
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Reze II; Revelation...

Tokyo, Japan....



Standing on the balcony of her coffee shop, a beautiful black haired young woman couldn't help but peer at the figures who had exited the cake shop opposite hers with smiles on their faces.

Her dark black eyes examined each and everyone of them swiftly and identified them easily, before her gaze finally landed on the silver haired youth, wearing dark black circular glasses while dressed in a black sweatsuit.

He was quite the figure now; others even referred to him as a legendary devil hunter. Being able to wipe out hordes of devils as well as multiple arch devils in one attack wasn't something to scoff at.

He was such a troublesome figure to the extent that, even multiple arch devils among her own circle felt threatened by his existence. Not only had she been sent here to acquire the heart of the chainsaw man, her job also included fatally injuring or even killing the silver haired youth.

'We finally meet Gojo Satoru...let's see if you are as strong as the rumors portray you to be..'

She smiled and walked out into the main hall of the shop, while her eyes cautiously examined him, even down to his most minutest movements.

'Not a single opening to take advantage of. Also the sheer output of negative energy emanating from his body is no joke. How interesting... this is going to be even more stressful than I originally thought...'

She mused to herself, put up the widest and cutest smile she could muster and jogged to the messy blonde haired youth who sat by his side.

Right as she was about to hug Denji, she felt the body of the silver haired youth tense up for a moment, as his azure gem like eyes dilated for a moment, before he calmed himself.

'Had he sensed me? Did I blow my cover?' She couldn't help but wonder, as she hugged Denji who introduced them to each other, and then he extended his palm for a handshake.

It was in that moment that she felt the incomparable power hidden deep within his body. She knew she had been found out, seeing him intentionally leak out a tendril of negative energy from his body, but what surprised her the most was that, the tendril of energy seemed to command absolute obedience from surrounding space and dimension, which made her speechless for a moment.

Contemplating whether to attack or not, her body tensed up, while still maintaining the smile on her face.

"Denji has told me a lot about you Reze.." He suddenly spoke out with a chuckle, before he freed his hand and returned to eating his cake as if nothing else mattered to him.

Was it that he hadn't noticed her? It was highly unlikely, and the tendril of negative energy he unleashed was evidence of that.

Or was it that he knew but didn't care one bit...Did he think himself superior to her in all aspects?

Such thought flickered across the mind of the young woman as she took a seat beside Denji with a cute smile on her face, while occasionally glancing at the silver haired youth adjacent him.


'Sigh. Denji, Denji....'

Satoru couldn't help but sigh inwardly. He didn't know why misfortune always seemed to accompany Denji. He could tell that Denji was definitely feeling some sort of emotion towards the devil as evidenced by how he interacted, smiled and even looked at her.

Of course, not all devils were evil. However, even he couldn't tell whether she felt any sort of emotion toward him.

He could probably take her down right now if he wanted to. But will Denji be okay with that? What if it turned out that both of them really did have feelings for each other...

He didn't want to go down that path and lose the trust and affection of the only person who probably only mattered to him in this world.

Sighing, he took a sip of his cream latte and came up with a conclusion. He wasn't going to interfere in Denji's love life, however, he was going to protect him from the shadows should the need arise.

At the very least, he was happy Denji wasn't going out with someone like Makima. If that happened even he wouldn't be able to rest easy knowing how cruel and cunning she could be.

'Being a big brother is one of the hardest things to do in the world..' Satoru cast an eye at Denji and Reze who seemed to be lovingly chatting with each other, although he still sensed her gaze lingering on him, as if contemplating whether he knew about her secret identity or not..

"Now that I think about it, you've really grown stronger since the last time I saw you Himeno."

Angel suddenly spoke, while casting a glance at Himeno who had her eyes occasionally gazing at the silver haired handsome devil sitting right across her.

"Not just you...it seems you all have gotten some sort of power ups one way or the other.." He continued while glancing at Aki as well.

"What did you expect? We definitely couldn't allow ourselves to be left behind far in the dust by him.." Himeno was the first to reply, as she rubbed her forehead in exasperation, remembering the tough training Kishibe had put she and Aki through, although it was no where near the level of pain Denji and Power had gone through.

"However, even with all the massive power ups, we've still been left far behind in the dust by him...so much that we can't even see his shadow anymore.." Aki sighed and clenched his fists while staring at Satoru who looked unconcerned at the hearing of their plight.

"Piece of advice from me Aki, don't try comparing yourself to him. He's on a whole other level.."

Angel replied bluntly, while even Reze was taken aback by his response, wondering how a fiend almost as strong as an arch devil could have such a high evaluation of a simple human.

"Hehehe...you're right..I'm just that cool.." Satoru couldn't help but wink at them, as Angel and Aki rolled their eyes while Himeno blushed slightly.

"Even though I'm extraordinarily strong and infinitely cool...I do believe the human potential is infinite...and what we can achieve if we put our minds to it is unimaginable.."

Satoru added, while spinning his fork in midair using the power of convergence and divergence.

"Humph! Easy for you to say, but not everyone is born the ability to teleport or fly or create massive energy blasts as powerful as nuclear explosions.."

Himeno harrumphed before she took a sip of her coffee.

"I know, I know...but that's what makes me look cool isn't it.." Satoru would never miss an opportunity to show off, while the others couldn't help but roll their eyes at his words.

"Like I said before, it should be possible for humans to acquire superhuman abilities by learning to materialize and manipulate the negative energy within their bodies.."

"It might sound crazy, but hypothetically speaking it should be possible." He added.

"I've tried doing it many times. I can feel this fiery energy inside of me...but no matter how many times I try, I can't reach it.."

Aki sighed, and even Satoru raised a brow, clearly intrigued by Aki's confession.

"In order to access negative energy as a human, you should be willing to embrace the dark side of yourself or the negative aspects of humanity. You should be able to attune yourself towards negativity, embracing your inner demons...now tell me Aki, are you willing to embrace your inner demons?"

Satoru cleared his throat and spoke, while Aki's eyes widened at the spark of revelation. Even Reze who was pretending not to listen to the conversation couldn't help but look at him incredulously..

'Is he planning on teaching humanity to embrace negativity and materialize negative energy? If that happens then it would very well be the end of the era of devils!'

Although she masqueraded as naive young girl, she was terrifyingly intelligent, being able to become an arch devil with not only her strength but her wits.

She instantly understood what Satoru was trying hint at, while her face couldn't help but contort..

"Are you okay Reze?" Denji noticing her change in facial expression couldn't help but ask in concern.

"Don't worry about me Denji. I'm fine..just cramps.." She faked a painful smile, while Denji lovingly patted her back.

"Anyway, I'm not going to go about preaching this to everyone..I think humanity is fine just the way it is and devils are a necessary evil to balance the order of the world.."

Satoru added while taking another bite of the strawberry cake, leaving Aki, Himeno and even Angel in deep contemplation...

A/N: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Also, an arch devil is a class I came up with for devils on the level of Reze and the missile devil. While devils like Makima and the Gun devil are immensely stronger and can overpower them with ease, even they pale against the four horsemen of destruction.

Anyway, I love the support, and also can you guys help out with new abilities for the Mc, I think I've fried my brain enough at this point.