
Forest of Chaotic Illusions! Part-6.

"The thing is, the great dragon festival already started the moment you woke up on the day and got ready to meet up with the dragon King…"

Ayla started to explain everything in great detail from the start.

"For the normal folk, the dragon festival is just a meeting of dragons that represent their respective clans, but that's not the case for all…"

"For the lower race, the 'Dragon Men' this is a rare festival where they organize various events… they decorate their houses and spend happy times with their families, etc…"

"For the adult dragons, this is the day when they get to see the representatives of their clan talk and debate with each other…"

At that moment, Ayla glanced at Selain and said,

"And the third thing that happens in this festival is an evaluation conducted for the young talents…"

Ayla sighed a bit before continuing.

"It's been a while since we saw a really talented kid; most are just plain disappointments nowadays…"