
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Preparations for War

Devil Hunters HQ....

Standing on a podium in front of about 200 devil hunters within a small conference room, the pale auburn haired head of the Public Safety Division, Makima couldn't help but heave a heavy sigh, feeling a deep sense of foreboding in her heart.

Turning around to the executive personas seated behind her, she couldn't help but glance at the blindfolded silver haired youth who was seated a bit to the left. Turning his gaze to her, he flashed her an assuring smile.

Taking a deep breath, she tapped on the microphone, which let out a whirring sound, compelling a deafening silence from the crowd.

" I called for this meeting to raise a bit of concern towards the upcoming future of mankind..."

The moment her words sounded out, everyone's attention was immediately drawn to her as she continued.

"Being at the forefront and the first line of defense of humanity against devils, I've deemed it my responsibility to let you all know what I believe is going to happen very soon.

A final and decisive battle against a devil army, led by an extremely powerful devil with near god like abilities will happen soon. As for when, I can't tell, but I urge you to stay on your toes and train as if your life depended on it, because it does.

If we lose the final battle, mankind will be done for, and the devils would rule the earth.."

She spoke ominously, as almost every devil hunter felt a strange sensation of fear and palpitations in their hearts.

Seated on the executive side, Satoru couldn't help but lower his head and clench his fist.

He could feel the inner gazes of all the devil hunters on him, and the crushing weight of their hopes on his shoulders.

However, he smiled and released his fist. He would not let them not. He would not let himself down either.

He had made several promises, some of which include, keeping the legacy of the honored one, and the fact that he wasn't going to let the darkness devil return if it ever came to earth. He had also promised Makima that he was going to solve everything, and he was going to, even if it meant his permanent demise.

Like he always said, keeping his reputation was the most important thing, and in the battle he was going to cement his reputation as the strongest. This was his conviction.


After everything was over, the main group or the spearheads of the devil Hunter army met to discuss strategies and plans for the upcoming battles in the executive office.

Makima was seated in the main seat, with Satoru and Kishibe by her side, along with Aki, Yoshida, Denji, Power, Himeno, Quanxi and Reze.

"Ms. Makima, with all due respect, I don't think this is a battle we can win. Our very abilities come from the devils themselves so how do we hope to defeat them if we depend on their very abilities..."

Yoshida voiced out a concern as Kishibe and Himeno perked up their ears.

He wasn't wrong. The power system of the devil hunter organization itself was like a trap in and of itself. Without completely manifesting abilities of their own, mankind could never hope to rid themselves of the filth that plagued their world which was the devils.

"Actually it isn't impossible for mankind to develop abilities of their own..In fact it is extremely possible and can be done.. I think I'll let Aki explain it to you, as he's a living testimony of this fact.."

Satoru chipped in, as Aki raised his head and nodded.

Flipping his palm, a tongue of reddish black instantly lit up, lightning up the room, while increasing the surrounding temperature. Power and Reze who were fiends instantly felt the searing heat while the humans present like Denji and Himeno only felt a slight discomfort.

"How the hell are you doing that man? Are you contracted with the flame devil or something?!"

Feeling the discomfort increase Denji blurted out in annoyance.

"About two months ago, during a fight with an en extremely powerful devil, I embraced the darkness within me and gained access to the negative energy stored within my soul, along with a w technique that was engraved onto my soul called the Infernal Wrath...A technique that allows me to manipulate hell flames..."

Aki spoke, as the flame within his palm began to twist itself into long chain.

"What?!!!" "No way?!!!" Denji and Yoshida blurted out almost simultaneously as Kishibe looked on incredulously.

"You mean you're doing all of that without siphoning energy off an devil? How is it even possible?!"

Kishibe asked while looking towards Satoru who was munching on a chocolate bar, watching their reactions.

"Nothing is impossible old man. How do you think I'm able to teleport and create black holes? It's because I have a technique of my own called the Limitless which allows me to manipulate space down to the atomic level.."

Satoru spoke and flashed a prideful grin.

"You can create black holes?!!" "What is a black hole?"

Yoshida and Denji blurted out simultaneously once more as they all glanced at Satoru this time.

"Honestly, not everyone might be able to awaken a technique of his or her own, but I think everyone should be able to manipulate negative energy and Aki would take you Gus through that in preparation for the final battle.."

Satoru finished his chocolate bar and flicked the wrapper into another dimension under the stunned gazes of the group of devil hunters.

"I don't mind teaching them, but there's something I want to ask Ms. Makima, and I hope you'll hear me out.."

Aki turned to Makima and spoke with a serious expression.

"If the darkness devil itself would be descending on earth, I'm sure the gun devil won't miss this opportunity. And if it indeed shows up, I would want to be the one to take it down.."

He spoke with a hand on his chest, as flames of vengeance danced within his eyeballs.

"Are you sure Aki? The gun devil is no joke. You might've awakened a technique as well as learnt negative energy but you'll die.."

Makima looked him right in the eye and confessed.

"I don't care. I want to be the one who takes it down. It's the least I can do for my family and the rest of the lives it harvested.."

Unmoved by Makima's revelation, Aki spoke with a solemn expression.

"If that's what you want, Aki.." Makima nodded, signifying her agreement to his request.

"Something just came to mind actually, at the forefront of the Devil team, there's the darkness devil, Gun devil and three other horsemen. And if Aki takes on the gun devil, that would leave the darkness devil and 3 horsemen..."

Satoru spoke and looked at Makima solemnly.

"It's alright. I'll be able to handle them. At the very least I might be able to take two of them down with me if I'm willing to pay the ultimate price.."

She smiled towards him and said.

"How could I let you face them on your own? I'm a gentleman you know, and I have a reputation to keep. Don't worry, you can handle the one who can absorb energy, I'll take the other two, as well as the darkness devil...I have some cards up my sleeve after all.."

Satoru replied as Makima shook her head.

"Alright, the meeting is adjourned.."

Makima sighed and walked to her window, as the others walked out with the exception of Satoru.

"You seem worried.." Walking towards her he stood a few meters away and asked concernedly.

"Our probability of winning this is extremely low. What if the darkness devil decides to get help from its fellow primal devils? At that point the whole world would be done for.."

Makima rubbed her forehead and sighed heavily.

"It's alright...don't forget the promise I made to you hmmm, please I plan on keeping it. And like I said, just leave it all to me. Everything's going to be alright.."

He hugged her gently from behind and whispered in her ear as she turned around and embraced him, burying her face in his chest like a little shy girl. Flashing a small smile full of resolve, Satoru patted her head slowly as both of the stood in the office bathed in the warm glow of the sunset.