
Ruckus on planet Namek part 2

With Gohan ascending to what he assumes is the super Saiyan state that Porunga spoke of, he can feel his power reaching new heights. The only downside to the power that he can feel at the moment is a drastic drain on his stamina and his ki is also leaking from his body. That and he can feel the transformation influencing his personality making his thirst for battle and blood increase the longer he is staying in his transformation.

"So what you have turned blonde, I doubt that it will make much of a difference. Oh well to show you just how much of a gap there is in our powers I will go full power." Frieza says as the purple aura about him flares up making his power skyrocket.

While Frieza's power level doesn't match up with Gohan's power level in super Saiyan form, it still is close enough that he would not be able to just easily beat him. While Frieza is powering up a being with a power level lower than Frieza's begins to descend from space.

"well, well brother what have we here. It seems you are struggling with a blonde monkey, stop being such a disgrace to our family." Cooler

As the 3 begin to fight a beam of light appears off in the distance unbeknownst to any of the fighters present.


As Krillin takes Goku's body and meets up with Nail and Guru a good distance away from the fight, Guru speaks up.

"Place his body down for me, I still sense some fragments of life from him," Guru says as Krillin lays down Goku's body

"Nail please hurriedly go get elder Moori, after I heal him I'm not sure how long I will have," Guru says

"wait instead of getting him just use the dragon balls to wish everyone to a safe place on earth and we can work from there" Bulma

"That idea could indeed work. Nail see if you can sneakily make the wish, but please be careful." Guru

As Guru places his hand on Goku's chest a glowing light leaves his body and the light in his eyes slowly grows from faded to its usual color. With a cough, Goku jumps up startled.

"wait where am I? This is still Namek how am I alive" Goku

"I managed to bring you bag from death. I must say from what I can feel from you now it seems I also managed to give you a power-up." Guru

Thanks to the Saiyan race's zenkai boost Goku has grown from his original power level to a staggering 3.5 million

As Nail makes the wish to move everyone but the two enemies Gohan was fighting, the namekians begin to vanish one by one. With no one but Frieza, Cooler, and Gohan left on the planet Gohan declines the dragon's wishes to teleport him.


At the destination of the beam of light:

"This is so strange. This isn't the main timeline but yet the stability of it is just like that of the main timeline. Nonetheless, I must find Mira and Towa and stop them from getting more time breaker energy" A young man wearing a black coat says

"Trunks come in we are sending you some backup just in case, the power levels there are all over the place and we would rather not you get injured if possible" his communicator beeps

With another flash of light, a person wearing red armor appears but does not speak.

"Chronoa after we finish this mission I am going to come back to this timeline something about this does not feel right to me." Trunks

As Gohan fights Frieza and Cooler, Xeno-Trunks and the person in red complete their mission and manage to make Mira and Towa runoff.

"This will not be the last you hear from us in this timeline time patrol. Your greatest fears and our hopes and dreams are ever so close to completion the demon lord is oh so close to completion" Towa says with a laugh


With the power-up from Towa slowly leaving them, Gohan beings to steadily overtake Frieza and Cooler.

"what is going on why is our power leaving us" Cooler

"I'm not sure but this isn't looking good," Frieza says as he attempts to flee

"Oh no you don't you two are not leaving here alive" Gohan

As Frieza attempts to flee, Gohan uses a new ki technique he had been thinking up mixing ki and some of the science from his past life.

"Kaiserschnitt" Gohan yells

Forming a small blade of ki he begins to mane the ki move in an oscillating fashion to boost his attack's cutting power. Swinging his arm the blade sends out a wave of energy that inherits his ki blade's oscillating power.

Upon his attack coming in contact with Frieza, the wave cuts him in half. Following up his attack with a blast from a generic ki attack, Frieza was finally killed leaving only Cooler remaining.

"and then there was one" Gohan

"Even if you kill me you won't get away with this my father will avenge us." Cooler

"I will just kill him as well should he appear. If you two are this weak I'm sure he is just as weak." Gohan says sending another Kaiserschnitt at Cooler bisecting him from top to bottom

"Why couldn't I have gotten this power-up sooner and then I could have saved dad," Gohan says sadly

As Gohan makes his way back to the space ship which thankfully managed to remain unscathed a voice begins to ring in his head.

"I'm doing this as a courtesy to you and your dad and as thanks for ridding the universe of Cooler and Frieza. Your dad is alive, downside once you make it back you need to give him a hand doing stuff. *snort* Get it a hand hahahahahaha cause his arm is gone." King-kai can barely say through his laughter.

"Thank you King-Kai that information has greatly lifted a weight off my shoulders," Gohan says

With the plan to try and work out some of the problems he discovered with his new super Saiyan state, Gohan presses the start button on the spaceship and turns the gravity machine to the max, and prepares for his journey home.

no specific german was used for the attack name. I just like how the german language sounds

As always thank you for reading and let me know if you see anywhere I messed up.

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts