
Reborn as Bakugo brother(MHA)

An anime fan gets hit by a truck and meets a bad ROB wanting to throw him in a hypnosis hentai world as one the heroine. Sacrificing his wishes so he doesn’t get raped, he reincarnates in the world my hero academia as Katsuki bakugo’s brother. I’m new to writing so the chapters may be short, idk how to write long ones. Please give me any suggestion or comments, it would help me a lot.

H4zel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Another case of a reincarnation by truck-kun story

MC pov

"Finally finish. It's already night I don't even know why am I even staying up so late watching cliche harem isekai."

'I guess I feel really lost right now, just graduated and shutting myself in my room immediately after.' I used to think that life was just one straight path. Destiny exist after all, but I never in my life though I would be locked up at room binge watching shows I already watched.

Deciding to just not sleep and pull an all-nighter. I went out to nearest 24 hours convenient store to get a quick bite. Since my fridge aid empty after all.

As I walk outside my apartment . I look out into the empty streets, wondering if supernatural exist out there in this currently peaceful world. But alas a dream is just a dream.

As I walk I arrive at a traffic light. Since there were little to no cars and the distance of traffic light is extremely short, I just decided that J walking is a good idea since who uses the traffic light when there is no cars.


"What the fu-"


'What the hell was that, a truck? I swear to god it was not there at first err…I still want to live' My pathetic last thoughts before supernatural stuff happens

??? pov

"Another one bites the dust" lucky me gotten see who I get this time.

MC pov

'White'. I'm in a white place, very white place. 'Is this what people see in a mental asylum?'

"Why hello there young man"

'What? Whose there?'

"KONO DI- . Ehem excuse me, it's me the esteem ROB, the great wishing well and the dream of all fanfiction reader." Looking below I see a floating white man?

'NO NO NO NO NO. Impossible, this cannot be happening. NOOOO-'

The white man tilts his head "why? Not happy to see me?"

Oh shit I forgot ROBs are all privacy invaders. "I can read your thou-". Shit who the hell invented this fricking ROB concept I swear one day I will find this person and make him or her suff-.

"EHEM. Young man it is very rude to interu-"

'Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever whatever. Just get on with the reincarnation thing. '

"Yes yes, the reincarnation… wait? HOW DID YOU KNOW?!"


"So I will assume you already know what is going to happen. Anyways I will spin this wheel and whatever it lands on you will reincarnate there".

'Yeah yeah get on with it. I have no time for this.'

'Tch what an impatient young soul. Watch I'm gonna send this soul to the deepest pit of hell'

I watch as the wheel spins. And there sure are a lot of options from famous classics to cliche shit and hentai? But I'm not sure if I am seeing this correctly but why the hell is the white entity who say he is a ROB smirking right now?

I watch as the wheel roll, and finally lands on slice of life crossover but all of a sudden as if some wind just happen to pass by the wheel turn once more into hentai crossover.

'Shit that bastard must have played me'


"HAHAHAHA you should have seen the colour of your soul. HAHAHA yes I indeed did rig the wheel. IT WAS ME! THIS IS PUNISHMENT FOR DISRESPECTING ME, THE GREAT ROB! HAHAHA! Anyways time for your wishes, I wonder what you wish for, not so rude now are you? As usual three wishes."

'Look at this sucker it must truly regret what it though just now. I'm gonna make it regret it throughout it's new life. I gonna reincarnate him as one of those unfortunate females in NTR hypnosis hentai. I can't wait to watch this new entertainment.'

MC pov

'You though you got me didn't you?'

"What? What do you mean. "

'I have seen through it all. For my first wish, I wish to reincarnate in the the world of my hero academia. For my second wish, I wish to reincarnate as a male. For my third wish, I wish to reincarnate as the twin of one of the main cast. And your next words are HOW DID YOU KNOW'


'Omg I feel like a protagonist right now. Anyways see ya sucker HAHAHA'


And then everything when black.