I'm looking for a proof reader by the way, if there are any that may be interested.