
Reborn as Bakugo brother(MHA)

An anime fan gets hit by a truck and meets a bad ROB wanting to throw him in a hypnosis hentai world as one the heroine. Sacrificing his wishes so he doesn’t get raped, he reincarnates in the world my hero academia as Katsuki bakugo’s brother. I’m new to writing so the chapters may be short, idk how to write long ones. Please give me any suggestion or comments, it would help me a lot.

H4zel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Child life

2 year timeskip. MC is 3 years old




Yep this is me. I'm currently three years old and on my first day of school. Wonder why I'm like this?

You see reincarnation sucks. Apparently you don't keep your mentality. So currently I'm being dragged to school by an angry mother and an annoyed brother. Oh how I miss my adult life.

And I also gained a nickname, I did not consent to. Since apparently Masayuki is too long to pronounce. Well it's not my fault my new parents gave me this name. I mean who have such bad naming sense that they would use parts of their name to name their child. I mean like Mit-SUKI and Kat-SUKI for my brother and MASA-ru and MASA-yuki for mine. Talk about lame.


"We're here so stop crying"

"Then promise me that you will buy me candy."

"Fine I'll buy you a candy AFTER you finish school"

"Yeah, candy."

Yes candy. The joy of every child. But not to worry I would not get baited by suspicious men in a white van offering free candy…hopefully.

Anyways it is time I take my first time to the world of education. Starting from kindergarten, I'm gonna make so my friends and show my genius to these underdeveloped kids.

"Yu come inside already"

"Coming Onii-Chan"

Holy shit so embarrassing.

I entered my kindergarten class and look who I found, our dear protagonist sitting alone on the floor. And so as the classic reincarnator I am I….don't approach him and sit alone in a corner myself. And watch my brother as he brag about how he is going to get an amazing quirk and be the future number 1 hero.

Katsuki is really like our mother, sometimes I'm a bit jealous about how he is like our parents. Unlike me, who is nothing like them at all. Our father is kind and hard working, and despite saying I'm like him, I totally disagree. I'm not the hard working kind, nor am I kind enough to say that it is one of my main traits.

Whatever don't want to think about all this complicated stuff.

"Am going to be a hero too. Just like all might."

Or so, says our protagonist. Now I see how they met each other. Whatever none of business.

"Now now, settle down future heros , I am your teacher you can call me Miss Kiyo"

I guess my kindergarten life starts now, hopefully I awaken my quirk soon, can't wait. Just 1 more year to go.