
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Livros e literatura
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34 Chs

024 - Totally not a Filler

Mike had just had the most fun he had gotten in a while. His Drones opened the door as the jet landed he christened it the XF-19 Phoenix because it sounded cool. He metaphorically shook his head looking at the frame which had bent under the twenty plus G he had put it through.

He would need to work on this more. He had thousands of ideas for increasing its abilities.

[November 4th, "2001]

Joe was an analyst in the IRS and he just dropped the cup of coffee in his hand. His colleagues all looked over with a mix of looks. Some puzzled, some worried and some with smiles.

A friend of his that worked in the Massachusetts branch had just sent this over to him in D.C. saying that it concerned him what a newly registered S corporation.

He had been shocked that within two weeks of being created it had somehow purchased over twenty investment firms and over a thousand companies in the US alone. It has also sent applications for subsidiary companies in over twenty countries.

After a little digging, he found that it had also filed over twenty-five thousand applications with the patent office as well as over four hundred thesis anonymously posted on behalf of their authors by the corporation to various scientific journals.

Its name was the Augur Corporation and seemed to be keeping everything close to its chest. But according to his colleagues guess it was now evaluated at over nine-hundred and eighty billion USD by the estimated value of the companies it has subsumed. It was now one of the largest companies in the world.

He spent what felt like hours trying to figure out how to tell his superiors about his discovery and how on earth they pulled it off.

[Spencer, MA]

In reality Mike was just fed up of having to work through all his shell and had combined them all. In total you could say he is the richest person in the world. Well technically Sky was but after he had become fully active, she had taken a backseat and a few months ago told him she was pregnant.

He asked who but she had kept mum.

In other news he had started Project: wolf pack. It had been given to the newly resurrected Lucas and Jim had taken back the role of director of there intelligence networks. Simon had also taken over the investments and as currently crushing the stock market quietly with his new powers. Mike had finally fixed the problems with rampancy by just organizing the data from there uploads into a more linear path.

Claire had said she wanted to stay asleep until she could get a proper body and though he missed her, he understood.

There were so many projects running in the background that he felt like he was being overwhelmed. Even though he knew that he could keep up easily, he still felt like a human.

'I need to sort that out.' His entire consciousness thought for a split second stopping everything that he was doing throughout the laboratories.

His labs now span a dozen or so warehouses in the Spencer Compound. There were scientists and more refined-looking drones all over the place performing experiments and tinkering.

It turns out that though the huma mind was amazing when it came to menial labour he found it emotionally draining. He would need to build some super dumb artificial Intelligences for stuff like manufacturing.

Project wolf pack was a program to vet and check suitable candidates for a special operations group in the future. While they had some operatives and guards who had received a dumbed down version of Akkadian they were nowhere near as strong as even Black Widow let alone Captain America. He ignored the fact that sky, who had received both Akkadian and Erskine's Serum would probably be able to take on Steve and the Winter Soldier with a stretch even thought she had only really trained enough with them to not crush everything around her.

Anyway, they Lucas and Jim had picked out about a dozen candidates who were all veterans of the gulf war and other conflicts in the last twenty years. He also intended to include those from the upcoming Iraq and Afghani Wars.

Another one of their Assets an Officer Stacy in the NYPD had just had a daughter named Gwen. He had unintentionally interfered with whatever timeline he had actually found himself in, but at this point all he could do was kind of direct everything towards his goals. Oh, and you'll never believe who else was born a few months ago, Michelle Jones-Watson.

Now I was curious about this because in the MCU it was never revealed who her parents where. Hears the fun bit Michelle was born in a local hospital to a Grace Jones and Mike Watson. After doing some digging and after reaching the outside of the planet I figured out that it was a fake and I literally laughed my head off as a bunch of drones heads literally exploded from the power surge.

Yeah, I really need to find a way of fixing that.

Oh, and I found where Zola is hiding himself. I need to make sure that he doesn't find any of us when where travelling through the net.

I decided to class Beings like Me and Zola as Virtual Intelligences or Vis and a sentient program Like Jarvis or Ultron as Artificial Intelligences. Which in hindsight makes sense since I wasn't really built just copied.

I have also found the beginnings of a baby Jarvis on starks servers. I'm gonna have to stop snooping on them soon, too bad. Jarvis was not the only AI currently being built. The US government is currently working on one after 9/11 but I don't think they will be able to complete it if even I am struggling to make my own but then again were stuck in a comic book universe so anything goes I guess.

I'm so glad that Jim handles intelligence since we are currently monitoring over twenty thousand persons of interest. From Banner to Fury though he is a little tough to keep track of and keeps randomly popping up all over the place.