
Reborn as an ugly goblin

Reborn in new and strange world with magic ,Horie finds himself reborn as a goblin suddenly having to be careful with every step. R18, Rape,NTR

Nicolas_Leonte_7501 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Typical isekai

Romania - Timișoara


In the sky of Romania a plane could be seen coming from Barcelona. In the plain along with sounds of people snoring, fliping pages of magazines and a childrens cries there is a man trying to sleep.

That's right ,,trying" , the man had dark cicles around his eyes showing that the man wanted to sleep but he couldn't, because of a child's cries.The mother of the child was trying to calm the child by singing a song or feeding him but the mother's efforts have proved futille.

My dark circles can guarantee that since they become even darker.That man's name was Horie and the more he listened to the chi- no ,to every single sound the people in the plane were making he became more irittated.

"Sigh , just my luck to stay side by side with this pair of mother and calde, i don't dislike kids or anything but i hear the same cries for hours, sigh".

The mother heard me sighing and couldn't help become irritated as well. I turned my head to look at her and now that i have a better view of her face she looked just a tired as i.

With a scowl she asked me"Is there a problem sir?"To which i responded "Sorry miss,i don't want to be rude at all, im just very tired".

She turned her head ,anger visible on her face as she is trying to ignore me.

Afterwards my toughts drift to the family enf home which awaits me.

"I have been in collage in Japan for 2 years and we haven't been talking much.I wonder how things changed."

But the most he was worried about was...

"Andrei should be 5 years old now, I hope he remembers me..."

Andrei was his little brother, when he left for collage in Japan he was 16 and Andrei was 3 years old.He loves his brother very much and before all the things with the part time jobs he had to do and collage he had to attend he was plaiyng with him most of the time.

Lost in his own toughts he failed to see the stewardess coming to his side.Her long blonde hair falling up to her big butt wich apparently can't be hidden even by her uniform.

"Hello sir ,is there anything you wish to buy?

We have from food to diferent vestimentary articles like watches, necklaces and so on."

Horie was a bit startled since he didn't pay attecion to his sorroundings and stumbled a bit in his words.

"N-no I don't w-want anything ,thank you."

The stewardess didn't said anything else and moved on to its next 'victim'.

"She sure is very exited to sell al her shity stuff.Well i ain't buying those even if you have a beutiful face or smile bitch."

"The prices for those are way to much and have bad quality.

Who would be stupid enough to buy those."

Just as he said so to himself he heard..

"Hello miss."

The stewardess turned over to se an old man in his seat with a big white beard calling to her.

"Can i buy that bracelet over there?"

The stewardess had a bigger smile on her face once she heard the items that she presented could be sold after all some of the money will go into her pocket.

She approached the near 80 old man and she happly showed other stuff too.

All while Horie looked at the situacion.

"Is he seriously considering buying a bracelet with 30 euros?It seems it is something else when you have the money"

He tought while looking at the old man wich had an absent minded almost stupid look in his face.

"Or he is just plain stupid"

Yet having a better look his eyes also wondered to the stewardess which had her H-cup melons bouncing as she happly presented the vestimentary items while the old man was enjoiyng the other "items".

"Or incredibly intelligent yet perverted old man. Also the stewardess is cunning but also stupid in her own way...makes her kinda cute"

The stewardess soon lives with a grin on her face proud that she could sell not only the bracelet but also a necklace and watch.

"He took his time to choose tho"

The suddenly the old man lookes at me with a grin that says "EAT SHIT FUCKER"while surely laughing în his mind.

"This fucker!!" While annoyed internely he was criyng.

"When im gonna have the courage to talk to a woman and get a girlfriend"

Even tho he says that he knew he won't ever have the confidence.

His parents are quite tradicional and taught him to be reserved and focus on his studies and work telling him that woman find attraction in a men well taught and that knows what he does plus a good job.

But years have gone by he reached 16 and he still didn't have a girl as a friend ,not "girlfriend", "friend".

"Sigh, at least I will see them soon and I won't leave anemone.Not for collage, not for jobs ,not for anything ..."

2 more houres pass by...

POV Cabin pilot (Richard)

"Hmm ,it seems that a storm is aproaching."

While saiyng that, the co-pilot Adi ,a rookie was being a bit nervious since this is his first ever fly not as a passanger but as a co-pilot .

"Sir Richard, should we be worried?

Richard gave a reassuring smile saying "Don't worry so much ,it isn't a big one to begin with and by the way it looks on the radar we might get our route to be the less affected zone from all of the storm."

"Alright" Adi didn't linger much on the subject having faith in Richard since he was a very relieble senior many times proving that he was a down to earth person with skills.

Horie POV

"It seem we are passing by a storm"

1 hour has passed and Horie's eyelids started to close however a sudden crash woke him up immedietly .

"What the hell is happening!"

The cries of the people on the plane fell on Horie's ears like thunder.

"The wing of the plane is on fire!"

"We are gonna die!"

The mother at my side was criyng while holding her child in her arms.

"Its alright, mommy is here ,everything will be alright"

I hurry to put my oxigen mask and brace myself for the impact seeing that everyone does the same

The vribracions of the plane as it decends could be felt trough my every bone of my body as not fear ,nor terror gripped his body... but regret.

"Sorry Mom."

The plane is rapidly decending and the ground could be seen clearer and clearer.


The plane lost his right wing entirely as flames began to spurt out.As the plane threatens to smash on the ground full of houses and people Horie shuts his eyes tightely but even so they couldn't hold the abundant stream of tears.


"Sorry that I couldn't be a better brother"

Just as he said so the plane chrushes the ground leaving only the screams of the people on the fround gravely hurt.

Hello i won't bother you with boring details

but this is my first novel and also, english is my second lenguage so im sure there will be error în my writhing, but even so I hope you enjoy it.

Nicolas_Leonte_7501creators' thoughts