
Reborn as an American in the MCU

Nicole dies in a shocking way only to wake up as a baby in a universe that only existed in stories, The MCU. The only power she possesses is her knowledge of what will happen in this world. Cover by FireGirlSam Written by Avonturier Chimela This will be on Wattpad, RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Webnovel and Quotev.

Avonturier · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

022 - Cyberattack

(A/N: Please look at my Patreon if you are Interested. It is nine chapters ahead.)


[23:38 25th December 1996 – Pentagon, Washington D.C.]

Gary was throwing paper balls at a bin on the other side of the office. His job was to watch the computer in case any teenager tried to hack the servers as a joke. He was upset that he had pulled the short straw and had to stay during Christmas day. The computer let out a long tone before going blank.

He at once got his feet off the desk and stared at his screen which had now gone blank. He clicked with his mouse for a few second but nothing happened.

He slid over to his colleagues Desk which was the same, he tried checking all the desks but none of them worked. After rebooting his monitor all he saw on the screen was the login. He sighed as he entered his login.

It said your clearance has been denied. He then tried his emergency one which also failed. He went over to another and the same again. It then dawns on him that he had been kicked out of his own systems. He got up and ran over to the wall lifting the cover to a red button. He pressed the button, but nothing happened. After a few more tries he hurriedly went over to a phone a picked it up. All he heard was static.

"Shit." He cursed under his breath as ran to the doors of the rooms. They didn't budge. He tried tugging on them but stopped after a few seconds. He knew they wouldn't open and he didn't have signal down here.

He grabbed the fire extinguisher and started bashing on the door. After a few seconds he heard a shout on the other side.

"Is that you Lieutenant?" asked Gary thinking it was the patrolling guard.

"Uhhh…Yes, sir." Replied the Guard with hesitation.

"We have an underline. You are hereby ordered to open this door." Shouted Gary

After a few seconds heard a bang as the Lieutenant tried to break down the door. Then he heard them shout. "Stand Back."

He at once got away from the door and took cover behind a desk as he heard multiple shots fired out of a pistol. The door then burst open. As the lieutenant came through.

"Follow me" said Gary, as he headed to the stairs since whoever had just hacked them would have disabled the elevators if they could also get the door locks.

After a few shots from the guard to the door, he said. "Once we are on the ground floor you are to head outside and get your commander on the line and say a Major Parsons has called an underline and he is to contact the deputy secretary immediately." Said Gary as he motioned for the Guard to give him the pistol.

"Where are you heading, sir?" asked the guard as he handed Gary his sidearm.

"To cut the power." Said Gary

Mike cracked his neck as he browsed the digital files. He had figured out how to digitally construct a body and how to visualize files in an easy way for him to process. He only had a few minutes in real life before they cut the power to the hard drives, and he had to be out before then. He had a few key things to grab before he left.

Even if this was only a copy of himself it would be bad to be left behind and be caught by the US Department of Défense.

Firstly, he grabbed the files for all the nuclear research that they had ever done. Along with that was decades of flight test data and logistical structure data. The US had decades of tried and proven data on things like this which he would not be able to replicate without major hurdles.

Next, he went for technical patents. From the stealth coating on the F-22 to the formula for paint he took it all. He paused as he noticed the files for project Pegasus but upon looking at it sigh noticing that it was just what he already had.

He sent everything to his database and then moved onto the next target after covering his tracks as fast as possible.

[The Next Day – Oval Office]

Clinton looked at the documents of last night's happenings, while the secretary of defence explained what was happening. "It wasn't only us but several companies as well as Nasa were also hacked within the period of a few minutes. Not only that but Korea, Japan and Britain are all saying that they've had multiple hacks as well.

Also form what we can tell from the few assets we have left in Moscow, they have also had multiple penetrations of their defence and aeronautical industries.

He just let out a sigh as they continued to explain everything that had been taken.

"The worst bit is the nuclear data. They got everything." Said the secretary as he waited for a reply from the president.

After a few seconds he asked, "Do we have any idea who this could have been?"

[Back in The Helix]

The Helix was the name for the facility that ran Mike's brain. It was built in a way that could be expanded in the future and was located in the depths of the Canadian Wilderness.

He was overjoyed by the amount of info that his clones had managed to bring back. Now that he was fully operational he had full control of his facility and could tweak the output of the reactor to just suit his needs.

He had just finished sorting through the vast amount of data from all over the world. He felt exhausted but since he had no way of resting he immediately got to work on the first project with his superintelligence.

Project Homunculus.