
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Dilemma of two lovers

Seated within her office, the pale auburn haired young woman was lost in her own thoughts, swallowed into a world of her own.

Meanwhile, one of the main thoughts that kept her lost was the image of the figure of the handsome silver haired youth with his sparkling azure eyes that shone like two sapphire stones.

At first she thought it was because she wanted to get rid of him to achieve her goals, however, now she really thought about it, her utopia wouldn't really be perfect for her if he wasn't in it.

After days and days of contemplation, she had only realized one thing, that she did not want to achieve her goals or live in the utopia without him.

Sighing, she stood up and walked to the glass wall, looking down at the city below her. How was it possible to love a person so much that if the person did not exist, your world would be incomplete.

That's right, after weeks, she had finally come to the conclusion that she had fallen for the silver haired youth.

And as someone who had never experienced love in any shape or form before, this prospect was extremely disturbing. On one hand she didn't want to live without him, but on the other, she was a devil and he was a human. Was he ever going to be able to see her the way she sees him?....That she had no idea of.

Looking down, she saw a couple standing before an ice cream shop eating from each other's spoons and exchanging kisses.

Was it possible for her to experience such a peaceful and quiet life with him after all she had done and been through. Feeling her heart hurt at the prospect of this revelation, she walked to her desk and picked up her phone.

"Yoshida, can you come to my office now?" She spoke and ended the call swiftly before she sat on her chair and relaxed while staring at the ceiling.

After a while, a handsome young man in a silver jacket walked in with a small smile and took a seat.

"Yoshida, I'm going to need you to take control of the HQ for a while, there's somewhere I need to be.."

Makima stood up and picked up her long brown coat as she looked at the handsome young man and spoke gently.

"Why me? I'm certainly not the most capable person to take your place in such a situation, why not call Gojo Satoru?"

Yoshida spoke, while raising a brow at Makima. "I called you here for a reason, Yoshida. As for him, he's the last person I want to see right now.."

Leaving these words behind, Makima walked out of the office with a stoic face, yet inwardly she was very disturbed and restless.



Meanwhile within a small warehouse, a dark haired youth was furiously smashing his flaming fists like a pair of hammers down onto the body of a large worm like devil.

A few meters away from him was another auburn haired youth holding a long sword, decimating devils left and right with powerful slashes of his sword.

Meanwhile behind these two was a silver haired youth wearing a white blindfold walking aimlessly around the battlefield, while his mind seemed to be occupied.

He had no regard whatsoever for the hordes of devils that were rushing towards him, as he fixed his gaze into the distance.

"Sigh. Getting all touchy with that woman was a bad idea." He sighed and rubbed his chin in exasperation. Ever since his little moment with Makima in the office, a strange feeling has bloomed in his soul. At first he was only doing it because he wanted revenge on her, seeing how flustered she became whenever he was near her, but now, it seemed like he had been caught up in his own web.


*Cursed Technique Maximum Ouput: Blue..*

Cursing out in exhaustion, he held out his fingers, as a blue energy orb materialized, pulling matter and energy into itself, including the devils that were rushing towards him, and annihilating them in a split second, as the orb revolved and spun around his body, before it disappeared as swiftly as it appeared.

'Why do I feel this way? Do I perhaps like Makima? This was a bad idea!! Dammit!!' He smashed his fist against a wall, shattering it like glass, before he walked to a rock and sat down taking deep sighs.

He didn't know how to handle this emotions or feelings or whatever it was. In his previous life, he had never even tried falling in love nor did he find anyone he found likeable.

He died a virgin and in this new life, he was a virgin as well, something that didn't sit well with his current looks and reputation. Should he perhaps try talking to Makima? Maybe she felt the same way for him? Who knew, love was the strangest thing on the planet.

Then again he couldn't forget, Makima was a devil just occupying a human body. Was she capable of love? ...That he didn't know of, but remembering her smooth skin, and beautiful eyes that glared deep down into his soul, Satoru couldnt help but feel shivers down his spine.

He couldn't deny that she was beautiful, but then again, what if she felt nothing for him? She had previously wanted to kill him in so many times, could it be possible to fall in love with someone after harboring a deep hatred for the person? It was nigh impossible, so thinking about this he found his answer.

"She probably feels nothing but hatred for me, and probably would even rejoice if I was to disappear. What was I thinking?!! Staying away from her should be the best course of action."

Mumbling to himself, Satoru flashed a mocking grin before he straightened his shirt and launched himself into the horde of devils, killing devils left and right with a maniacal grin.

The two lovers were currently in a dilemma, with one of them feeling unworthy to be loved by the other, while the other doubted if he truly held an important place in her heart even though their time together had been short.

Walking through a temple on a hill absentmindedly, Makima stood at the edge of the temple, gazing down at the scenery below in wonder.

"To think we'd meet here at this time..." Suddenly a voice rang out from behind her, as she turned around abruptly with a frown, clearly disturbed about how the stranger had been able to come close to her without her even noticing.


Turning around, she saw a beautiful young woman, about 15 years of age wearing a high school uniform staring at her with a playful gaze.

"It's been a while, don't you think so too sister..." The young girl spoke out, as Makima's pupils hardened.