
Reborn as Dungeon Ruler

sss - class dungeon! I will clear it in 1 second Chaos Dragon! I will kill it in one sword slash Constellation, I will become the king of the constellation In a world marked by dungeons and celestial constellations, Alex Thorn's life is marred by betrayal and powerlessness. When a mysterious force grants him a second chance in the past, he embarks on a mission to protect his family from a tragic fate. With newfound powers, he delves into dungeons, uncovers secrets, and seeks vengeance. Follow Alex on his journey to become the Dungeon Ruler in a world of adventure, action, and supernatural wonders. Discover his path to redemption and ultimate power as he carves a new destiny. -------------------------- -------------------------- Cover Photo Is AI-generated. --------------------------- Everyday One chapter at 6.30 PM UTC. --------------------------- AN: It's My first time writing, So please support me with lots of love and write comments, it will guide me throughout the journey. Finally, enjoy the story and if you like it support me with power stones and Golden Ticket.

Dibya_Pal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter 23- "F-Rank Dungeon"

Seated on a bench nearby, Alex observed the procession of aspirants exiting the examination room.

Their expressions ranged from joyous elation to crestfallen disappointment, serving as a visual representation of success and failure in the first test.

While some candidates radiated the euphoria of victory, others shuffled out with slumped shoulders and downcast eyes, their dreams of becoming hunters momentarily dashed.

Amidst the murmurs and shuffling of hopefuls, five minutes elapsed, punctuated by the occasional hushed conversation or the soft rustle of clothing. 

It was during this brief interlude that Alex's attention was abruptly diverted by a familiar chime from his mobile phone, announcing the arrival of a message. 

As his fingers danced across the screen to unlock the device, his mind continued to linger on the faces of the exiting examinees. 

There was a tinge of disappointment in his thoughts, though he hadn't pinned his hopes on encountering a long-lost acquaintance amidst this sea of unfamiliar faces.

He recognized that the real journey, the one that truly mattered, would commence upon his entry into the Hunter Academy.

The message's content unfolded before his eyes, casting a subtle but palpable sense of reassurance upon him: "CONGRATS MR. ALEX THORNS FOR PASSING THE FIRST TEST. YOUR SECOND TEST WILL BE CONDUCTED AT 1 P.M. SHARP ON THE 7TH FLOOR, ROOM NUMBER 9. ONCE AGAIN, WE WISH YOU A HAPPY JOURNEY."

Alex had approached the first test with quiet confidence, and the result had merely affirmed his expectations.

  As he read the message, there was a distinct absence of tension, replaced by a sense of curiosity regarding the second test's evaluation of his mana capacity, or rather, his distinct lack thereof.

In the rigorous examination process of the Hunter Association, the candidates were subjected to three pivotal tests. 

The first, the written examination, in which Alex had already succeeded, held no direct sway over an aspirant's eventual hunter ranking. 

Instead, it was the subsequent two tests that would play a critical role in determining their standing within the association.

The second test was designed to gauge a person's mana capacity and affinity for elemental magic. Those fortunate enough to possess both a substantial mana capacity and a strong affinity did not take the third test entirely, with the potential to become mages based on their evaluations. It was a path that beckoned only to a select few.

However, for individuals like Alex, devoid of any noticeable mana capacity or elemental affinity, the path was different.

They were required to first surpass a predefined threshold value in the second test, demonstrating a basic understanding of mana manipulation. Only then could they advance to the third and final examination, where their physical prowess would be assessed.

Indeed, the logical question might arise: why would someone aspiring to become a swordsman or engage in purely physical combat need to undergo a mana test? The answer lay concealed within the intricate mechanics of the awakening process, a crucial facet of the hunter world.

In this realm, the term "awakening" carried profound significance. It denoted the process by which individuals unlocked their innate potential, granting them the ability to access and manipulate mana—the life force that permeated the world and was harnessed for various purposes.

The awakening was a transformative experience, marking the moment when a person transcended their ordinary human existence and took their first steps into the extraordinary world of hunters.

It was a momentous occasion, akin to the unlocking of a hidden power within oneself.

For those who aspired to become hunters, especially swordsmen or physically focused warriors, the awakening held a particular significance. 

It was the threshold that separated them from the rest of humanity and allowed them to access the gates—a network of interdimensional portals leading to dungeons and uncharted realms.

These gates, mysterious and enigmatic, were inexorably linked to the awakening process. They recognized only those individuals who possessed a minimum level of mana, effectively barring non-awakened individuals from entry. 

It was a fundamental rule, upheld with unwavering strictness by the Hunter Association.

In essence, the mana test served as the key to unlock the gates. It was the first step in a hunter's journey, regardless of their chosen specialization. For swordsmen, warriors, and even those devoid of any magical aspirations, the mana test was an essential prerequisite. 

It ensured that every hunter, regardless of their path, possessed the basic mana capacity required to traverse the gates and face the challenges that lay beyond.

While some swordsmen might not actively wield magic or harness elemental forces, the mana within them served a crucial role—it granted them access to the hunting grounds, where they would hone their skills, seek treasures, and confront formidable adversaries. The gates were a gateway to boundless opportunities, and the mana test was the price of admission.

In a world where strength was paramount, the Hunter Association's rules were not arbitrary but founded on a bedrock of necessity. 

They were designed to ensure that every hunter, regardless of their chosen path, possessed the minimum capabilities required to participate in the grand tapestry of challenges and triumphs that awaited them beyond the gates.

So, even for those who aspired to be swordsmen, the journey began with a brush against the mystical realm of mana. 

It was a reminder that in the world of hunters, one's path could be diverse, but the foundations remained the same—a thirst for strength, a journey of awakening, and a destiny intertwined with the gates that led to uncharted territories and boundless adventures.

These intricate details of the examination process added depth and complexity to the hierarchical system of the Hunter Association.

It was a system that recognized and rewarded diverse talents, ensuring that the qualities of intellect, magic, and physical strength each played a role in shaping a hunter's path.

Alex had refrained from conversing with Aira since leaving his home, but now he sought information that could prove invaluable. "Aira, is there any skill available that allows me to appraise others to determine if they possess high mana values or any unique skills?"

The System's response, however, was a sobering reminder of the costs associated with such inquiries. 

[Alex, everything is available in the shop, but do you have any dungeon points?]

This seemingly arbitrary query left Alex momentarily speechless. He hadn't anticipated such a response. 


With a sigh, he exhaled deeply, contemplating his options. 

Turning inward, he mulled over a potential course of action. 'If my memory serves me well,' he thought, 'there's an F-rank dungeon scheduled to appear on the back of the mountain tonight. The Hunter Association won't discover it until three days from now. Should I consider a solo raid?

Alex's mind raced as he began to formulate a plan. 

This particular F-rank dungeon held a single, coveted skill card, capable of altering a hunter's fate with its discovery. The card's fortunate possessor would find their career elevated to new heights. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, one that Alex couldn't ignore.


The story of the person who stumbled upon and successfully raided this F-rank dungeon, an event so serendipitous it seemed almost too good to be true, was a tale of both triumph and tragedy. 

That individual a formidable hunter, had embarked on a journey that had thrust them into the limelight.

Upon returning from the dungeon, he shared his remarkable experiences and newfound skills during a high-profile interview.

His meteoric rise to prominence was nothing short of astounding. However, in a world where power and authority held sway, such revelations often invited unwanted attention.

Soon, those who coveted their newfound abilities and resented their rapid ascent began to exert pressure. 

The person who had once been celebrated was suppressed and marginalized. It was a harsh reminder that divulging one's skills and secrets to the world could lead to dire consequences.

Alex, however, viewed this situation differently. He recognized an opportunity amidst the turmoil. The person who had previously claimed the dungeon's rewards might not have fully comprehended the potential of his newfound abilities. 

He had laid his cards on the table for all to see, a mistake that Alex had no intention of replicating.

Instead, Alex aimed to capitalize on the person's revelation and utilize it for his own benefit. 

In a world where knowledge was power, he saw a chance to acquire a unique skill or ability that could prove invaluable on his journey. Unlike the individuals who had openly shared their achievements, Alex intended to play his cards close to his chest, biding his time until the right moment to reveal his newfound prowess.


In accordance with the World Hunter Association's regulations, when a gate to a dungeon appeared, it was strictly off-limits to all until the Association could assess its rank and determine the appropriate response. 

This could either result in the Association dispatching their own teams to clear the dungeon or selling the rights to private guilds.

Private guilds had no authority to enter dungeons independently; instead, they had to purchase the rights to explore dungeons from the Hunter Association.

This ensured a degree of order and control over the often dangerous expeditions into these mysterious realms.

With eight hours on hand until the scheduled event, Alex realized that his contemplation of the F-rank dungeon would have to wait. 'I should focus my mind on the upcoming test,' he decided. 

With that thought in mind, he made his way to the 7th floor, leaving behind thoughts of dungeons and potential treasures, at least for the time being.

Guys , all the chapters from now on will be interesting

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dibya_Palcreators' thoughts