
Reborn as Chara in the Multiverse

Have you ever woken up in an Anime world in the body of an Andragynous genocidal Child. Well That happened to me and now i am neither man or woman, Folliw me as i rage my way through the Multiverse. Ps:i won’t abandon this one…Maybe

Ender_Child · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

I Declare Myself The God/Godess of Loli’s and Shota’s?!!

"Shush, Frisk hold him" i said giving the saber to her, i reforged my knife ans used a fragment of my soul which hurt…a lot but i endured.

"Hello there Chil- Chara?" Toriel the goat lady or mom asked in a confused tone. "Hey mom it's been a few years i guess"

Well might as well act like chara if i'm an inter dimensional fate killer, I'm also a cute immortal loli….can't believe i just said that"I don't know how to express myself…but is that human girl your friend"

She asked in a curious tone. "Yeah this is Frisk" I said nonchalantly, this world is different from the undertale i remember, but if i do extinguish the lines of fate in this world i feel like i would suffer a huge mental backlash.

Asriel did not have a soul before if i remember, Well now he is frisk's weapon i guess cause i ain't using a big ass saber. I like my knife.

"Ah my child, i missed you, come along"

Lv 1

Well nice of it to remind me that, but i am not doing a genocide run. I followed her until we reached a purple room.

"Welocme to your new home child, Allow me to educate in the operation of the ruins, you can help her with it chara" She said with a smile and then walked on a puzzle and went into the door.

"A player is trying to control me…" Frisk said in annoyance.

I glanced at Frisk, noting the tension in her posture. "Well, that's not gonna fly," I muttered"

Currently in my eyes, countless lines were wrapping her body in an…Ero-Cough i meant misleading way.

I looked up to see a window looking straight at me, i did what the natural thing i could do, i severed fate and my eyes bled, well it didn't bleed by that much.

The lines on her body disappeared and she was back in control, Now i just probably Banned all players from interacting with

this 'undertale World'.

Next we went through the obstacles quite easily, The normal Undertale puzzles and also Toriel helping us for a bit.

After that we came to her house and she took us to a room. "you two can stay in this room for the time being"

After she left i looked straight at Frisk. "By the way i might need to fight asgore to get the Human souls and i'll probably leave this world"

"Oh….Well that's nice" She said tilting her head slightly.

"Sure, you can come along if you really want to" I said, i am not doing anything, no one will blame me for this.

Frisk then thought about it. "I mean i am sick of resetting just after finishing the story, i have committed Genocide on my own accord without the player's interaction though, I wouldn't mind something new"

"Great, you are now apart of my family, Which position do you want, Sister or Close friends?" Well might as well, i don't feel like being alone, so like a pokemon trainer i'll collect interesting people from different worlds and make them my Family. Also i don't really have any romantic feelings for frisk..

"Oh, Well I guess you're my brother now" She said and then immediately gave me a hug.

"…This is a disturbance to my privacy, release me yellow skinned girl" I asked with a dramatic tone.

"I could release something else you know*" She said with a wink…


"The sword you gave me" Oh no, did i just get flirted by female frisk. I stood there thinking about my life choices realizing why i entered this world in the first place.

*You are filled with REGRET.

Sigh you're here too

*Yes, i am here to tell you that your decisions set off a Karmic chain and now Frisk is not part of the world as of the effect of Sever Fate, All your abilities have sub-skills that are locked, you can unlock one chara Template when your Karmic debt Reaches 100.

What are the sub-effects of sever fate.

*Fate Extinguishing,Life Extinguishing, Luck Extinguishing, Pissing of fate itself, Stealing Karma, You are a threat to any divine entity and they will erase you once they realize it, Hate from all divine beasts, Love from divine beasts..

…Half of those are not subskills.

*Sounds like a skill issue

Fuck you too, I am calling you UI.

*You mean you are Un intelligent.

Kill yourself.

*Stop telling me to kill you.

Who the fuck do you think you are.

*Your father.

Jokes in you i am an orphan and i never had a father or mother?!

*…I am not going to lie, That's sad as fuck.

I know…..

After Frisk let go of me and when i was done talking to the Anti-Void, I took the sword. "Hey stupid flower, wake up"

"I am awake you little necrophiliac"

"I'll snap you in two little bastard"

"Oh yeah i dare you bitch"

"….Can i actually be called a bitch or a bastard now…hmmm, you're lucky i can't toss you into my inventory or i would have done it, anyway can you use your flower magic or something" I asked brushing of our initial argument.

"Yea i can, but if i were to use the human souls, i would become stronger Hahahh" He said with a laugh.

"You know you aren't asriel right?, you just have his memories" I said pointing out the obvious.

The Saber asked in annoyance. "Of course i know, i only have his memories not his attitude and personality"

(A/N:God Of Hyperdeath is gone…Say Hello To The Saber Of HyperDeath, Or the Omega Saber.)

"True, anyway's go fly my creation?!"


He immediately resounded as he felt on top of the bed. i then turned to frisk. "Ok my cute sister let's explore this world and leave it to go to another world"

"Ok can i come along?" Frisk asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way," I replied with a grin. "But let's make sure we're ready before we go gallivanting off into another dimension."

Frisk nodded, a determined look crossing her face. "So, what's the plan? We go straight for Asgore, grab the souls, and then peace out of here?"

"That's the gist of it. But before we get to the boss battle, there's a few things we need to tie up here. Can't leave any loose ends, you know?" I said, glancing towards the door Toriel had disappeared through.

Frisk raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Like making sure we don't destroy the world on our way out. Severing fate has consequences, and I don't want to accidentally collapse this reality while we're busy playing interdimensional hopscotch."

Frisk looked thoughtful. "Good point. So… what's the first step?"

"First, we check in with Toriel and make sure she's okay. Then, we figure out what to do about this world's fate now that we've cut the strings. We need to leave things stable enough that it doesn't all go up in flames the moment we step out."

"And after that?"

I smirked, gripping my knife a little tighter. "Then we go say hello to Asgore."

Frisk mirrored my grin, excitement sparking in her eyes. "Sounds like a plan, brother."

"Yeah," I said, feeling the weight of the task ahead. "Let's just hope we don't get too many more surprises along the way."

"I mean there is San's, Papyrus, Undyne the undying, Gaster probably, Flowey is taken care of already"

"Hey?!!, I'm not dead!!"

"Keep shut, the ones with physical bodies are talking" I said and the. continued listening to her.

"Well we don't really have to worry about some things, but we should stay here for a few days before doing that. that is after we convince Toriel to let us out of the house" She said gently.

I put my knife back into the inventory. "As the God/Godess of All Loli's and Shota's I hereby declare we shall take a brief vacation before plunging this world into chaos," I finished with a mock grandiose tone, trying to lighten the mood. Frisk snorted, a small smile tugging at her lips despite the gravity of our situation.

"Your decree, oh mighty loli deity, shall be obeyed," she said with a playful bow.

"But seriously," I added, my tone shifting to something more earnest, "we need to keep our heads on straight. The moment we step out of this house, we're in the thick of it. No more second chances."

Frisk nodded, her playful demeanor fading. "I get it. We've got one shot at this, and we can't afford to mess it up."

"Yeah you can't reset anymore since you aint apart of this world's Writings anymore" I said as we walked out the door.

"HEEEY Don't leave me?!!" Flowey shouted from the bed.

"Fine" I snapped my fingers and made it fly into my hands. And the. handed it over to frisk who immediately put Flowey inside her inventory.

"…What" She asked looking at me in confusion.

"Nothing, good job" After that we went to the living room where Toriel was. She was sitting on a rocking chair while knitting.

"Mother i demand for your attention" I said in a dramatic tone.

"What do you need My child?" Toriel asked, looking up from her knitting with a warm smile.

I straightened up, trying to maintain the mock seriousness. "Mother, we request your permission to leave the house and explore the ruins. We believe it's time we prepare for our… departure."

Toriel's smile faltered slightly, her eyes softening with concern. "Oh, my child, must you leave so soon? The world outside is dangerous, especially for a young human like you."

I sighed internally. This was going to be tricky. "I understand your concern, but we can't stay here forever. We have things we need to do, and staying in one place won't help us achieve them."

"…Sorry..but i can't let you go" Oh boy, welp it's Undertale style fighting i guess.

I exchanged a glance with Frisk, who nodded subtly. This was no surprise—Toriel was just as protective as I remembered. But I couldn't afford to stay here, not with everything at stake.

"Mom," I began, softening my tone, "we know you're worried. But Frisk and I are stronger than you think. We've handled worse before."

Toriel's gaze hardened, a look I'd seen only once before, back when I was Chara. "Strength isn't everything, my child. You may be powerful, but you're still children. This world… it's unforgiving. It's taken so much from so many. I can't bear to lose you too."

Her words tugged at something deep inside me, a remnant of the old Chara, maybe. But that wasn't me anymore, and I couldn't let her fear hold us back.

"Toriel," Frisk said softly, stepping forward, "we understand. And we appreciate everything you've done for us. But if we stay here, we'll be trapped. We'll never be able to move forward, and you'll never stop worrying about us. Please… let us go."

Toriel's hands tightened around the knitting needles, her knuckles turning white. "And if I refuse?"

I felt the air around us grow heavy, the tension almost palpable. I knew what had to happen, but I didn't want to hurt her. Not her.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. "Then I'm afraid we'll have to force our way out, Mom. We have a destiny to fulfill, and nothing can stop us from reaching it. Not even you."

Toriel's eyes flickered with sadness and resolve, the warmth replaced by a cold determination. She slowly stood up, setting aside her knitting. "If you truly believe you must go… then you'll have to prove it. Show me that you're ready to face the dangers ahead."

The room darkened as Toriel's magic began to gather, the air shimmering with power. Frisk and I readied ourselves, knowing there was no turning back now.

"Be careful what you wish for," I murmured, gripping my knife as the first flames began to form around her hands.

[*Toriel Challenges you]

Frisk Lvl 1 Hp 10/10

Chara Lvl 1 Hp 10/10