
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Livros e literatura
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34 Chs

026 - Stuffs Really Kicking Off

[Bi-Frost, Asgard - 2010]

"The yotins must learn to fear me, just like once they feared you." Says Thor in a prideful tone.

"That's pride and vanity talking not leadership. You've forgotten everything I've ever taught you." Says Odin with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "A warriors Patien…"

"While you wait and be a be patient, the nine realms laugh at us. The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls." Says Thor interrupting his father to which Odin responds with a raised voice, "You are a vain, greedy and cruel boy."

Thor shouts back, "and you are an old man. And a fool."

Odin goes silent for a minute lowering his head. He then mutters quietly to himself. "I was a fool to think you were ready."

"Father?" Loki pretends to care for what is about to happen but Odin shouts at him to be quiet. "Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king. For your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms to the horror… and desolation of WAR!!!" Raising his voice again at the last bit he raises Gunginir and lighting shoots out of it as he inserts it into the Bifrost.

"You are unworthy of these relics. Unworthy of your title. YOU ARE UNWORTHY… of the loved ones you have betraye…" He stops lowers his gaze away from the pleading eyes of Thor as he then turns away before turning around and saying, "I now take from you your power, in the name of my father…and his father before him." Mjolnir fly into Odin's hand and Thor armour falls off. "I Odin. CAST YOU OUT!" With that a beam of light shoots out of Mjolnir on sends Thor flying into the Portal.

He then brings the hammer to his face and whispers, "To whomever possesses this hammer, may he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." He then throws it into the portal after Thor. He then collapses into his Odin sleep from exhaustion and despair.

[Back on Earth the day Previous.]

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the Donut." Shouts Fury.

"I told you I don't want to join your superhero boyband…" Says tony while lying his head in one hand while Nick takes a sip of his coffee.

"…I'm here to tell you, you haven't tried them all." Says Fury

Sorry to tell you Badassium has already been discovered but I've decided to keep the name in Tony's Honour.

Nick then takes tony back to his place in malibu where he goes on about the arc reactor being unfinished technology and how Howard was a founding member of shield.

Tony then goes on to synthesize his new element after Coulson says he has to leave the next day.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about Thor. I'll probably just keep an eye on things in case the butterfly effect changes anything as I'm not too interested in Thor at the moment. Those I Probably want to keep an eye on Harlem as well. Those I probably should keep a closer eye on Selvig and Foster.

[Flushing Meadows, New York]

Dozens of drones swarm out of the auditorium those after a few minutes some are destroyed by M1A2 Abrahams MBTs from Latham. They are coordinating with police and other national guard units to contain the damage. The response time was fairly quick once I pulled some strings.

Iron Man Flies by seeing a young peter parker about to be destroy by an army drone and lands in front of it to shield the kid but as soon as he lands the drone is obliterated by a depleted uranium sabot round.

A soldier quickly comes over a hoist Peter onto his shoulder before darting back to a Bradley. Mike found it weird seeing these vehicles in there green colour scheme since Nicole had grown up seeing them in the sandy colours as a kid. Iron man just nodded to the soldier before taking off but not before saying. "Stay safe, Kid." To the young Peter.

The fight with Tony and Rhodes against the drones is still epic even though there are a few less than originally. Those the energy released by two repulson beams colliding needs more research done. Also those electric whips are pretty cool and seem like a good way of delivering many volts to a target.

"Funny, how annoying one little prick can be." Says the senator as he gives tony his medal. Which in my opinion is the best thing to happen recently so I recorded it from every angle.

[Somewhere in Nevada]

Upbeat Jazz plays from a grey sedan as a man with a suit gets out and begins to fill it with gas.

Mike was rubbing his hands together ready to watch the show as he dived into the virtual popcorn.

The man in the suit walks in and past a young lady with long brown hair and a plaid shirt. He leans down debating internally whether to get frosted or powdered doughnuts, when the door opens and two guys come in with guns and shout to hand over the money.

"Don't move or I'll blow your head off." Says one.

"Who else is hear?" shouts another.

The man stands up and says, "I do." As he says that one of the robbers immediately point the shotgun at the man. "But, it's really more like a lease."

They ask him to toss over the keys for the car outside and he complies. They then turn back to the lady and demand her to put the cash in a bag they tossed at her.

"Excuse me I also have this gun?" says the man while holding a pistol non-threateningly.

"Slide it over."

After a tense exchange The man bends down and slides the gun to one of the men. However instantly he grabs a bag of flour and tosses it at the others head. In an act of amazing flexibility he crosses a distance of twenty metres in half a second, kicks the shotgun mid leap of the first guy causing it to fire into the floor. He then grabs it and uses it as a bat to knock both guys out.

"Sorry for the mess. I couldn't decide." He says as he places the shotgun next to the till then puts a pack of each donut on the counter.

Seeing that the woman is still frozen in fear with her hands up he puts down a twenty dollar note and says, "Keep the change." As he walks out. She then snaps out of it and askes. "What should I tell the police?"

He just shrugs and says, "Tell them those Thai boa tips really paid off." He then walked out and back into the car as jazz music begins to play again.

This is of course Phil Coulson. The best secret agent in the universe.

No, this is the best thing I've seen in a while.