
Reborn As Gojo In A Women's World

Skeetttt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Riding on his bikes at high speeds Ren finally reached The Marvel College the best college in city S and a well reputed one as well.

Driving through the gates Ren parked his bike in the parking area where he could see many girls staring at him with curiosity.

As he removed his helmet the girls started drooling looking at him while the boys where thinking 'Calm down I am not gay'

Ren was currently around 6ft so he was probably the tallest among both the boys and girls, women in this world usually were taller than his previous world many women reached 5 ft 11 andd some even 6ft.

"Hey Hey who is that handsome guy he is even more handsome than the 3 princes!!"

"OMG I fell in love!!"


"TCH look how undignified he is the top buttons of his shirt are not buttoned up and wearing a lose tie" one of the boy said

"That makes him look hotter"

"Hey why is he wearing a blindfold??"

"HAHA even blinds are attending school now"

"TCH he is still more and handsome than you guys, you guys look shit compared to him"



Ren realized his life in college is gonna be hell. Walking up to the principals office, Ren opened the door to see a beauty with brown hair, green eyes and had big assets ahem the principal of the school.

"Hello I am Ren Satoru I am here to get my schedule recently transferred"

The principal took a couple of seconds to calm down and said "Here's your schedule and btw can I ask you what's with the blindfold?"

"Hmm.. my eyesight way more enhanced than a normal person so I have to wear I don't end up frying my brain"

"Ahh I see I hope you have a nice time in school, considering your looks though I doubt that"


"I will take my leave then"


'I wonder what his eyes look like he certainly is handsome if only I was 10 yrs younger' the principal thought.

Meanwhile in class 1-A

"Hey what do you think about the new guy?"

"I hope he transfers to our class"

"Yeah he is super hot"

"I wonder why he was wearing the blindfold though"


"Quiet down students today we have a new student joining our class.... please come inside and introduce your self"

As soon as Ren walked in many screams could be heard.

"KYAA we are so lucky to have the handsome in our class"

"I didn't see him in the morning but he looks sexy"

"Hello, my name is Ren Satoru I recently transferred here as why I wear a blind fold is because my eyesight is more enhanced than normal people, you guys can ask me more questions if you want to"

"Ren where did you life before?"

"City A"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nah" Ren shook his head while all the girls had a sparkling eyes

"Ren can you take off your blindfold and show us?" One of the girls sitting in the middle row asked the class was pretty big probably around 90 and at least 60 were women.

'I would like to take off my blindfold but it would probably turn all the girls into simps and breaking up an boys doubting if they were straight'

"Hah fine only for 10 secs though"

Ren lifted up his blindfold and placed it on his neck as his hair dropped down the entire class was just staring at him and there was pin drop silence, after 10 sec Ren pulled his blindfold back up.

"Times up Mam..... Mam can I go sit?" Ren asked waving his hand in front of the teacher

"AH.. yes"

"His eyes were beautiful"

"He is so handsome"

"I might have fallen in love"

"Mee too!!"

While the boys were chatting.

"Hey! I think I might be gay"

"I feel you"



"AHEM AHEM Lets continue" the teacher said trying to calm down the class but her own face was flushed red.

'I knew I should not have done that HAH this is gonna be a pain in the ass" Ren though as he went over and sat on a empty seat 'I originally was gonna sit at the protagonist seat but I realized as soon as the class will end I will be flocked by many girls and would not be able to escape'

After a couple of classes the bell rings for lunch. Many girls instantly flock towards Ren but Ren jumps over his table and runs away at a very high speed.

Ren quickly dips out of the place and runs up to the terrace to eat lunch. But to his surprise there was already sitting there.

A young girl probably the same age as him and was probably 5ft 10 or 11in slender body fair smooth skin, beautiful face, the same white hair as him, gold eyes and had a cold aura around her.

Ren went and sat a little further from the girl who just looked at with curiosity and then looked back away.

'Finally a normal girl who doesn't see me as a toy or like a item just used t show off'

"Hello I am Ren Gojo"

"Emily Smith"



"I see"

"Why are you here?"

"It was noisy and troublesome down in the class"

"You get it?" she asked surprised

"Do you get followed around as well?"

"Yeah it's troublesome"


"Too much attention was a problem so I distanced myself from everyone"

"How about I become your friend?" Ren asked with a innocent smile


"Yeah we are both in the same situation so how about we become friends?"

"Thank you"


"You are my first friend, people around me earlied who only follow me for money and for my body I can feel that you are different, so thank you" her cold aura soon became soft.

"No problem and you don't have to say thank you, you must have had a boring childhood how about this join me on the race next week?"


"Yeah a bike race, what's your number I can send you the detail and the location"

"XXXXXXXXX, so we are going to watch the race?"

"Nah you can watch I participate every week"

"I see"

"Not surprised?"

"Because you are a male nah I can feel you are different from the normal boys"

Sending her the details "So if you come you can call me maybe even bet on me for free cash"

"Yeah I wil call you maybe I might even join who knows, btw did you bring your bike to school today?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Give me a ride home"


'"It's not like you have anything to do at home anyway right seeing that you are loner like me?"


"I will take that as a yes"

"HAH, fine"

"You live a carefree life don't you?"

"Yeah I guess you could say that but you could say that I live my life to the fullest"

"Maybe I should try that"

"Yeah you should so you better come to the race as a contestant not as audience, btw are you in 1-A?"


"So where do you sit?"

"In the back people always call me ice princess blah blah so no one comes near that table plus I get 1st place so no teacher can say anything"

"Really, can I join you then I just want some good sleep maybe you can even scare away all the girls who approach me"


"BTW you better study hard or I will snatch away the 1st place from you"

"PFFT you can try"

After having a good chat with Emily both of us left back to our class.