
Reborn as a WHITE ZETSU

This is a story about an average guy who gets reincarnated as a white zetsu clone in the waring states era and his struggle to come to the top of the world form a genin level zetsu. I am new to writing so go easy on me. I don't own Naruto but only my self-created character.

ARSENAL_101 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


Authors note:-

Dialogues are in "...."

Thoughts are in '....'

Then there is the 3rd person's POV of the author and MC(do tell me if I should remove the part where MC talks in the 3rd POV)


Alex: "Well.....better get out of this place and see what's going on in the world right now."

Alex: "Yeah, I said that I would get out of this place in the last chapter.....but the question is how? will I have to dig my way up"

Said Alex realising that he did not have any way of leaving this place. As he focused on finding a way to get out of his predicament, he soon had an epiphany.

Alex: "hahaha how can I forget about the only jutsu that the white zetsu is famous for...Man, I think, I have become dumber by becoming a white Zetsu."

After that Alex walked near the wall of the cavity and imagined to pass through it. As a white zetsu he already instinctively knew the mayfly technique due is plant biology.

At first, he had been struggling to get out of the underground cave but after some trial and error, he figured out the mayfly technique, thus earning his freedom. After sneaking around and gathering some intel he found out that he is in the middle of a giant forest.

[After escaping the underground cave]

Alex: "Haa...Fresh air! I thought I would forever be trapped in that place..."

'Thank God! Zetsu can Instinctively use the mayfly technique or I would have been Screwed over.'

"Anyways let's look around a bit".

After which Alex searched the surrounding area for a couple of hours, only to stumble upon a small bandit camp located In a clearing hidden in the dense jungle.

Alex: "Hmm....better check out some more areas and find a shelter first. then I will think of getting some information about this place and what the current time is of the warring states era.

Putting the matter of bandits at the back of his head. Alex searched around the area some more and ended up finding a secluded cave.

Alex: "Hmm...this will do for now".

Saying that Alex covered up the entrance Cave with bushes and some fallen trees and went Inside of the cave. The cave was situated on the edge of a small hill covered by the tree line so it had a good vantage point and nobody could get there easily.

Having settled in the cave Alex notices the lack of hunger in his new body.

Alex: 'Hmm...looks like I didn't need much to sustain my body. Truly I have become a plant.....!'

Having said that he started to look at his body carefully as he couldn't do that inside the underground Cave.

Looking at his body the huge zigzag marking on his Stomach and Thighs. focusing on these marks on this body he felt like he could move them.

Alex: "Aah!..... What monstrosity is this?! Have become a tentacle monster!"

Alex exclaimed as he panicked because these marks opened up forming a big mouth, like a Venus flytrap. open in his stomach and thighs looking like it would devour its prey.

After his initial panic, Alex calmed down and remembered Zetsu's ability to form these maws to trap enemies and drain their chakra.

Alex: 'Well...I don't like these monstrosities'

willed Alex as the tentacles receded into his body like they never existed and Alex had a clean pale body devoid of any marks.

After that a hood-like mouth appeared around Alex's head and a small Venus flytrap-like toothy mouth appeared in each of his palms like Deidara.

Alex: "Now that's more like it"

said Alex as he finished with his looks and arranged the cave to make a makeshift bed with some leaves and grass.

'haah....I am too exhausted to do anything else right now!'

He mumbled as he lay on the bed and went into the world of dreams being too mentally exhausted from all the ordeal that had happened with him.

[1 week Later]

It has been a week Since Alex Settled in the empty cave. After thinking about it a bit, He thought about mastering all the basic abilities of zetsu before venturing out into the wild.

[Alex's Pov]

"Hmm..."Looking at a clone in front of me, what I saw was an Identical replica of myself staring at me.

'It seems to function as a Shadow Clone jutsu but rather than disappearing when it gets damaged, my clones are telepathically linked to me as the main body and others as extensions like a hive mind kind of network like my PC that was connected to the data server....it's more like the paths of pain but that have my brain....cool but this technique strains my mind, and I am not the Gedo statue no wonder Zetsu was dumb '.

"Damn! Does it take So much Chakra to make a clone like this!!"

'It is probably because I became pre-canon Zetsu? and my chakra is shit'

"Probably... If only I had the Hashirama's cell... In the cannon everyone and their cat has it!....".

Now I have mastered the mayfly technique and the clone technique. So, I am guaranteed to not die outright. Thought that I called the clone back to merge with my body and the clone merged with my body like a symbiote.

"Haah!... feels good to have my chakra mind in one place...it was a bit strange looking at myself from a different perspective."

Feeling rested and ready to move forward Alex decided to venture outside to gather information about his surroundings.

'Hmm....I should go out now and gather information from the bandit camp that I had previously found. on top of that I, also have a couple of techniques that I have to practice. That is the Substitute technique and spore technique of Zetsu.'

saying that Alex went out of the cave. ready as he'll ever be for his adventure in the ninja world.


well guys this is the first chapter of the fic. so do give your review on the chapter and the topic of Zetsu and its powers.

Also, I don't have patrol and I am doing it only because I like it so do give me some power stones.