
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Livros e literatura
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34 Chs

028 - Heli Carrier

Alex was a level Two asset with the codename Bond. He hated the name that just because he was British and a spy automatically meant he was bond. His current mission was to extract data from a laboratory called the joint dark energy project and to stay on sight when a third entity infiltrated the compound. He was scrolling through the files when an alarm blared and it announced an immediate evacuation.

He just shakes his head while putting a finger to one ear. "Tower, this is bond. I recommend my immediate exfiltration of the location."

The chuckle of a feminine voice comes through his earpiece. "Sure. Begin exfiltration." No matter how much he got to know the girl on the other end something about the inflections in her voice unnerved him.

He at once moves and begins to run at above human speeds to a motorbike which is hidden in a corner. He lifts it up starts the engine but there is no noise. Silently it drives off into the distance.

"Is not this simpler. Is this not your natural state. It's the unspoken truth of humanity. That you crave subjugation. The allure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled, and in the end you will always kneel." Says Loki as he strolls through a crowd of kneeling people who are surrounded by his illusory clones.

A bald old man stands up and speaks. "Not to men like you."

"There are no men like me." Replies Loki with a smirk.

"There are always men like you." He says while raising his head, Loki just points his sceptre at him and proclaims. "Look to your elder people, let him be an example."

Loki fires a psychic beam at the man who now has a terrified expression. However, it is blocked by a red, white, and blue shield…

I hopped on the Quin-Jet as it flew off carrying the Proto-Avengers and Loki. I stayed hidden when Thor burst in and grabbed Loki and all the other shenanigans that ensued. I only moved after we reached the Heli-Carrier which I must say the movies don't give it justice.

I'm currently just standing there silently with a new cloaking device based off the reflective panels combined with holograms watching Banner and Stark talking science stuff when fury comes in and askes "What are you doing Stark?"

"I've kinda been wondering the same about you." Answers tony which just annoys the director more. "This was supposed to be locating the tesseract." Fury says.

Banner just says while being completely oblivious to the argument that the other two are starting. "The models up and its sweeping now, when we get a hit we'll have the location to within half a mile."

"We'll have the cube back no muck no fuss. What's Phase two?" continues Tony, before he drops a question which the director stays silent at for a split second.

Just as he is about to answer, Steve comes in a slams a hydra energy rifle on a bench. "Phase two is shield uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry the computer was moving a little slow for me."

"We gathered everything related to the tesseract. It does not mean tha…" Fury realising he's losing control tries to argue but was quickly interrupted by Stark. "I sorry nick but what where you lying about." Tony then turns a holocrine towards where nick and Steve are.

"Sorry director I was wrong, the world hasn't changed a bit." Steve declares in a tone mixed with sadness and disappointment.

There is a few seconds of disturbing silence which breaks by Natasha as soon as she enters the room. "Did you know about this?" asks Banner gesturing towards the screens with what looks to be ICBM schematics while looking Natasha in the eyes. I should see if I can get my hands on those it could help in some off our energy projects those I suspect we've already got them from the joint dark energy project, we'll see.

"You should think about moving yourself from this environment doctor." Says Natasha as Thor enters the room. He just responds with more aggression In his tone. "I was in Kolkata; I was pretty well removed."

"Loki is manipulating you. Continues Natasha in her ever-firm voice. "And you've been doing what exactly?"

"You didn't come here because I batted my eyelashes at you" She Quips letting a tiny bit of the shield she's spent years building. "I'm not leaving because suddenly you all get a little twitchy. I would like to know why shield is using the cube to build WMDs?"

"Because of him." Says fury pointing a Thor who questions with me as he points at himself. "Me?"

"We learned that we are hilariously outmatched." Fury states with a forlorn expression on his face.

Thor now with an expression that is a mix of confusion and indignation. "But my people only want peace with your planet."

"You are not the only world out there though are you, or threat." Shouts Fury, the room then descends into argument. As the atmosphere is getting louder, I notice that the sceptre on the counter is glowing slightly brighter than before.

The entire room goes silent when they all hear a slight feminine chuckle. I've been uncloaked for about fifteen seconds, yet they were all so entranced by the mind stone that didn't notice me. This entire situation is funny to me since this group of twats are going to save the world.

Instantly a few pistols are raised at my head. All heads are on me as I lean with my back against the window. "Your all idiots. You know that, right."

"Who are you." Says fury as he at once tries to take charge of the situation. My smile grows as I answer in a south-eastern British Accent. "It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm Seer."

"Is that your actual name?" Askes tony who has already put on his glove which is now pointing directly at their faces. "Now, now. Could you all actually lower your weapons. If I wanted to harm any of you, I would have just bought a nuke with me. Though I don't think that would harm some of us." I say glancing over at Thor and Banner. "Seer, is my name just like stark calls himself Iron-Man."

"If you truly don't mean us any harm, why did you sneak onto my ship." Says fury being the last one to not lower his weapon. I just snort and respond with, "Would you really have listened to a twenty something girl trying to speak to you about Loki."

"No, I wouldn't have." Says Fury lowering his weapon. He still has it in a grip where he could point it at me almost instantly.

"Anyway, I just thought that now you all know about aliens I better introduce myself." I said as I repositioned my back leaning against the glass wall, then continuing. "Though some of you have known a decade." As I turned my head to stare at nick again.

My smirk grows as I see a hint of surprise in his eyes, but before he can clarify I do it for him. "How's carol by the way...?"