
Reborn as Gojo Satoru in Chainsaw Man

A man reincarnates as Satoru Gojo in a chainsaw man. What does this universe have in store for our Mc and how does he cope in an unknown world.

David_555 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Control vs. Famine

"It's been a while, don't you think so too, sis.."

Staring point blank in the reddish sclera of the young woman covered in glowing yellow rings, Makima could only raise a brow, as she stealthily gathered her energy, in case of a possible altercation.


Makima only blurted out her name with a nod, while the high school girl chuckled at her sister's reaction and took a seat on a rock nearby.

"Still as cold as always, Makima, then again, what more can I expect from a sister who wants to completely eradicate all of her siblings for the purpose of achieving her dreams of a perfect utopia..."

Fami spoke as her unusual eyes peered into the distance.

"It's a mans world after all, Fami. For this world to achieve perfect peace, I'll need you lot out of the way.."

Makima let out a sigh and looked into the distance as well.

"I get it now, Makima." Fami suddenly turned towards Makima and smiled.

"Your desire to be recognized and accepted by everyone has finally pushed you onto the borders of homicide, how pitiful.."

She spat out in disgust and shook her head.

"No matter what you do for them Makima, mankind is like a never ending abyss, it will never be satisfied and would always want more, don't be deceived..."

Fami spoke with a sigh. Unlike her other siblings, she was well aware of the reasons why Makima desired to eliminate their existence from the world. However, being the second oldest amongst all their siblings, she truly understood the real nature of mankind and wanted to at least, change her mind on this pointless endeavor.

"You're wrong. After I eliminate you lot and every single devil from this world, I'll create the perfect utopia, and they'll love me dearly.."

Makima let out a crazed smile, while Fami only shook her head. The only reason why Makima desired love and acceptance was because it was something her siblings had not offered her in her early stages. But who could blame them? Living your whole life in the shadows while being branded as a curse on the very world you live in wasn't quite the ideal situation for family bonding.

"What about him?"

The moment Fami spoke, she could feel the surrounding temperature drop, as Makima's eyes turned cold in an instant, however she swiftly recovered and turned around wanting to leave.

"I've heard quite a bit about him from other devils. He's quite the hotshot you know..."

Fami spoke, seeing Makima walk away.

"Do you think he would agree with your homicidal intentions, Makima? Do you think he agrees with your dreams?"

The moment her words sounded out, Makima stopped abruptly, feeling Fami's words resound through her soul like the chiming of bells.

Before, the only reason why she had wanted to pursue her dreams of the perfect utopia was because she wanted to be loved and accepted my mankind, now however, she only did it because she just wanted him to love her back. She figured that, by erasing the plagues of mankind from the world, he would be eternally grateful to and accept her, but would he?

Would he agree with her vision? Back when they were bitter enemies, he had ridiculed her dream and called her delusional. Did he still hold his previous opinion of her, or had it changed?

"He's a human after all, he wouldn't necessarily reject her prospects of a utopia for mankind.."

Makima blurted out, as Fami's expression changed suddenly.

"You think he's gonna love you?! You're just a devil!! ...Besides, I don't think that arrogant smirk on his face is going to last for very long."

Fami screamed, as immense negative energy burst out in an instant, accompanied by an unusual ability that sucked out all the life and vitality from every single plant and human within a kilometer's radius, turning what was once a holy and revered temple into a wasteland.

Hearing her words, Makima's eyebrows furrowed as an intense foreboding feeling appeared in her heart.

"You heard me right, Makima. Lord Darkness has ordered for his capture. That little escapade in his dimension had really intensified his interest in him. Don't blame me....Makima, he's too high profile for his his own good.."

Seeing the murderous look in Makima's eyes, Fami blurted out, with a craze look in her eyes.

"A devil falling in love with a human. How pitiful!! But you know what, Makima, we're willing to give you a chance, if you'll cripple him and hand him over. We're willing to forgive all past offenses and accept you as one of us once more. We'll give you all the love and attention you need, so what do you say?"

Seeing the unsettling look on Makima's face, Fami spoke with a large smile, however Makima's actions the next second shocked her.


The next moment, an extremely powerful wave of energy burst out of Makima's body, shattering the ground they stood on, even going as far as to even destroy the entire hill the temple stood on, creating an explosion unlike any other.

After a few moments, Makima and Fami reappeared once more completely unharmed, however now, they stood on the surface of a lake, like Goddesses, as they glared at each other with lunacy and intense killing intent.

"You shouldn't have mentioned this Fami, now you'll be the first amongst the three of you to fall at my hands!....It's time I really let loose.."

Makima chuckled and brushed her hand through her hair. The next moment, her negative energy seemed to bubble like lava, as the surrounding matter seemed to wiggle with her every move.

The next moment, the area on her left, along with half of the lake instantly froze beyond recognition, as a frightening blizzard wind burst out. Anything that even came close to the wind froze down to the molecules and shattered into powder.

On her right, as extremely powerful cyclone of golden flames burst out, completely encapsulating the remaining half of the lake the area around it in a blazing Domain with a flame almost as powerful as that of the sun.

The next moment, one half of the lake froze immediately and turned into crystals, while the other part immediately turned into smoke and disappeared.

On top of her head, a small halo materialized and in the sky, an extremely powerful electromagnetic force formed, pushing and pulling molecules of the air and space.

"Hehehe. It seems you've grown far stronger than the last time I saw you, Makima. However you shouldn't forget that no matter how powerful your ability to manipulate matter is, I'm still one step ahead always...."

Fami roared out, and the next moment, an extremely potent negative energy burst out, encapsulating a small village nearby, and draining the life force out of every single human and plant as the life force energy came crashing into her body, while she exclaimed in orgasmic joy.

None of the humans in the village had any time to react to the phenomenon as they all dropped dead, without even knowing what killed them. The only thing that remained were empty husks of what once used to be able bodied humans, as well as a destroyed landmark of a once thriving village.

"Humph!!" Coldly chuckling at Fami's actions, Makima immediately outstretched her hands, and began to churn them. The next moment, the blazing flame on her right and the icy blizzard on her left seemed to mold together creating an unseen phenomenon unable to be explained by modern science.

Fire and Ice, hot and cold, two parallel yet different forces on different ends of a spectrum were fusing together in an unusual manner, and the next moment, a wave of destruction spread out, as a planet shaking black orb materialized, carrying with it the power to instantly destroy a large country in just one attempt.

"It's been a while since I saw this move!!! Bring it on!!!"

Fami roared out and readied herself, waving her hands and summoning dozens of sky high cyclones formed from life force energy around her.

"I was only able to perfect this move by watching him in action...you should be grateful that you're the first to bear the brunt of it..."

Makima chuckled, as the handsome face of a silver haired youth summoning a large purple orb of destruction flashed in her mind.

The next second, she summoned the electromagnetic force from the skies, using its pushing force as a lever to launch the orb of annihilation orb towards Fami at speeds that nearly broke the sound barrier.


"Sorry for not posting in the past two days. I kept you guys waiting didn't I? Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll make sure to explain Makima's abilities in the chapters to come and I would make sure to drop in another chapter or two to appease the Gods in your hearts.